Container |
Contents |
Box 21 |
[office folder] 5
Indicators of Unclear Purpose. |
[office folder]
Proposal for Home Mission Project. 'Red' Boyles. |
Letter from E. L. 'Red' Boyles to John Wimber regarding a proposal for
home mission project. December 28, 1979. |
Articles and notes about
invoking the Spirit. |
Letter from Diane Jolicoeur to John Wimber regarding |
the AVCC National Leader's
Conference. July 9, 1997. |
"The Church: Healing's
Natural Home?" Leadership. 1985. Spring |
Quarter. p. 116-127. |
[office folder]
Personal Career Assessment. |
[office folder] Rock
Generation Church. |
[office folder] L. M.
People Grow. |
"Let My People Grow."
David Pawson. |
"Let My People Grow: A
Proposal for Concerted Effort in |
Evangelism." London,
England. |
"Let My People Grow."
Eternity. May, 1975. p. 12-16. |
[office folder]
Stewardship. |
[office folder]
Project Assignment Form. |
[office folder]
Christian Leadership Letter. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. January, 1973. [2 copies] |
Christian Leadership
Letter. March, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. April, 1973. [2 copies] |
Christian Leadership
Letter. May, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. June, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. July, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. August, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. September, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. October, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. November, 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. December 1973. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. January, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. February, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. March, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. April, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. May, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. June, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. July, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. August, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. September, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. October, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. November, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. December, 1974. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. May/June, 1975. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. September, 1975 |
Christian Leadership
Letter. February, 1976 |
Christian Leadership
Letter. March, 1976. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. April, 1976. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. June, 1976. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. July, 1976. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. August, 1976. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. September, 1976. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. January, 1977. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. December, 1977. [2 copies] |
Christian Leadership
Letter. January, 1978. [2 copies] |
Christian Leadership
Letter. February, 1978. [2 copies] |
Christian Leadership
Letter. May, 1978. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. June, 1978. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. November, 1978. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. October, 1979. [2 copies] |
Christian Leadership
Letter. December, 1979. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. February, 1980. |
Christian Leadership
Letter. April, 1980. [2 copies] |
Christian Leadership
Letter. May, 1980. |
[office folder] U.S.
Army Chaplain Center and School Family Therapy. |
[office folder] Drama
and Dance. |
[office folder] Way
of Life Pastor's Fellowship. |
[correspondence] Jack
Sims of Maranatha! Music to John Wimber. |
March 20, 1980. |
[office folder]
Unique Dynamics of the Small Church. |
Unique Dynamics of the
Small Church. Carl S. Dudley. |
[office folder]
Parish Paper. |
The Parish Paper.
Vol. 8, No. 9. March, 1979. |
The Parish Paper.
Vol. 8, No. 10. April, 1979. |
The Parish Paper.
Vol. 8, No. 10. May, 1979. |
The Parish Paper.
Vol. 8, No. 12. June, 1979. |
[office folder]
Congregational Goals Discovery Plan. |
[office folder]
Maranatha! Music Seminar. |
Memo to Chuck Smith from
Jack Sims regarding incorporation |
documents and procedures.
cc: John Wimber, Randy Swanson. March 29, 1979. |
Maranatha! Music Seminar.
Financial Planning for Artist |
Communicators. |
[office folder]
Articles - domestic. |
"Prayer and Java."
Lisa O'Neill. Anaheim Hills News. November |
18, 1993. |
[correspondence] From
Kevin Springer to Dr. John Vooys |
regarding the book
Wonders and the Word. October 6, 1989. |
Review: New Book
Disappoints. Harry Loewen. Mennonite |
July/August, 1989. |
"John Wimber Holds KCF
Conference." Michael Sullivant. Grace |
City Report: Kansas City
Metropolitan Edition. Vol. 2, No. 4. July, 1989. |
Christian Research
Institute evaluation of The Vineyard. Elliot Miller |
and Robert M. Bowman Jr.
February, 1985. |
"'Signs and Wonders' Back
in School?" Marjorie Lee Chandler. |
Today. p. 56. |
Assessing the Wimber
Phenomenon. Dr. Don Lewis. |
[correspondence] From
Kevin Springer to Louis Sibley of Eternity |
Magazine regarding
an article in the July/August, 1987 issue. October 1,
1987. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Terry Montgomery regarding |
an article by James
Loftness. |
"Powerfully Misleading."
Walt Chantry. Eternity. July/August, |
1987. p. 27-29. |
"Wimber and Wonders - What
About Miracles Today?" Grant |
Wacker. The
Reformed Journal. April, 1987. p. 16-19.
[2 copies]. |
The Reformed Journal.
Vol. 37, No. 4. April, 1987. |
"Assessing the Wimber
Phenomenon." Don Lewis. |
[audio cassette]
Reply to Fuller Theological Seminary. William |
Walker. |
Letter from Pastor Paul
Ries of Calvary Chapel in response to article |
in Passport Magazine
regarding John Wimber. April 8, 1988. |
"Impressions of the Wimber
Conference." Parish Magazine. |
"An Appraisal of the Signs
and Wonders Movement." Ken L. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. January - March, 1988. p.
57-82. |
"Power Healing: It's For
Today." John Wimber. Aglow. |
July/August, 1988. p.
6-7, 16-17. |
"How Then Can We Live?"
John Wimber. Christian Conquest. |
July/August, 1988. p.
15-17. [2 copies] |
[correspondence] From
Stephen Simpson of Charles Simpson |
Ministries to John Wimber
regarding Wimber's article "How Then Can We Live?" in the
July/August, 1988 issue of Christian Conquest. |
"Observation On the
Charismatic Movement." Dr. David R. Reagan. |
April, 1989. |
[folder] Looking at
Leadership seminar materials. May 30 - 31, 1995. |
[folder] Vision
Casting seminar materials. October 3 - 4, 1995. |
[office folder]
Leadership Article. |
[correspondence] Coco
Collins to Leadership Subscription Service |
regarding one-year
subscription. May 3, 1985. |
[correspondence] From
Dean Merrill of Leadership to John |
Wimber regarding February 1
meeting. January 4, 1985. |
[correspondence] From
Dean Merrill of Leadership to John |
Wimber regarding summary of
the February 1 meeting and also honorarium and expenses.
February 13, 1985. |
[office folder] New
Wine Magazine. New Wine Article |
Signs and Wonders.
John Wimber. New Wine Magazine. May, |
1985. p. 6-10. |
[correspondence] From
Bruce Longstreth, editor of New Wine |
Magazine to John
Wimber regarding an interview. January 17, 1986. |
[correspondence] From
Jackie Conn, editorial assistant of New |
Wine Magazine to
John Wimber regarding an interview. October 30, 1985. |
[correspondence] From
Bruce Longstreth, editor of New Wine |
Magazine to John
Wimber regarding an interview. May 16, 1985. |
[correspondence] From
Bob Bruce, administrative editor of New |
Wine Magazine to
John Wimber regarding an interview. February 16, 1985. |
[office folder]
Miscellaneous: pre-1993. (2 of 2) |
Debbie Port to John Wimber regarding healing |
ministry. [n.d.] |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Sam Thompson of VCF |
Anaheim regarding Ed
Piorek's five year plan. May 29, 1986. |
[correspondence] From
Randy and DeAnne Clark to John Wimber |
regarding their new work in
St. Louis. |
[correspondence] From
Dave Dresser to John Wimber regarding |
tapes of songs by Don
Austin. March 27, 1986. |
[correspondence] From
Mark Foreman, Area Coordinator for |
New England, to John Wimber
regarding seminars and John Wimber coming to New England.
November 6, 1985. |
[correspondence] From
Carl Tuttle to John Wimber. |
[correspondence] From
Lee Bennett to John Wimber. February 26, |
1986. |
[correspondence] From
Bob Craine to John Wimber regarding the |
V.M.I. December meeting in
Palm Springs. December 23, 1985. |
[correspondence] From
John McClure to John Wimber regarding |
the creation of a new
church. August 27, 1985. |
[correspondence] From
Lee Bennett to John Wimber. January 7, |
1986. |
[correspondence] From
Sharon Moody to Coco Collins. January |
22, 1986. [attached]
Letter from John Calbom to Lee Bennett. January 16, 1986. |
[correspondence] From
Jim McDonough to John Wimber regarding |
Palm Springs. January
16, 1986. |
[correspondence] From
Brad Wilson to John Wimber. October 11, |
1985. |
[correspondence] From
Jim Padgett to John Wimber regarding |
meeting on October 20.
November 27. |
[correspondence] From
Sam Thompson to Bob Fulton regarding |
Hal and Kay Brown.
May 5, 1986. |
[fax correspondence]
From Ron Ford to Ian Pritchard regarding |
NZ (New Zealand?) 1992;
communications with John Mullis. July 26, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Law to John Wimber. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Eric and Peggy |
Stovesand. December
19, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Davis Hill. December 20, |
1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Scott Horn. December 20, |
1991. |
[correspondence] From
Ted Lawler to John Wimber regarding |
leaving the Vineyard
because of Kansas City Fellowship. July 1, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Ron ? to John Wimber. June 23, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Dave Shaw to John Wimber regarding a |
letter from Ken Raasch.
March 26, 1991. |
[correspondence] Card
from Emily McNichols to Carol Wimber. |
November 15, 1990. |
[correspondence] From
James Ryle, Pastor of the Boulder Valley |
Vineyard to John Wimber
regarding David and Mary Pytches. |
[survey] From Randy
Lindros to John Wimber. March 5, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Steven Todd to John Wimber regarding |
Bob Jones. November
26, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Chad Addie of Team Vineyard Youth, |
Midwest/Ohio Valley
Regions. December 1, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
James Ryle, Pastor of Boulder Valley |
Vineyard regarding
accepting Danny Daniels back into the ministry. October
30, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Jonathon and Diane Smith to John Wimber |
regarding Carla Brewington.
December 10, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Jonathon Smith to John Wimber regarding |
the Venice Vineyard.
March 17, 1992. |
"Vineyard Church Sprouts."
Alva James. The Post-Standard. |
February 8, 1992. |
[correspondence] From
Robert B. Oliver to John Wimber expressing |
support. October 15. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Larry Kroll, Pastor of |
North Bay Vineyard,
regarding project proposal. November 13, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Lance of Vineyard Christian Fellowship |
South Shore Inc. to John
Wimber and Kenn Gullickson regarding meetings. November
26, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Dan to Carl Tuttle regarding divorce case |
in U.S. Supreme Court.
December 6, 1991. [case information and materials
attached] |
[correspondence] From
James Ryle of Boulder Valley VCF to John |
Wimber regarding
Deuteronomy 22:9. December 3, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Bob Oliva to Ken regarding conversation |
with Ken Kwan.
November 22, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Ed McGlasson to John Wimber. |
[correspondence] From
Chip Smith to John Wimber regarding his |
removal from a position as
associate pastor. February 10, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Larry Kroll to John Wimber regarding an |
album of Vineyard songs.
October 2, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Steve Robbins regarding |
scholarships for the
Healing '92 Conference. November, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Ralph Grover, Pastor VCF Lewiston Maine, |
to John Wimber.
October 25, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Michael Brodeur to John Wimber regarding |
a possible conference in
San Fransisco. October 17, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Paul Barnes. November |
15, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
Gregg Caruso to John Wimber regarding |
Tom Pelton and finances.
December 26, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Larry Kapchinsky. |
Greeting. January 15,
1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Larry Kapchinsky. Thank |
you. January 15,
1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Larry Kapchinsky regarding |
concerns over K.F.C.
January 15, 1991. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Bob McGee regarding |
September 17, 1990. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Bob McGee regarding |
separation from the
Vineyard. September 17, 1990. |
[correspondence] From
Bob McGee to John Wimber regarding |
mission of the Vineyard.
Decemeber 12, 1989. |
[correspondence] From
F. Douglas Pennoyer, Director Intercultural |
Institute of Missions, to
John Wimber regarding a manuscript for Regal Books.
January 9, 1989. |
Ecumenical Conference
Planned. New Covenant. June, 1985. p. 35 |
[correspondence] From
Rebecca L. Brockman , Global Church |
Growth Managing Editor, to
John Wimber regarding deadline. June 25, 1987. |
[correspondence] From
Amy E. Kezerian to John Wimber regarding |
a National Geographic
article "Born-Again America." February 8, 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Ronald Reagan regard a copy of Power |
November 21, 1986. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Alewyn Burger, Manager of SA Renewal
regarding publishing. September 23, 1987. |
[correspondence] From
Tic Long to John Wimber regarding National |
Youth Workers Convention.
June 9, 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Marilyn Hanson to Coreene Garrison |
regarding John Wimber's
travel to Dallas. September 28, 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Jackie Mitchum, 700 Club Guest |
Coordinator, to John Wimber
regarding interview. October 26, 1987. |
[correspondence] From
Chuck Apperson to Steve Zarit regarding |
radio ministry.
February 26, 1986. |
[newspaper clip] [picture]
"Jesusfolket tillage i Københaun" |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Charlotte Saikowski. July |
17, 1987. |
[correspondence] From
Marilyn Hanson of Vineyard Ministries |
International to Lynn Smith
of the LA Times - Orange County regarding materials from
John Wimber. November 28, 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Marilyn Hanson of Vineyard Ministries |
International to Dr.
Douglas Pennoyer of Seattle Pacific University. May 2,
1989. |
[correspondence] From
Marilyn Hanson of Vineyard Ministries |
International to Christian
P. Lodweyk of Christian Accord International. August 28,
1989. |
[correspondence] From
Tara to John Wimber. April 11, 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Charlotte Saikowski of The Christian |
Science Monitor
Washington News Bureau to Stephen Zarit of Vineyard Ministries
International regarding the Healing '87 conference. July
17, 1987. |
[correspondence] From
Stephen Zarit of Vineyard Ministries |
International to Charlotte
Saikowski of The Christian Science Monitor Washington
News Bureau. August 16, 1987. |
[correspondence] From
John Wimber to Steve Zarit regarding |
Charlotte Saikowski and
copies of articles. August 3, 1987. |
[correspondence] From
Charlotte Saikowski of The Christian |
Science Monitor
Washington News Bureau to John Wimber regarding copies of
articles. January 11, 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Amy Kezerian Research Staff to John |
Wimber regarding
National Geographic article "Born-Again America."
March 22, 1988. |
[envelope] |
"Fellowship: Environment
for Discipleship." John Wimber. First |
February, 1985. p. 3-5. |
"Following Christ into His
Harvest." John Wimber. Equipping the |
Saints. Second
Quarter, 1994. p. 4-7. |
"The Value of Small Groups
in the Church." John Wimber. |
Equipping the Saints.
Vol. 8, No. 1. Winter, 1994. p. 4-7. |
"Freed to Be Holy."
John Wimber. Equipping the Saints. Vol. 4, |
No. 1. Winter, 1990.
p. 4-7, 21. [2 copies] |
"Pure Hearts." John
Wimber. Equipping the Saints. Summer, |
1989. p. 10-14,
19-20. |
"Fellowship: Strength in
Troubled Times." John Wimber. Equipping |
the Saints.
March/April, 1989. p. 4-5. |
"Ministry: God's Love in
Action." John Wimber. Equipping the |
May/June, 1989. p. 4-5. |
"No Shortcuts to Maturity."
John Wimber. Equipping the Saints. |
July/August, 1989. p.
2-4. |
"Sent into the Harvest
Field." John Wimber. Equipping the Saints. |
September/October 1989.
p. 2-4. |
"Why Must Christians
Suffer?" John Wimber. Equipping the Saints. |
Winter, 1988. p. 2-3,
14-15. |
"The Cross." John
Wimber. Equipping the Saints. Spring, 1988. |
p. 2-4, 7 |
"John Wimber Calls It Power
Evangelism." John Wimber with Kevin |
N. Springer.
Charisma. September, 1985. |
"Unity and the Withdrawal
of Endorsement from the Toronto |
Blessing." John
Wimber. Vineyard Reflections. July, 1996. |
"Sacrificial Living."
John Wimber. Equipping the Saints. Vol. 7, |
No. 2. Spring, 1993.
p. 4-6. |
"Sent into the Harvest." John Wimber. Equipping the Saints. |
Vol. 7, No. 3. Summer
p. 18-20. |
[envelope] |
"From the Archives: Wimber
on Worship. Interview by Stuart |
Townsend with John Wimber.
Cutting Edge. Vol. 9, No. 1. Spring 2006. |
Loose handwritten notes
[various subjects] |
"Interview with John Wimber."
Interview with Mark Manley of |
Capitol Radio and Dot
Mitchell of New Vision. |
Introduction to "Power
Healing." Richard J. Foster. |
"Power Evangelism:
Definitions and Directions." John Wimber. |
[manuscript] |
"Anger" in the Bible.
John Wimber. June 9, 1997. |
"Leadership & Church
Planting: Lecture Notes & Conference |
Reader. John Wimber.
September 20-23, 1994. |
London/Manchester/York '96. May 29 - June 9, 1996. |
[correspondence] From
Caireen Terryberry to Shari Richardson |
regarding international
conferences. April 23, 1996. |
JRW London/Manchester/York
Itinerary. [2 copies] |
[correspondence] From
Shari Richardson to John Wimber. June 6, |
1996. |
Terry's Travel Service. |
Faxes regarding the
conference. |
London/Manchester/York Team
List & Information. May 30 - June |
10, 1996. |
Fax from Robert Hagan to
LeAnn Schulz regarding hotel |
accommodations. May
22, 1996. |
[correspondence] From
Bill Christensen to John Mumford/Ian |
Pritchard regarding people
accompanying John Wimber to London. May 28, 1996. |
Itinerary Invoice. |
Terry's Travel Service.
To John Mumford. |
Terry's Travel Service.
To Shari. |
Terry's Travel Service.
To AVC. |
Itinerary Invoice. |
Terry's Travel Service. |
Terry's Travel Service. |
Terry's Travel Service. |
Itinerary Invoice.
Attention Shari Richardson. |
Terry's Travel Service. |
[correspondence] From
Shelly Bickle of Terry's Travel Service to |
Shari Richardson.
March 21, 1996. [2 copies] |
Train schedules. |
Gold MasterCard Statement.
April 3, 1996. |
Terry's Travel Service.
Air fare. |
Terry's Travel Service.
First-Class. |
Terry's Travel Service.
Flight out of Manchester. |
Terry's Travel Service.
Arrangements with United. |
[correspondence] From
Bill Christensen, VMI Manager to Steve |
Nicholson of Vineyard Christian Fellowship Evanston
regarding invitation to speak. March 11, 1996. |
[correspondence] From
Shari Richardson to Shelly Bickle regarding |
Rich Nathan and his team on
the trip. March 8, 1996. |
Terry's Travel Service.
Sending itineraries and rates. March 5, 1996 |
[correspondence] From
Christy Wimber to Bill Christensen regarding |
list of names for the
London/Manchester/York trip. February 28, 1996. |
[correspondence] To
Shelly Bickle of Terry's Travel Service. |
March 4, 1996. |
Handwritten notes. |
Memo: From Bill Christensen
to John Wimber regarding London, |
Manchester, and York, 1996;
Shari Richardson. February 27, 1996. |
[correspondence] To
'Host Family' from Bill Christensen. May 9, |
1996. [3 copies] |
Calendar: June 1996. |
Memo from Bill Christensen
to Shari Richardson regarding the |
Manchester conference on
June 3-6, 1996. August 22, 1995. |
[folder] London/South
Africa '96. |
Assorted travel materials |
[folder] Hour of Power
Interview (Crystal Cathedral - November 10, 1996) |
Phone message slips. |
Itinerary for John Wimber.
Hour of Power Telecast. November |
10, 1996. |
Interview with John Wimber. |
[fax] Address list. |
[correspondence] From
Gretchen Penner, Director of Programming, |
to John Wimber regarding
confirmation of visit. October 22, 1996. |
[folder] Schuller's
Conference - January '97. |
1997 Robert H. Schuller
Institute for Successful Church Leadership. |
Schedule. [2 copies] |
[correspondence] From
Shari Richardson to Crystal Cathedral |
regarding ministry team.
January 28, 1997. |
[correspondence] From
David Tyler Scoates, President of Robert |
Schuller Ministries, to
John Wimber regarding copy of biographical information. |
Robert H. Schuller
Institute for Successful Church Leadership. |
January 27-30, 1997.
Registration form. |
Phone message slip. |
[correspondence] From
Shari Richardson to David Tyler Scoates |
regarding John Wimber bio.
October 9, 1996. |
[fax] From Shari
Richardson to Holly, Robert H. Schuller Institute |
for Successful Church
Leadership, regarding bookstore ordering department. |
[office folder]
Church Growth Teaching Aids. |
Box 22 |
Mary: Model of Faith. John Wimber [Journal/Magazine article(?) proof] |
[Advertising Postcard] The Worship Festival. August 3-9, 1992. |
Langley, British Columbia, Canada |
Envelope. |
"What is the condition of
the Church today?" |
Power Evangelism.
Lecture #2. |
Power Evangelism.
Mercy Publishing, 1988. |
Power Evangelism: Signs and
Wonders and Church Growth, Part 1. |
Lecture Notes. Mercy
Publishing, 1988. Birmingham, April, 1988. |
"Jesus, the God-Man."
March 1, 1988 |
"Guidance." Peter
H. Davids. February 11, 1988. |
[folder] TBN -
Scripture. |
"A Book to Reverence."
Vineyard Ministries International, 1986. |
"A Book Which is
God-Breathed." Vineyard Ministries International, |
1986. |
"How Scripture Came to Us."
Vineyard Ministries International, |
1986. |
"A Book of Authority - Part
One" Vineyard Ministries International, |
1986. |
"A Book of Authority - Part
Two" Vineyard Ministries International, |
1986. |
"A Book Which Reveals God."
Vineyard Ministries International, |
1986. |
"A Book of God's History."
Vineyard Ministries International, |
1986. |
"A Book of Prophecy."
Vineyard Ministries International, 1986. |
"A Book of Demonstrating
Salvation." Vineyard Ministries |
International, 1986. |
"A Book Producing
Growth." Vineyard Ministries International, |
1986. |
"A Book To Be Interpreted
- Part One." Vineyard Ministries |
International, 1986. |
"A Book To Be Interpreted
- Part Two." Vineyard Ministries |
International, 1986. |
"A Book To Be Interpreted
- Part Three." Vineyard Ministries |
International, 1986. |
References Cited.
Scripture. Vineyard Ministries International, 1986. |
Keys to Analyzing
Scripture. |
Word Studies in Genesis
One. |
Introduction. John
Wimber. |
Power Evangelism.
Mercy Publishing, 1988. p. 9-17. |
"What the Holy Spirit is
Saying to the Church Today. |
[correspondence] From Robert Hughes, Royalty Manager, |
Harper Collins Publishers
to John Wimber. April 1, 1993. |
"Healing Seminar.
John Wimber. 1985. |
Handwritten notes. |
Calvary Chapel church
Bulletin. October 6, 1985. |
[folder] God's
Announcement of His King / Birth Story [DT -- Luke].
December 6 - 24, 1992. |
"The Pleasures of God."
p. 56. |
Power Points. General
and Special Revelation. January 19, 1992. |
Prophecy. NIV Nave's
Topical Bible |
"The Presence and the
Power." Gerald F. Hawthorne. Chapter 2: |
The Spirit in the
Conception and Birth of Jesus. 1991. p. 52-97. |
"Understanding the
Trinity." Alister McGrath. Chapter 6: The |
Incarnate God -- Jesus
Christ. 1988. p. 95-109. |
"The Quotable Lewis."
Martindale & Root. Incarnation. p. 328-333. |
"Luke: Historian and
Theologian." I. Howard Marshall. Chapter 4: |
The Theology of Salvation.
1989. p. 94-103. |
"On Christian Truth."
Harry Blaunires. Chapter 15: The Incarnation. |
1983. p. 72-77. |
Luke 1:5-56 Commentary.
p. 805-809. |
Luke 1:10 Commentary.
p. 1187-1191. |
"Healing '87 Workshop:
Ministering to the Demonized." Carol Wimber & |
Gloria Thompson.
Mercy Publishing, 1987. |
[folder] |
"A Theology of the New
Testament." Chapter 35: The Law. p. |
495-511. |
Sheet music. |
[folder] JRW - Power
Point #5 The Holy Spirit Chapter 8 - H/S |
[folder] Prophecy -
Workshop. |
[folder] Feminist /
Women's Ordination. |
[folder] Wealth &
Poverty: 4 Views. Edited by Robert Clouse. |
Healing Seminar. John
Wimber. 1985. [translated into Haitian Creole by |
Fritz G. Gelin. June,
1988.] |
"Leader of 'Third Wave'
holding fairground rally of his 'Power Evangelism.' |
Greg Garrison. |
[envelope] |
Holiness and the Power of
God. John Wimber. p. 29-30, 37-38. |
"Equipping the Saints:
Evangelism in the Power of the Holy Spirit." |
Lecture Notes. Mercy
Publishing, 1988. |
How to Deal With the Devil.
Materials from Tom White. |
Suffering - Sessions One -
Thirteen. |
Ministry in the Power of
the Holy Spirit. Mercy Publishing, 1988." |
"Christ Manifested."
John Fletcher. 1968. [photocopied] |
Wimber, second, JW88072.
How Can We Live: Sounding a Call to the |
Church to be Watchmen.
John Wimber. July/August. |
Summary of phone
conversation with Greg Brandenburg, Marketing |
Manager of Harper & Row.
March 22, 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Janice M. Johnson, Editorial Manager of Harper |
& Row Publishers, to John
Wimber regarding Richard J. Foster's book "Celebration of
Discipline." March 16, 1988. |
Issue Plans -- Equipping
the Saints, Theme: Restoration. Vol. 2, No. 3 -- |
Summer, 1988. |
[folder] |
Chapter 1: The Dynamics of
Spiritual Growth. |
Chapter 2: A Revealing God. |
Chapter 3: Why Believe the
Bible? |
Chapter 4: One God, Three
Persons. |
Chapter 5: Who Do You Say I
Am? |
Chapter 7: The Cross. |
Spiritual Warfare: Holiness
and the Power of God. John Wimber. p. 31-36. |
"The Call to be Prophetic."
Christian Conquest. July/August 1988. |
[correspondence] From
Dallas Willard to John Wimber regarding fasting. |
September 22, 1987. |
"Healing in the '90s: An
Advanced Course." John Wimber. |
"Healing '92: An Advanced
Course in Healing with John Wimber." |
Conference Handbook and
Workshop Notes. January 28-31, 1992; February 4-7, 1992.
Anaheim, California. |
[correspondence] Memo
from Christine M. Anderson to Elaine Litterio |
regarding amendment to four
book contract with Hodder & Stoughton. October 5, 1987. |
Prayer Assault Procedure. |
"The Worship Music
Phenomenon. Bert Ghezzi. Charisma & Christian |
February, 1988. p. 39-42, 90-91. |
Music: We Recommend.
Steven Lawson. Charisma & Christian Life. |
February, 1988. p.
80. |
"Purging Seminary of
Charismatics." Charisma & Christian Life. |
February, 1988. p.
23. |
"Balance in Doctrines of
Healing." Dick King. SA Vernuwing. |
January/February, 1987.
p. 13-15. |
"Our Worth is Determined
Not by What We Possess -- Rather Our Worth |
is Determined by What
Possesses Us. Agape Community Church. December 17,
1978. |
Maturing in Finances.
1979. |
Money. |
Spiritual Warfare.
Blaine Cook. Vineyard Ministries International.
1986. |
"A Fool for Jesus."
Julia Symons. Discipleship. Vol. 2, No. 1.
December, |
1986. |
"Confronting the New Age
Counterfeit. Douglas Groothuis. |
"Prayer Assault Teams.
Ron Ford. Vineyard Christian Fellowship, |
Bakersfield, California.
1987. |
[folder] Spiritual
Warfare: Session 1. |
Prayer and Spiritual
Warfare. |
Spiritual Warfare - The
Larger Picture. |
The Sanballet Syndrome. |
Corruption in the Ministry. |
[correspondence] From
Ron Roth to John Wimber regarding healing |
ministry. February 8,
?. |
[folder] ES Articles
- Spring 1988. |
Successful Pastors: Are
They Really Different? Todd Hunter. |
March 9, 1988. |
Characteristics Most
Associated With Unsuccessful Pastors. |
Characteristics Most
Associated With Successful Pastors. |
Box 23 |
[Case of cassettes]
Equipping the Saints
9/30/96-10/4/96 10/7/96-10/8/96
John Wimber & Rich Buhler |
#171 MONDAY September 30,
1996 |
#172 TUESDAY October 1,
1996 |
#173 WEDNESDAY October 2,
1996 |
#174 THURSDAY October 3,
1996 |
#175 FRIDAY October 4, 1996 |
#176 MONDAY October 7, 1996 |
#177 TUESDAY October 8,
1996 |
[Brochure] Twentieth
Anniversary Celebration: Celebrating Our Past, Charting Our
Mary 9-11, 1997 Anaheim, California Vineyard Christian
Fellowship of Anaheim |
[Brochure] Let the Fire
Fall: Growing in Passion for Jesus
Evening Meetings July 19-23, 1994 Vineyard Anaheim [14 copies] |
[Folder] [notes]
[correspondence] CGL-90's-Workshops |
Nehemiah As A Leader,
Rough notes, copyright, J. White, Dec. 1984 |
Church Growth '90's
Material Overview |
Letter: George Mallone to
Wynn Griffin. Dec. 16, 1985 |
Letter and Notes: Dave
Nesdeen and Marilyn Venice to Wynn Griffin, Dec. 13 |
Letter: Lee Bennet to Wynn
Griffin, March 25, 1986 |
Notes: Praying for the
Sick, Lee Bennett |
[Folder] Letter and Notes
from Ken Blue |
Letter: Ken Blue to Wynn
Griffin, Feb. 28 |
Notes: Physical Healing, by
Ken Blue, March 1986 |
Notes: Growth In Wholeness:
A People Free From Bondage, Workshop I, by Terry Virgo |
Notes: Growth In Wholeness:
A People Free From Bondage, Workshop II, by Terry Virgo |
Returned from Ruth
Fri.5/9/86 |
[Folder] MC511-Ministering
to the Chronically Ill (Mike Flynn) |
[Lecture Notes] How to
Minister to the Chronically Ill, by Mike Flynn[3 copies] |
Signs and Wonders and
Church Growth Part II |
[Folder] MC511 "Inner
Healing" ORIG. |
[Lecture Notes] Inner
Healing, by Sam Thompson [2 copies] |
Signs and Wonders and
Church Growth Part II |
[Conference Brochure
Template] Holiness Unto the Lord
With John Wimber, Paul Cain and Leonard Ravenhill
October 22-25, 1990 London, England |
[Conference Reader]
Equipping the Saints, The Vineyard Conference Reader, 1994 |
[Case of cassettes]
Equipping the Saints, John Wimber & Rich Buhler |
ETS Radio 2/7/96 |
2/12/95 |
2/13/95 |
2/14/95 |
2/15/95 |
2/16/95 |
2/19/96 |
2/20/96 |
2/21/96 |
2/22/96 |
2/23/96 |
2/26/96 |
2/27/96 |
2/28/95 |
2/29/96 |
3/1/96 |
Wimber, John & Kevin
Springer. Die Dritte Welle des Heiligen Geistes: Was kommt
nach der Erneuerung?. Hochheim: Projecktion J GmbH, 1988.
Wimber, John. The Five
Year Plan. Anaheim, CA: Vineyard Ministries International. |
Wimber, John. Spiritual
Warefare, Vol. II. Placentia, CA: Vineyard Ministries
International, 1985. |
Wimber, John. The Gift
of Prophecy: God Speaks To And Through the Church.
Placentia, CA: Vineyard Christian Fellowship. |
Wimber, John. Spiritual
Gifts. Vineyard Christian Fellowship Seminar Series, Vol 2.
Placentia, CA: Vineyard Christian Fellowship. |
Wimber, John. Prayer:
Intimate Communication. Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Seminar Series Placentia, CA. |
Box 24 |
[Case of cassettes] What is
the Spirit Saying to the Churches? |
Harold O. J. Brown, "What
is the Spirit Saying to the Protestant Churches?" |
Ralph C. Martin, "What is
the Spirit Saying to the Catholic Church?" |
John Wimber, "The Power of
the Spirit in Pastoral Care" |
[Folder] FF: John's
Signature |
Copies of John Wimber's
Signature |
[Folder] FF: Pictures |
[Bag] Photos of Books with
various backgrounds |
[Envelope] Photo of Ken
Blue |
[Envelope] Photo of Mike
Flynn |
Prophecy Outline |
Wimber, John. School for
Prophecy. Mercy Publishing, 1988. |
[Lecture Notes] Spiritual
Warfare-War of the Worlds by John Wimber |
[Lecture Notes] Power
Evangelism by John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure]
Stockhom91, 17-20 Juni 1991, En Konferens Om Helighet, Det
Profetiska, Evangelisation I Andens Kraft
John Wimber, Paul Cain, Brent Rue, Jack Deere [2 copies] |
[Conference Poster]
Stockhom91, 17-20 Juni 1991, En Konferens Om Helighet, Det
Profetiska, Evangelisation I Andens Kraft
John Wimber, Paul Cain, Brent Rue, Jack Deere [2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure} Power
Healing with John Wimber Melbourne, Australia |
[Conference Brochure]
Establishing the Kingdom of God Aukland, New Zealand, Feb.
22-25, 1989 with John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure]
Evangelisation In Der Kraft Des Heiligen Geistes II,
Mitarbeiter-Kongress Mit John Wimber, Festhalle Frankfurth 16.
Bis 20 Nov. 1988 |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Healing with John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure] Kana
organiseert van 2t/m 5 september 1991 De Kerk Jaren '90 met John
Wimber in de IJsselhal te Zwolle [2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure Draft]
Revival Fire Seminar with John Wimber, March 21-23 1991
Hempstead, New York |
[Conference Brochure Draft]
Revival Fire with John Wimber April 16-19, 1991 Denver, Colorado |
[Conference Brochure Draft]
Revival Fire with John Wimber March 25-28, 1991 Arlington, Texas |
[Conference Brochure]
Spiritual Warfare, Anaheim, CA, February 7-10, 1989 with John
Wimber |
[Conference Brochure] The
Kingdom of God and the Last Days with John Wimber
Februrary 8-11, 1988/Anaheim [2 copies] |
Kendrick, Graham & John
Wimber. Worship: Let the Flame Burn Brighter & Refiner's Fire.
Words Edition Combined Vol. 1 & 2. Great Britain: Kingsway Music
LTD, 1990. |
Kendrick, Graham & John
Wimber. Worship: Refiner's Fire,Vol. 2.
Great Britain: Kingsway Music LTD, 1990. |
[Conference Brochure]
Harvest 2000 Inspriing the Church to a Decade of Evangelism
with Dr. Paul Yonggi Cho, Dr. Tom Houston, Rev'd Tom Forrest,
Ackland, N.Z. November 1990 |
[Conference Brochure]
Revival Fire with John Wimber 15-18 October, 1991
Perth's Superdome Mt. Claremont, W.A. |
[Music Brochure] Songs of
the Vineyard, John Wimber 1987 |
[Conference Brochure] Love
that Heals, Margie Harper Healing Weekend Retreats and
Seminaries, Christian Advance Ministries (post note "N. Zealand
File") |
[Music Brochure] John
Wimber & Vineyard Ministries International Present Worship
Resource Center [2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure]
Festhalle Berne 11-13 novembre 1988 congres avec John Wimber
[2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Evangelism Signs and Wonders and Church Growth Part 1
with John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Evangelism with John Wimber Perth, Western Australia |
[Conference Brochure]
Holiness unto the Lord with John Wimber October 29-November 1,
Wellington, New Zealand |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Evangelism with John Wimber, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
April 9-12, 1991 [8 copies] |
[Conference Brochure]
Revival Fire with John Wimber, Paul Cain, Leonard Ravenhill,
Roger Forster and Omar Cabrera, Jan. 28-31, 1991/Anaheim, CA
Anaheim Convention Center |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Evangelism Signs and Wonders and Church Growth Part 1
with John Wimber Edmonton, Alberta Canada |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Evangelism Signs and Wonders and Church Growth Part 2
with John Wimber |
[Church Bulletin] Jubilee
Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Stratford, Ontario |
[Folded Paper] |
[Conference Poster]
Holiness Unto the Lord Conference October 22-25, 1991 Hordern
Pavilion, Sydney Main Speaker: Rev John Wimber [2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure]
Holiness Unto the Lord Conference October 22-25, 1991 Hordern
Pavilion, Sydney Main Speaker: Rev John Wimber [3 copies] |
Renewing Australia,
December 1987 Number 8 "John Wimber Down Under" |
Kairos "News Across
Australia" "Freed to be Holy" by John Wimber |
Equipping the Saints,
vol. 4, no. 4/FAll 1990, "Prophecy Today" "John Responds
to Ernie Gruen" Paul Cain Answers His Critics" |
[Envelope] Winds of Worship
5 Lyric |
Song Lyrics template |
Equipping the Saints
template |
Wimber, John. School for
Prophecy Mercy Publishing, 1988. |
Erweckung Congress
with John WImber Berne, 28-31 August 1991, Congress Material |
[Conference Brochure]
Celebration of the Kingdom of God [3 copies] |
[Conference Brochure] Signs
and Wonders and Church Growth, Baltimore Part 1, John Wimber |
Songs of the Vineyard
Vol. 1 Vineyard Christian Fellowship |
First Fruits,
May/Jun 1985 Vineyard Ministries International "Faith and Deeds:
A Match Made in Heaven" |
[Book Cover] Writing
Your History in Advance: Church Planting by John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure]
Facing the '90's A Prophetic Word for the Church Today with John
Wimber April 29-May 2, 1991/Tacoma, Washington [2 copies] |
[Folder] Equipping the
Saints "Ken's" |
[Letter] "Welcome ot Church
Growth Leadership and the Kingdom of God in the '90's" |
Worship locations |
[Sermon Series Brochure]
Vineyard '86 |
First Fruits,
May/June 1986 "Anniversary Issue, John Wimber" |
[Song Booklet] Songs of the
Vineyard |
[Folder] MC511:Inner
Healing (4-22-85) |
[Lecture Notes] Inner
Healing, by Sam Thompson |
[Folder] Scotland General
Info. |
[Correspondence] Brian Hayes to Ian Prichard, Conference
Director March 16, 1987 |
The City of Edinburgh
District Council Management Rules for Theatres and Halls |
[Correspondence] The City
of Edinburgh District Council Department of Recreation to Ian
Pritchard |
[Correspondence] Ian
Pritchard to Stewart O'Murray |
[Receipt] MR4 (2) The City
of Edinburgh District Council to Vineyard Ministries Inter., 17
FEB 87 |
[Contract] The City of
Edinburgh District Council, Hall Letting Contract, 28 January
1987 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard March 5, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard January 28, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Kim Donaldson, Conference Coordinator for Ian Prichard,
Conference Director, December 10, 1986 |
[Memo] Bob Craine to Ian
Prichard, July 27, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Unintelligible, YWAM to Bob |
[Memo] Patty to Ian
December 17, 1987 |
[Correspondence] David
Lewis to Ian Prichard August 10, 1987 |
[Correspondence] David C.
Lewis to Ian Pritchard, Esq. 3rd July 1987 |
[Correspondence] John
Wimber to David C. Lewis, June 23, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Rev. Paul Wilcock, August 12, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Paul T.
Wilcock to Ian Prichard, 1st May 1987 |
[Correspondence] Mike
Poulton to Ian Prichard, 28th September 1987 |
[Testimony] Power
Evangelism Conference, Edinburgh, September 1987, Testimony
Form, Whitehouse, 24th September 1987 [healing to left eye] |
[Testimony] Power
Evangelism Conference, Edinburgh, September 1987, Testimony
Form, Doran, 24th September 1987 [[healed of curvature of the
spine] |
Power Evangelism
Conference, Edinburgh, September 1987, Testimony Form, Youngman,
9/23/1987 [healed of whiplash] |
Power Evangelism
Conference, Edinburgh, September 1987, Testimony Form, Walters,
24th September 1987 [husband's lump on head healed] |
[Testimony] Testimony Form,
Youngman [blessed and encouraged for emotional healing] |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 19th September 1987 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Brent and Happy Rue, 19th September 1987 |
[Briefing Notes] Power
Evangelism Conference, Edinburgh, September '87 |
[Map] Map of Europe |
[Account Sheet] Power
Evangelism Account 24 September 1987 |
[Notes] Scotland |
[Notes] |
[Account Sheet] Power
Evangelism Conference-Edinburgh, Scotland-September 1987, Cash
Account-Expenses |
[Correspondence] Mike
Poulton to Ian Prichard, 31st March 1987 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Ms. Sian Lloyd-Jones, August 25, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 7th September, Accounts Statement |
Power Evangelism
Account-end August 1987 |
[Music List] Scotland
Product |
[Note] Santa
Barbara-Scotland |
[Correspondence] ? to John,
Registration position for Scotland |
[Correspondence] David
Wavre to Ian Pritchard, 18 August 1987 |
[Notes] Power Evangelism
Conference Edinburgh Scotland, Synopsis of Workshops |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Brian Hayes, August 31, 1987 |
[Account Sheet} Power
Evangelism Conference-Endinburgh, Scotland |
[Notes] Power Evangelism
Conference Edinburgh Scotland Synopsis of Workshops |
[Notes] Team to: Edinburgh
One |
[Notes] Team to Eyemouth/Dunns |
[Notes] Team to Glasgow |
[Notes] Team to Perth |
[Notes] Team to Sterling |
[Notes] Team to Aberdeen |
[Notes] Team to Inverness |
[Account Sheet] Power
Evangelism Conference-Edinburgh Scotland, August 29, 1987 |
[Notes] Scotland Roster |
[Notes] |
[Notes] Scotland |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Pritchard, 2nd July 1987 |
[Account Sheet] Power
Evangelism Account, end June 1987 |
[Notes] Regional
Conferences |
[Notes] "Healing in the
Kingdom of God" Regional Conferences-Scotland 25th-28th
September'87, Information and Guidelines |
[Notes] Public Address
System |
[Conference Brochure]
(photo copy) "Healing in the Kingdom of God" September
25th-28th, 1987, A Weekend Conference Led by a Team from
Vineyard Ministries International |
[Announcement] Power
Evangelism (Signs and Wonders) September 21st-24th 1987 in
Edinburgh, "Coming Together" |
[Account Sheet] John Wimber-Power
Evangelism Conference, Numerical and Financial Report as at
02-JUL-87 |
[Notes] Edinburgh,
September 21-24th 1987, Geographical analysis of those attending
at 01-JUL-87 |
[Notes] John Wimber-Power
Evangelism Conference, Edinburgh, September 21-24th 1987,
Denominational analysis of those attending at 01-JUL-87 |
[Receipt] MR4 (2) The City
of Edinburgh District Council to Vineyard Ministries Inter., 09
JUN 87 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 28th July, 1987 |
[Conference Brochure]
"Healing in the Kingdom of God" Venue: Shawlands Cross Church of
Scotland, September 25th-28th, 1987 |
[Conference Brochure]
"Healing in the Kingdom of God" Venue: Methodist Church,
September 25th-28th, 1987 |
[Conference Brochure]
"Healing in the Kingdom of God" Venue: Perth Congregational
Church, September 25th-28th, 1987 |
[Conference Brochure]
"Healing in the Kingdom of God" Venue: Abercromby School,
September 25th-28th, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Stewart Murray, March 16, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 15th April 1987 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Brian Hayes, May 5, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 10th December 1986 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 15th April 1987 |
[Information Pack] Power
Evangelism (Signs and Wonders) |
[Press Article] "Do
Miracles Happen Today?" |
[Testimony] "Personal Case
Histories" |
[Press Release] Press
Release on John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Evangelism with John Wimber |
[Testimony] Some examples
of Healing as document in: "Power Evangelism" by John Wimber and
Kevin Springer (1985) and "Power Healing" 1986 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Pritchard, 4th February 1987 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Steward Murray, March 16, 1987 |
[Notes] Scotland, Completed |
[Notes] Scotland
-Payments-4/30 6/15 8/5 |
[Memo] Kim Donaldson to
John Wimber "Scotland Conference" |
[Bill] Department of
Recreation Theatres and Halls Division |
[Commercial Invoice]
Vineyard Ministries International, March 6, 1987, Ian Prichard
to Brian Hayes |
[Checklist] Lothian and
Borders Fire Brigade Theatrical Productions |
[Receipt] Down Payment
Scotland Hotel, Pay to the Order of Yorba Linda Travel, 3/13/87 |
[Note] Usher Hall
Contact-Scotland, Mr. John McArthur |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to A.D. Proctor, January 28, 1987 |
[Contract] The City of
Edinburgh District Council, Department of Recreation, Halls
Division, Hall Letting Contract, January 28, 1987 |
[Receipt] Federal Express,
1-28-87 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Mrs. Williams, 29th November 1986 |
[Contact List] John Wimber
Conference, Edinburgh-Sept. 21st-24th, 1987 |
[Correspondence] A.D.
Proctor to Rev. B.J. Hayes, 8 December 1986 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 26th August 1986 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Pritchard, 14th October 1986 |
[Schedule] Visit to Glasgow
and Edinburgh of Ian Pritchard and Steve Zarit, Thursday 23rd
October 1986 |
[List] Ministers Invited to
Meet Ian Prichard and Steven Zarit |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Colleague, 7th October 1986 |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Ian Pritchard, 23rd December 1986 |
[Correspondence] Roger
Jones to Rev. B.J. Hayes, 12th December 1986 |
[Map] Map of Edinburgh |
[Event List] John Wimber
Conference-Edinburgh September 21st-24th, 1987 |
[Map] Map of Edinburgh |
[Receipt] Federal Express,
Vineyard Ministries International to Edinburgh City Fellowship,
03-06-87 |
[Correspondence] Mike
Poulton to Ian Prichard, 26th November 1987 |
[Account Sheet]
Evangelism Account Summary, November 1987 |
[Correspondence] Brain
Hayes to Ian Prichard, 13th August 1987 |
[Account Sheet] Power
Evangelism Account, end July 1987 |
[Correspondence] Mike
Poulton to Ian Prichard, 1st Decmeber 1987 |
[Account Sheet] Power
Evangelism Accoiunt Summary, (revised) November 1987 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to David Watson, January 15, 1988 |
[Correspondence] David W.
Watson to Vineyard Ministries International, 6th January 1988 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Donald Duggan, December 16, 1986 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Steve Horton, December 19, 1986 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to David Watson, January 15, 1988 |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Maureen Collings, August 10, 1987 |
[Memorandum] John Wimber to
Ian Prichard, June 22, 1987 |
(photocopy) Maureen Collings to John Wimber |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Rev. Robert Slater, August 10, 1987 |
[Correspondence] Rev.
Robert A Slater to Ian Prichard, 18/7/87 |
[Account Sheet] Cost of
1987 International Ministry Trips |
[Notes] VMI Ministry Teams
for remaining 1988 Conferences |
[Folder] Ireland 1987 |
Tennis in Ireland, I.L.T.A./Wright
Tennis Center/Dublin, Ireland |
[Brochure] Dublin Sport
Hotel |
[Brochure] The Wright
Tennis Centre Ltd. |
[Brochure] Dublin Sport
Hotel, Health Centre |
[Photograph] (black and
white) Indoor Tennis Court |
[Folder] Scotland-Prelim |
[Map] Edinburgh |
[Note] Moat House
International, Telephone Message, Mr. Prichard |
[Map] Edinburgh |
[Correspondence] Brian
Hayes to Rev John Wimber, 21st May 1986 |
[Correspondence] Unknown to
Brian Hayes, June 19, 1986 |
[Notes] |
[Correspondence] Ian
Prichard to Brian Hayes, June 19, 1986 |
[Notes] Meeting at
Edinburgh City F'ship. |
[Business Car] Susan
Stuart, Group Sales Co-ordinator, Edinburgh Sheraton |
[Correspondence] Kim
Donaldson for Ian Prichard to Brian Hayes, December 10, 1986 |
[Correspondence] Debbie
Westwater to Ian Pritchard, 29 December 1986 |
[Brochure] Destination
Scotland, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre |
[Folder] Prayer: Workshop
Notes (2 copies each) Fall 1985 |
[Schedule] Worship
Schedule, Schedule for Workshops |
[Lecture Notes] Prayer with
Purpose, Terry Virgo |
[Notes] The Ministry of
Intercession, 1985 Pastors Conference, Lance Pittluck |
[Lecture Notes] Persevering
in Prayer, Berten Waggoner |
[Notes] Prayer and FAsting |
[Notes] Prayer for the
City: Concerts of Pastoral Prayer, September 4, 1985, George
Mallone |
[Note] Pick-up Sup, Wynn
Griffin |
[Notes] Prayer for
the City: Concerts of Pastoral Prayer, September 4, 1985, George
Mallone |
[Lecture Notes] Vineyard
Christian Fellowship, Prayer-The Precursor and Sustainer of
Spiritual Awakenings, by Randy Clark |
[Lecture Notes] The Family
and Prayer, Philippians 4:19-20 |
[Conference Notes Packet]
Ministry in Small Prayer Teams, by Carol Wimber and Gloria
Thompson [2 copies] |
[Lecture Notes] Prayer and
Meditation, Mike Flynn |
[Lecture Notes] Prayer of
Petition, Vineyard Pastors Conference, "Teach Us to Prayer" 1985 |
[Case of Cassettes] Church
Management |
Oliver Presentation at
1977, Church Schools Board Mtg., Tape 1, What is your Business?
(Oliver) |
Oliver Presentation at
1977, Church Schools Board Mtg., Tape 2, Time Management
(Oliver)/Physical Fitness (Howerton) |
Oliver Presentation at
1977, Church Schools Board Mtg., Tape 3, Psycho-Cyberntics (Howerton) |
Diagnosing the Health of
the Church and Small Group Development, by John Wimber |
Time Management, Denny
Rydberg, 1973 National Youth Workers Convention |
Personal Testimony, by John
Wimber |
Box 25 |
[Conference Handbook]
Healing '92, And Advanced Course in Healing with John Wimber,
Conference Handbook and Workshop Notes, January 28-31, 1992,
February 4-7, 1992, Anaheim, California |
[Conference Brochure]
Holiness Unto the Lord, with John Wimber, Sept. 30-Oct. , 1991,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (4 copies) |
[Folder] Workshop: Inner
Healing-Kenn G. Baltimore S + W Conf. |
[Notes] Inner Healing-Kenn
Gulliksen, Sighsn and Wonders-Workshop |
The Vineyard, Workshop 4,
Jesus-Prayer and the Kingdom, Terry Virgo, October 28-31 1986 |
The Vineyard, Workshop ,
Prayer, Fasting and the Kingdom, Blain Cook, October 28-31 1986 |
The Vineyard, Workshop 2,
Perseverance in Prayer, Bob Craine, October 28-31 1986 |
The Vineyard, Workshop 2,
Demonization, Ed Piorek, Nov. 3th-6th 1986 |
The Vineyard, Workshop 1,
Physical Healing II, Blaine Cook, Nov. 3th-6th 1986 |
[Conference Letter]
"Healing in the Church Conference" from Anne McNamara and Paddy
Monaghan, 1st August, 1986 |
Newsletter, Dublin
Interdenominational Christian Committee, July/August 1986 |
Ireland: The Blood
Sacrifice |
[Correspondence] Anne to
Ian Prichard |
Ireland of the Welcomes,
Vol. 33, No. 5 September-October 1984 |
Ireland: The unexpected
pleasures, 1986, Irish Tourist Board |
Map of Ireland |
Blue Folder (empty) |
The Vineyard, Workshop 4,
Inner Healing , Sam Thompson, Nov. 3th-6th 1986 |
The Vineyard, Workshop 3,
Developing a Learning Cycle for Accepting the Supernatural, Tom
Stipe, Nov. 3th-6th 1986 |
[Notes] A2-A18 |
[Notes] B1-B9 |
Readings for the Miraculous
and Church Growth, MC 510/610 |
[Chart] Vineyard Denver |
[Lecture Notes] Spiritual
Warfare, Holiness and the Power of God, John Wimber, Holiness
and the Power of God |
[Conference Brochure]
Spiritual Warfare, Anaheim, CA/February 7-10, 1989, with John
Wimber (2 copies) |
Harrogate International
Conference and Exhibition Centre, Services Directory |
[Conference Brochure] A
Conference on Healing-John Wimber, September 16-18, 1985 |
[Conference Brochure] The
Ministry of the Kingdom of God, A new conference from John
Wimber!, September 19, 20, 21, Crisler Arena Ann Arbor, Michigan |
[Lyric Book] Songs of
the Vineyard |
[Folder] Workshop:
Equipping the Saints...Ephesians 4:11,12 |
Wimber, John. Healing
Seminar: Vol. 1. Vineyard Ministries International, 1985. |
[Welcome Letter] "Healing
in the Church" Conferences, Paddy Monaghan, Anne McNamara |
[Information Sheet] Healing
in the Church Conference |
[Conference Program]
Healing in the Church Conference, Conference Programme |
[Order Form] Healing in the
Church Conference, Tapes |
[Map] Healing in the Church
Conference, Map to Local Restaurants |
[Map] Healing in the Church
Conference, Conference Venue Floor Plan |
[Folder] August 1986, New
Zealand--David Harper |
[Notes] Brian Hathaway |
[Notes] David Owens |
[Conference Brochure] 1986
Summer School |
[Brochure] Introducing
Christian Advance Ministries |
[Correspondence] John C.
Lewis to Ian Pritchard, 20th November 1985 |
[Correspondence] David
Harper to Pastor John Wimber, 24 July 1985 |
[Correspondence] David
Harper to Pastor John Wimber, May 10 1985 |
[Correspondence] David
Harper to Pastor John Wimber, February 15, 1985 |
[Note] Telephone Check Off
Form] |
[Correspondence] David
Harper to Pastor John Wimber, June 7, 1984 |
[Correspondence] E.J.
Millis to Ian Pritchard, November 28 1985 |
[Correspondence] John
Wimber to David Harper |
[Note] Blaine D. Cook |
The Church in Celebration
for the 1980's |
[Correspondence] R.T.
Calkin to Bob Fulton, 3rd September, 1985 |
Signs and Wonders and
Church Growth, Part II, Wembley Conference Centre, 22nd-25th
October 1985 |
[Folder] |
Prophecy Seminar, Paris,
France, September 4-5, 1992 |
[Conference] Healing '92:
An Advanced Course in Healing with John Wimber, Conference
Handbook and Workshop Notes, January 28-31, 1992, February 4-7,
1992, Anaheim, California |
[Folder] MC1510 Workshop |
Advance Reservation Form |
Inner Healing, Summer 1984,
Sam Thompson |
[Notes] Anatomy of the
Body-Call #18, June 22nd Room 119, Armen Guleserian |
[Notes] Learning
Curve-Class #23, June 19th, Room 119, Tom Stipe |
[Paper] Demonization |
[Notes] Building and
Training a Healing Team |
[Notes] Building and
Training a Demon Expulsion Team-Class #16, June 22nd-Room 122 |
[Notes] Authority and
Identity-Class #14, June 19th-Room 122, Don Williams |
[Notes] Healing Prayers,
Class #11, June 21st & 22nd-Room/Sanctuary, Bob and Penny Fulton |
[Notes] Inner Healing |
[Folder] MC 511 |
[Schedule] Workshop
Schedule, Schedule for Workshops |
[Note] MC511 Original
-4-29-85 |
[Notes] Signs and Wonders
and Church Growth, Viva Christo Rey |
[Notes] Inner Healing Model |
[Notes] Inner Healing, by
Sam Thompson, Signs and Wonders and Church Growth Part II |
[Notes] Inner Healing |
Inner Healing, Sam Thompson |
[Chart] Mt. Soledad
Presbyterian, LaJolla, Ca |
Signs and Wonders and
Church Growth Part II, MC511 Syllabus, by John Wimber |
[Lecture Notes] Signs and
Wonders and Church Growth Part II, Lecture Notes, by John Wimber |
Introduction to Thesis:
Power Evangelism |
[Lecture Notes] Prophecy
Part 2 |
School for Intercessors,
John Wimber & Mike Bickle |
[Lecture Notes] Power
Evangelism, Signs and Wonders and Church Growth Part 1 |
Box 26 |
Prophecy, Lecture Notes |
Healing '87 Workshop,
Prayer, Counseling & Healing, Paddy Ducklow |
Revivial Fire |
[Conference Handbook]
Revival Fire, Arlington Convention Center, March 25-28, 1991 |
[Testimony Form] Healing
'92 |
[Conference Brochure]
Marriage Renewal, Hosted by Kevin & Suzanne Springer, March
13-15, 1992, Anaheim Hills, CA [2 copies] |
[Mailing] The Worship
Festival, August 3-9, 1992, Langley, British Columbia, Canada,
Hosted by Vineyard Ministries Canada and The Langley Vineyard |
[Conference Brochure] Signs
and Wonders and Church Growth Part I, taught by John Wimber [3
copies] |
[Conference Brochure]
Church Growth Leadership and The Kingdom of God in the '90's |
[Conference Brochure]
Christian Healing Seminar, May 9, 10, and 11, Featuring
Nationally Known Pastor John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure]
Soledad Presbyterian Church, La Jolla, California, What is the
Holy Spirit Saying to the Church Today, 3-Day Conference for
Pastors & Lay Leaders with John Wimber, April 23-25, 1985 [2
copies] |
[Conference Brochure]
Spiritual Warfare, by John Wimber [2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure] Let
the Fire Fall, Growing in passion for Jesus, Evening Meetings
July 19-23, 1994, Vineyard Anaheim |
[Conference Brochure]
Vineyard Music Group, Winds of Worship, Worship and Intimacy
Conference, Featuring John Wimber, Bert Waggoner, Ron Allen,
Brian Anderson, Rick Olmstead, and others, Anaheim, California,
July 22-25, 1997 [2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure]
Vineyard Music Group, Winds of Worship, Worship and Intimacy
Conference, Featuring Carl Tutle, Rich Nathan, Lance Pittluch,
Andy Park, Brent Helming, Rita Springer, Larry Hampton, and
others, Columbus, Ohio, September 23-26, 1997 |
[Conference Brochure]
Vineyard Music Group Presents, Why We Worship: Teaching,
modeling and imparting the heart and activity of worship, A
Seminary for All Who Worship, Fort Collings, CO, August 15-16,
1997 |
[Conference Brochure]
Vineyard Music Group Presents, Why We Worship: Teaching,
modeling and imparting the heart and activity of worship, A
Seminary for All Who Worship, Kansas City, MO, September 5-6,
1997 |
[Flyer] Vineyard Music
Group Presents Let Your Glory Fall, Worship and Revival, Annual
Worship Conference, August 29-September 1, 1995, Anaheim,
California |
Healing '87 Workshop, The
Kingdom Fast, Blaine Cook [2 copies] |
Healing '87 Workshop,
Ministering to the Demonized, Carl Wimber & Gloria Thompson |
[Lecture Notes] Prophecy
Part 2, Lecture Notes |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Product Catalog, 1997 [4 copies] |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Products Catalog Christmas 1996 [4 copies] |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Products Catalog Summer 1998 [3 copies] |
Equipping the Saints
Vol 8, No. 1, Winter 1994 |
Equipping the Saints
Vol, 6, no. 3, Summer 92 |
Equipping the Saints
Vol. 7, no. 4, Fall 1993 |
Equipping the Saints
Second Quarter, 1994 |
Equipping the Saints
"Brokenness" |
[Conference Brochure]
Pursuing Sexual Wholeness with John Wimber, Susan Highleyman,
Andy Comiskey an dDester STream Ministries, March 26-28, 1992,
Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Anaheim |
Equipping the Saints
Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter 1992 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Group Products Catalog Spring 1995 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Products Catalog Spring 1997 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Worship Products Catalog Christmas 1998 |
Vineyard Music, Worship
Update, 1st Quarter 1998 |
Servant: A Publication of
Anaheim Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Fall 1997 [3 copies] |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Products Catalog Spring 1998 [3 copies] |
Vineyard Music, Worship
Update, 2nd Quarter 1998 |
Worship Update: A Quarterly
Publication of Vineyard Music Group, 4th Quarter 1997 |
Equipping the Saints
Vol. 4, no. 4, Fall 1990 [10 copies] |
[Catalog] Vineyard
Ministries International Products Catalog Summer 1993 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Products Catalog Summer 1997 [3 copies] |
[Catalog] Vineyard
Ministries International Products Catalog Summer 1994 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Group Products Catalog Summer 1995 |
[Catalog] Vineyard
Ministries International Products Catalog Winter 1994 [3 copies] |
Inside Worship Vol.
2, 1999 |
[Conference Brochure]
Expanding the Kingdom of God, Conference Reader and General
Information, Vineyard Ministries International |
Inside Worship Vol.
1, 1999 [2 copies] |
Voice of the Vineyard
Summer 1997 |
[Catalog] Vineyard
Ministries International Products Catalog Winter 1993 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Resource
Catalog Books and Teaching Summer 1997 |
Worship Update: A Quarterly
Publication of Vineyard Music Group, 3rd Quarter 1996 |
Worship Update: A Quarterly
Publication of Vineyard Music Group, June 1996 |
[Conference Brochure]
Vineyard Music Presents Youth and Worship 2, Anaheim, CA, July
14-17, 1997 [2 copies] |
[Catalog Pamphlet] Worship
Resource Center |
[Catalog Pamphlet] May 1997
Vineyard Music Worship Music, Vineyard Teaching, Conferences [2
copies] |
[[Conference Brochure]
Vineyard Music Group Presents, Why We Worship: Teaching,
modeling and imparting the heart and activity of worship, A
Seminary for All Who Worship, Grand Rapids, MI, June 20-21, 1997 |
Equipping the Saints
Third Quarter 1996 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Music
Products Catalog Christmas 1997 |
[Catalog] Vineyard Doin'
the Stuff Catalog Books and Teaching |
Equipping the Saints
Second Quarter 1994 [10 copies] |
Equipping the Saints
Vol. 6, no. 2, Spring 1992 |
Equipping the Saints
Vol. 7, no. 1 Winter 1993 |
Equipping the Saints
Third Quarter 1996 |
Equipping the Saints
Vol. 7, no. 2 Spring 1993 |
[Flyer] Sings and Wonders
and Church Growth -Part I |
[Contract] Administration
Agreement Between Mercy Publishing and Thanyou Music, Dated 1st
September 1992, Duration of Agreement Three Years |
[Photograph] Photo of
Cassettes on Shelf [2 copies] |
[Conference Brochure]
Spiritual Gifts, November 20-21, 1987, San Francisco, California |
[Conference Brochure] Power
Evangelism Signs and Wonders and Church Growth Part 1 with John
Wimber |
[Folder] Bio-John |
John Wimber |
[Conference Brochure] Signs
and Wonders And Church Growth Part II taught by John Wimber [2
copies] |