Container |
Contents |
Box 16 |
[folder] Prayer and
Temperament Writings. |
"Prayer and Temperament:
Different Prayer Forms for Different |
Personality Types."
Chester P. Michael and Marie C. Norrisey. 1984. |
[office folder] Pain. |
[folder] Pain. |
Memorandum from Bill
Henderson to Bill Burns regarding |
Aspirin / Attitude toward pain. June 22,
1995. |
[office folder]
Pastoral Care. |
"The Power of the Spirit in
Pastoral Care." John Wimber. |
Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary. Wednesday, July 17, 1991. |
"Pastoral Abuse." |
"Perspective on Pastoral
Counseling." |
"New Testament Models for
Pastoral Care." Todd Hunter. |
VCF - Anaheim.
Pastoral Training Day. January 31, 1989. |
Theology of Pastoral Care:
PM501X. Dr. Peter A. Hintzoglou. |
Selected Bibliography. |
"The Biblical Basis for
Pastoral Ministry." |
[office folder]
Peace. |
"Peace-keeping at All
Costs?" John Noble. Compass. Vol. 2, |
No. 3. p. 6-7. |
[office folder]
Pentecostals. |
"Pentecostalism and the
Future of Christianity." Harvey Cox. |
Tikkun. Vol.
9, No. 6. p. 43-45. [to John Wimber from Josh
Horner, S.F. Vineyard.] |
"Global Statistics of the
Pentecostal/Charismatic Renewal." David |
B. Barrett.
Ministries Today. 1991 Church Resource Directory. |
Memorandum to the North
American Renewal Service Steering |
Committee from Vinson Synan,
Chairman, regarding January meeting. October 23, 1987. |
"America's Pentecostals:
Who They Are, What They Believe, and |
Where Are They Going."
Grant Wacker, Charles Farah, Harold B. Smith. -and- "Jim Bakker
Made Me Do It." Philip Yancey. Christianity Today.
Vol. 31, No. 15. October 16, 1987. p. 16-30 -and- p.
64. |
[office folder]
Persecution. |
[folder] Persecution. |
"A Call To Endure
Persecution." John Wimber. Facing the |
'90s - A Prophetic Word For the Church
Today. 1990. |
[office folder]
Personality. |
[folder] 20 Factors. |
Personality - Its 20
Factors and How You can Develop Them. |
[office folder]
Phenomena. |
"Physical and Spiritual
Phenomena." Chapter 5. [author and title |
not given]. |
[office folder]
Phenomena - Spiritual. |
Excerpt from a letter by
John Wimber regarding phenomena. |
"Encounter in Christian
Witness." Charles H. Kraft. School of |
World Mission, Fuller
Theological Seminary. January 1991. |
[exerpt] "Revivals in
Ireland." part II. John Snow. London. |
1859. p. 63. |
[folder] Quaker
Phenomena. |
The Shaking of the Church
(The Quaking People). John |
Wimber. January 30, 1994. |
"Incidents Concerning the
Society of Friends." Barney Shaffer. |
p 32-35. |
[folder] Shaking,
etc. Testimonies. |
Letter from Audun to John
Wimber. |
[office folder]
Planned Parenthood. |
[folder] Planned
Parenthood. |
"How Planned Parenthood
Duped America." Focus on the |
Family Citizen. Vol. 6,
No. 1. January 20, 1992. |
[office folder]
Planning. |
[folder] Plans for
'78. |
[folder] JRW Notes. |
[folder] Planning
(copies). |
[folder] Long-range
Planning & Double in a Decade. |
[office folder]
Miracles. |
"Miracles: Do They Really
Happen?" Nick Cavnar. |
"Demonstration of the
Spirit and of Power." |
"Her Hunch-back
Disappeared." Revival Report. Vol. 10, No. 8. |
September 1980. |
"Where Growth Flows from
Prayer Mountain." C. Peter Wagner. |
Global Church Growth
Bulletin. August/September 1981. |
"Healing Has Become Our
Normal Experience." Gary and Barbara |
Morgan. "There Was No
Pain In My Legs." Dom DeSa. "God's Healing Came in
Ways We Did Not Expect." Jim and Rosemary Kaelin.
New Covenant. October 1979. |
"The Purpose of Miracles."
Dr. Colin Brown. |
"The Mysterious Morton
Smith and His Mess of Magic." David |
Greene. |
[syllabus] Miracles.
Fuller Theological Seminary. TH562. Dr. Colin |
Brown. Summer School
1981. |
"Miracles" [outline] |
"It's Truly a Miracle."
David Snelling. October 23, 1987. |
"The Question of Miracles."
Charles H. Kraft. Fuller Seminary, |
School of Mission. |
[correspondence] Paul
Gismondi of Darton Longman & Todd Ltd. |
to John Wimber regarding
proof copy of "Healing Miracles" by Dr. Rex Gardner.
October 8, 1986. |
Index. [?] |
Book about miracles.
[no title, no author] |
[office folder]
Missions. |
Twenty-first Century
Missions. Bob Fulton. |
Missionary Training.
[checklist] |
Vineyard Missions. |
Mission Wheel. |
Association of Vineyard
Churches International. Purpose Statement. |
Twenty-first Century
Mission. |
Crisis in Missions Today |
[folder] Missions |
[correspondence] John
Wimber to Roy and Linda McLeod |
regarding Cambodia. May 15, 1992. |
AVC Missions [flowchart]. |
[correspondence] Rick
Tansey, Regional Director of Latin |
America Mission, to Bob Fulton.
September 19, 1991. |
Memo from John Wimber to
Carl, Bill, and John S. regarding |
attached letter from Bob Fulton.
November 13, 1991. |
[correspondence] Mike
Hudgins to John Wimber regarding |
Cambodia. June 12, 1991. |
Assumptions. |
The qualifications are as
follows: |
AVC Report December 1991. |
Memorandum from Bob Fulton
to Bill Henderson regarding |
ETS article. March 20, 1992. |
Letter to the Association
of Vineyard Churches from the Task |
Force on World Missions. August
1991. |
Establishing a Missions
Program. |
Following Christ into His
Harvest. John Wimber. |
"The New Breed of
Missionary." David DeVoss. Los Angeles |
Times Magazine.
January 25, 1987. p. 14-35. |
[correspondence] John
Wimber to Chris R. De Wet regarding larger |
world mission commitment.
August 20, 1986. |
"Here We Are, Lord.
Send Us Home!" Rusty Rustenbach. |
Discipleship Journal.
Issue 38. 1987. p. 8-10. |
"Signs and Wonders and
Church Growth with a Missions |
Believers Bible College. MCG 101. Syllabus, Fall
Quarter 1987. Lee Oxford. |
"Taming the Amazon."
Cheryl Smith. Christian Mission. |
March/April 1989. p.
7-9. |
Vineyard Christian
Fellowship of Anaheim World Mission Statement |
Proposal. |
Quarterly Report from
the Philippines. ICM Ministries. Asia. |
Winter 1993. |
Missions Link.
Vol. 6, No. 2. April/May 1993. |
Letter from Jim Millard of
Sunrise International Ministries. |
November/December 1992. |
Send! Vol. 13,
No. 2. March/April 1993. |
[office folder]
Ministry. |
"The Urgency of the
Equipping Ministry." Paul Benjamin. |
Christianity Today.
[n.d.] |
"The Growing Congregation."
Paul Benjamin. Chapter 3. p. 24-32. |
Ministering in Small Prayer
Teams: Session One. |
"Releasing Ministry."
Sam Thompson. Southern California Regional |
Pastors' Conference.
June 4-5, 1985. |
"The Challenge and
Opportunity of Student Ministry. Rob Yule. |
Equipping the Saints
Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand. April 13-16,
1994. |
Contemporary Strategies:
The Challenge and Opportunity of |
Student Ministry. |
[folder] Ministry. |
"Myths of 'The Ministry.'"
Clay Sterrett. |
[folder] Philosophy
of the Ministry Diagram - Transparency. |
[office folder]
Leadership. |
Leadership Collection.
Todd Hunter. Copy 2. |
Leadership Collection.
Todd Hunter. Copy 3. |
[office folder]
Hearing God. |
[folder] Hearing God. |
Holiness and Discernment.
John Wimber. Hearing God |
Seminar. August 22-23, 1995. |
Hearing God's Word.
John Wimber. Hearing God Seminar. |
August 22-23, 1995. |
Understanding God's Voice.
Carl Tuttle. Hearing God Seminar. |
August 22-23, 1995. |
Hearing God's Word.
Conference Notes. John Wimber. |
Switzerland '91 - Steps to Revival. |
Help for the Hard of
Hearing: Alternate Means of Listening to |
God. [not JRW] |
What's Required for a
Secret Life with God. Talk #8. |
Hearing God. TBN '90s #8.
July 27, 1989. |
[office folder]
"Hedge." |
[office folder] Hell. |
[folder] Hell. |
"Hell in the 1990s."
David Pawson. Idea. June/August 1992. |
p. 13-14. |
[Sermon] What is the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit? November |
29, 1992. |
"Why Preach on Hell?"
David Pawson. [2 copies] |
[office folder]
Holiness. |
[folder] Holiness -
The Way of... |
[folder] Holiness -
Freed to Be... |
[folder] Holiness -
Perfection |
[folder] Holiness -
Evangelism |
[folder] Holiness -
Power |
[folder] Holiness -
Grace/Faith |
[folder] Holiness -
Discernment |
[folder] Holiness -
Perfection |
[folder] Holiness -
Call To... |
[folder] Holiness -
How to Get Holy. |
[folder] Holiness -
Pure Hearts. |
Personal Holiness: Session
1. Holiness Unto the Lord. John White. |
"Get Ready!" John
Wimber. |
"Holiness and Suffering."
Warsaw, Poland. September 9-13, 1991. |
[office folder]
Holiness. |
Holiness and Discernment.
John Wimber. Hearing God Seminar. |
August 22-23, 1995. |
"Holiness." Andrew
Murray. |
"Heart Holiness."
Thomas Cook. |
Repentance: The Doorway to
Holiness. John White. December 8, |
1989. |
"Rejecting Holiness."
Ralph C. Martin. December 8, 1989. |
"Studies in the Sermon on
the Mount." D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. |
Chapter 30. p.
310-320. |
"Outlines of Theology."
A.A. Hodge. Chapter 35. p. 520-541. |
"Holiness Unto the Lord."
Bert Waggoner. Fellowship: Church in |
the City. Vol.
III, No. 3. March 1990. |
Box 17 |
[binder] Church
Growth I. Fuller Theological Seminary. February
1979. |
[binder] Evidence.
Josh McDowell. miscellaneous Mike Warnke. |
Revival Fire. [case
of cassettes] |
[binder] Communion in
Marriage: Commitment, Growth, Renewal. Sam |
Thompson notes and tapes.
Carol Wimber. |
[binder] Communion in
Marriage: Commitment, Growth, Renewal. Sam |
Thompson notes and tapes.
John Wimber. |
Box 18 |
[folder] Church
Growth Leadership and The Kingdom of God in the |
'90s. John White and
Don Williams. [2 copies] |
[folder] The Kingdom
of God. John Wimber. |
[binder] Way of Life:
Evangelism and Discipleship Training Introductory |
Course. Volume 1 of
2. |
[binder] Way of Life:
Evangelism and Discipleship Training Introductory |
Course. Volume 2 of
2. |
[binder] Lausanne
Consultation on the Homogeneous Unit Principle. |
[binder] Church
Growth II. Fuller Theological Seminary. July 1990. |
[binder] Counseling
Manual. Calvary Chapel. Placentia - Yorba Linda. |
1981. |
Pastoral Renewal.
Volume 9. July 1984 - June 1985. |
[binder] Vineyard
Anaheim Survey. |
Box 19 |
[binder] Church
Planting: God's Heart for Expansion. John Wimber and |
Bob Fulton. |
[binder] Calvary 5
Year Plan. |
[binder] High
Intensity Seminar: Overheads. C.P. Wagner. 2 of 2. |
[binder] Church
Planning: The 1st Five Years. John Wimber. |
[binder] Theology of
Church Growth. Fuller Theological Seminary. |
EV711. Van Engen and
Gibbs. |
[binder] Spiritual
Issues in Church Growth. Fuller Theological Seminary. |
EV712. C.P. Wagner
and others. July 20-31, 1992. |
[binder] Your Church
Can Grow... Training Manual. Fuller Evangelical |
Association of Church
Growth. John Wimber's Trainers Manual. |
Box 20 |
[unmarked]. |
[office folder]
Healing. |
Signs and Wonders and
Church Growth. Workshop. Spiritual |
Warfare and Healing.
John McClure. |
Power Healing. John
Wimber. Poland 1993. |
The Healing Ministry of
Jesus. |
The Healing Ministry of
Others. |
Healing in the New
Testament. |
Not Everyone is Healed.
John Wimber. At Franciscan University |
of Steubenville. June
1995. |
Healing Issues: Life-Death. |
Arguments Against Healing:
Session I. Jack Deere. Large Ministry |
Team Training.
January 1989. |
Faith & the Act of Healing.
John Wimber. Fuller Theological |
Seminary. December
1991. |
[folder] Healing -
Miscellaneous. |
Healing. [3 copies] |
[folder] Miracles &
Healing - Deere. |
Miracles & Healing.
Jack Deere. The Supernatural in the Church Today.
March 1991. |
[folder] Healing -
'90s. [empty] |
[folder] Healing -
Five Steps. |
Five Steps in the Healing
Procedure. |
[folder] Healing -
Problem Texts. |
Problem Teachings and
Problem Texts. |
[folder] Healing -
New Testament. [empty] |
[office folder]
Guidance. |
[folder] Guidance. |
Holiness and Discernment.
John Wimber. Hearing God Seminar. |
August 22-23, 1995. |
Guidance. John Wimber. |
[folder] Sermon:
Intro to Guidance, the Bible and Guidance. |
Hearing the Voice of God:
Syllabus. Dale Temple. |
Book review.
"Guidance." Oliver Barclay. |
Book review. "This is
the Way." Donald Gee. |
Book review. "Divine
Guidance: A Pastor's Perspective." Milton |
Blaine Smith. |
Book review. "How to
Know God's Will." Charles Shepson. |
[folder] Sermon 2:
Guidance - Dreams. |
Kathryn Lindskoog to John Wimber. August |
25, 1987. |
"God, Dreams, and
Revelation." Morton Kelsey. p. 17-101. |
"God, Dreams, and
Revelation." Morton Kelsey. p. 165-189. |
"God, Dreams, and
Revelation." Morton Kelsey. p. 4-7. |
[folder] Sermon 3:
Guidance, Biblical Models, Visions. |
Guidance - Visions. |
[folder] Sermon 4:
Guidance, Angelic Appearances. |
Guidance - Angels. |
[folder] Sermon 5:
Guidance - Prophets as Seers. |
[office folder] |
[folder] Sermon 6:
Guidance - Prophets as Spokesmen. |
Guidance - Prophets as
God's Spokesmen. |
"Prophecy in Early
Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean |
World." David E. Aune. p.
81-231. |
[folder] Sermon 7:
Guidance - The Inner Voice of God. |
Sermon - The Inner Voice of
God. |
[folder] Sermon 8:
Guidance - The Wisdom & Judgment of Man. |
Sermon - Man's Wisdom &
Judgment. |
[folder] Sermon 9:
Guidance - The Counsel of Men. |
Sermon - Counsel of Men. |
[folder] Sermon 10:
Guidance - Summary: The Importance of |
Guidance. |
Sermon - Summary/Guidance Principles. |
[office folder]
Fellowship. |
"A New Look at Church
Growth." Floyd G. Bartel. p. 38-51. |
"Growth Through Groups."
W. Clemmons and H. Hester. p. 102- |
160. |
"People on the Grow."
D.P. Foemmel. p. 86-178. |
"New Life From
Inside." David Watson. Renewal. |
August/September 1974.
p. 10-17. |
Pastoral Renewal.
Vol. 3, No. 7. January 1979. |
"Early Christian
Hospitality: A Factor in the Gospel Transmission." |
Donald Wayne Riddle.
Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 57, No. 2.
p. 141-154. [2 copies] |
"Hospitality Begins at
Home." Jeanne Holland. FOCUS. Spring |
1981. |
"The Neglected Gift of
Hospitality." Neta Jackson. New Covenant. |
October 1981. |
"Unity." Rev. William
Bliese. Lutheran Charismatic Renewal. |
Vol. 6, No. 3. March
1980. |
Pastoral Renewal.
Vol. 3, No. 2. August 1978. |
Pastoral Renewal.
Vol. 2, No. 1. July 1977. |
Pastoral Renewal.
Vol. 3, No. 3. September 1978. |
Pastoral Renewal.
Vol. 6, No. 7. August 1982. |
"Small Groups: A Select and
Annotated Bibliography." Gordon M. |
Klenck. Research
project. Fuller Theological Seminary. |
[office folder]
Fasting. |
Dallas Willard to John Wimber regarding fasting. |
September 22, 1987. |
The Kingdom Fast: Main
Outline. |
[The Kingdom Fast.]
Chapter One. "Failing at Fasting." |
[The Kingdom Fast.]
Chapter Two: Outline. "Historical Overview." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Three. "Why Fast? The Classic |
Christian Approach." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Four. "A Fresh Approach." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Five. "Fasting Redefined." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Six. "Jesus and the New Fast." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Seven. "Jesus Talks About Fasting." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Eight. "After Jesus - New Testament |
Fasting." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Nine. "You and the New Fast." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Eleven. "Preparing for the Kingdom |
Fast." |
The Kingdom Fast.
Chapter Twelve. "The Call to the Kingdom |
Fast. |
[office folder]
Fatherhood. |
Fathering. Father's
Day 1997. Columbus VCF. |
[pamphlet] "The
Father Heart of God." John Dawson. |
A Call to Fatherhood.
John Wimber. |
[folder] Fatherhood.
[empty] |
[folder] Fatherhood -
Father Heart. |
Talking from a Father's
Heart. John Wimber. Baltimore #3. |
[2 copies] |
[office folder] Fear
of the Lord. |
[correspondence] From
James [?] to John Wimber. |
[office folder]
Faith. |
Faith Through Difficult
Circumstances. John Wimber. |
The Ecstasy and Agony of
Faith. John McClure. |
Faith is a State of Mind.
John Wimber. |
[office folder]
Faithfulness. |
Faithfulness During Trials.
John Wimber. |
Living in Uncertainty. |
[correspondence] From
Peter Davids to John Wimber. |
Faithfulness. [empty] |
[office folder]
Evangelism. |
Growing in the Spiritual
Life I. Richard Foster. Evangelism in the |
Power of the Spirit:
Spiritual Maturity. |
Evangelism Today.
John Wimber. August 21, 1996. |
Power Evangelism.
Expanding the Hingdon Conference. January |
21, 1997. [2 copies] |
Inroads to the Heart.
John Wimber. Personal Evangelism. |
Evangelism Training Center.
December 8-9, 1995. |
10 Questions on Evangelism.
Jim Fredericks. August 26, 1995. |
[office folder]
Eschatology. |
[correspondence] From
Judith Pool to Hal Lindsey, Cliff Ford, |
James Robinson, (cc. John
Wimber) regarding corrections to a paper. August 26, 1993. |
Cornelius Buhler to John Wimber. February 20, |
1990. |
[correspondence] From
John Noe to John Wimber soliciting comment |
for Noe's book The
Apocalypse Conspiracy: Why the World May Not End as Soon as You
Think and What You Should Be Doing in the Meantime.
January 29, 1992. |
"Jesus At the Doors.
W.R. Turner |
[folder] Eschatology
- Pre-Trib/Post-Trib. |
"Is a Post-Tribulational
Rapture Revealed in Matthew 24?" John |
F. Walvoord. Grace Theological
Journal. Vol. 6, No. 2. 1985. p. 257-266. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part I" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. January
- March 1975. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part II" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. April
1975. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part III" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. July
1975. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part IV" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. October
1975. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part V" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. January
1976. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part VI" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. April
1976. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part VII" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. July -
September 1976. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part VIII" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. October
- December 1976. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part IX" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. January
- March 1977. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part X" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. April -
June 1977. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part XI" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. July -
September 1977. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part XII" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. October
- December 1977. |
"Post-Tribulationism Today:
Part XIII" John F. Walvoord. |
Bibliotheca Sacra. January
- March 1978. |
[folder] Eschatology
- General Articles. |
Vol. XVIII, No. 2. February, 1997. |
Keith Walters to John Wimber. |
"The Kingdom Gospel
Messenger." Vol. 8, No. 1. January, |
1996. |
"Hermeneutics or Zeitgeist
as the Determining Factor in the |
History of Eschatologies. Stanley
N. Gundry. Journal of Evangelical Theological Society.
March 1977. |
"How Does the Church's View
of Millenialism Affect Missions?" |
Christianity Today. May
18, 1984. |
"Eschatology in the Gospel
of Mark." G.R. Beasley-Murray. |
Southwestern Journal of Theology.
Fall 1978. |
"Some Observations on
Political Origins of Israel's Eschatology." |
The Reformed Theological Review.
Vol. 36, No. 2. May - August, 1977. |
"Last Things Last."
Sojourners. June - July, 1984. |
"The Mission of the Church
in Light of the Kingdom of God." C. |
Rene Padilla.
Transformation. April - June, 1984. |
Revisited." G. Aiken Taylor. The Presbyterian |
September 6, 1978. |
"Bringing Down the Final
Curtain." Tom Sine. Sojourners. June - |
July, 1981. |
"The Eschatologies of the
Peace Movement." Robert W. Wall. |
Biblical Theology
Bulletin. January, 1985. |
[office folder]
Evangelicals. |
How to Lead someone to
Christ. John Wimber. |
Telling Your Story, Telling
His Story. John Wimber. |
Evangelism and the Social
Web. John Wimber. |
10 Question on Evangelism.
Jim Fredericks. August 26, 1995. |
"Who's Afraid of the Holy
Spirit?" Daniel B. Wallace. Christianity |
September 12, 1994. p. 35-38. |
"F.F. Bruce: A Mind For
What Matters." W. Ward Gasque and |
Laurel Gasque.
Christianity Today. April 7, 1989. p. 22-25. |
"The Remaking of English
Evangelism." David Neff and George K. |
Christianity Today. February 5, 1990. p. 25-36. |
"Evangelism: Recovering a
Tradition of Spiritual Depth." Richard |
Lovelace. The
Reformed Journal. September 1990. p. 20-25. |
A Message to My Fellow
Conservative Evangelicals. John White. |
Stockholm '91 - Revival,
Prophecy, Holiness. |
[folder] Signless and
Wonderless Evangelism. |
"Conspiracy of Kindness."
Steve Sjogren. |
Session #1: Signless and
Wonderless Evangelism. John Wimber. |
[office folder]
Discipleship. |
[folder] |
Kelowna, BC. March, 1997. [2 copies] |
Discipling. John
Wimber. Leadership Seminar. 1996. |
Introduction to
Discipleship. John Wimber. July, 1995. |
Leading and Developing Foot
Soldiers. John Wimber. March |
2-4, 1993. |
Discipleship. Summer
1994? |
Introduction to
Discipleship. John Wimber. |
Characteristics of a
Disciple in the Gospels. |
Nine Critical Issues in
Discipleship. |
Discipleship Scriptures. |
Characteristics of a
Disciple in the Gospels. Fredericks. |
December 7, 1994. |
[overhead] Paul's
Blueprint for Church Planting. |
Discipleship - More Characteristics. |
Discipleship: How Did Paul Disciple? |
Discipleship - Some Pitfalls. |
Discipleship. |
Introduction to
Discipleship: Part 1. John Wimber. 1995. |
Discipleship: How Did Paul
Disciple. |
[overhead] Nine
Critical Issues in Discipleship. |
Discipleship: Jim Fredericks Work. |
Winter 1997. |
[folder] Discipleship
Articles. |
Interview with Robert E. Coleman. Pastoral |
Renewal. Vol. 6, No. 10.
April, 1982. |
"What Did It Mean To Be a
Disciple?" Pastoral Renewal. Vol. |
3, No. 1. July, 1978. |
"Disciples, Disciples,
Disciples: God's Not-So-Secret Agents." |
Pastoral Renewal. Vol. 3,
No. 5. November, 1978. |
"Receiving God's Gift: The
Lordship of Jesus Christ." Theosis. |
Vol. 4, No. 10. October, 1981. |
"Training Lay Ministers."
Rev. Paul Anderson. Lutheran |
Charismatic. Vol. 4, No.
10. October, 1978. |
"How To Be a Radical
Without Joining a Cult." Stephen Bly. |
HIS. January, 1980. |
"The Mutual Giving and
Receiving That Makes Disciples." David |
Mansell. Renewal.
December, 1975. |
"Sack of Spuds or Mashed
Potatoes?" Nick Isbister. |
Renewal. February/March,
1978. |
Renewal News.
January/February, 1980. [copied] |
"Servanthood: A Key to the
Release of All of Christ's Gifts in |
the Church." Rev. Del Rossin.
Lutheran Charismatic. Vol. 4, No. 5. May,
1978. |
Like People...Like
Priests." Dr. Michael Harry. Lutheran |
Charismatic Renewal. Vol.
6, No. 10. October, 1980. |
"A Biblical Look At
'Optional Extras.'" Ted Jungkuntz. |
Lutheran Charismatic Renewal.
Vol. 6, No. 15. March, 1981. |
"Perspective for a Decade:
Getting Involved." Don Basham. |
New Wine. February, 1981. |
"Perspective for a Decade:
Discipling the Nations." Ern Baxter. |
New Wine. February, 1981. |
"Bob Mumford." Bert
Ghezzi. Charisma. August, 1987. |
Disciplines That Release
Power Ministry. John and Margie |
McClure. |
"Discipline - Who Needs
It?" Francis Szarejko. New |
Covenant. February, 1981. |
"How Four Growing Churches
Train the Laymen." Robert |
Armbruster. Logos Journal.
November/December, 1978. |
Characteristics of a Disciple. |
[correspondence] From
Dudley Hall of Successful Christian |
Living Ministries to John Wimber.
February 17, 1985. |
A Call To Discipleship.
Dane Yarbrough. Holiness Unto the Lord. |
Discipleship. [no
author] |
Disciple-Making: The Family
Life of God's People. Ron Ford. |
1980. |
Discipleship in the NT.
[worksheet] |
Discipleship: Table of
Contents. [Arthur Baskay, Metro?] |
Discipleship. Jim
Fredericks. |
Characteristics of a
Disciple in the Gospels. Jim Fredericks. |
December 7, 1994. [rough draft] |
Nine Critical Issues
Discipleship. |
Men Ministering Into the
21st Century - Seven Critical Issues. Jim |
Fredericks |
Teaching Notes: Recruit,
Train, Deploy, Monitor Nurture: The |
Example of Jesus. John Wimber |