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Regent awarded nearly $23 million in institutional scholarships & aid, 2021-22
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“A” rated for campus safety by Niche, 2023.
Ranked among Top 15 Best College Campuses in America, Niche, 2023
I understand that Regent University does not and cannot ensure that students’ participation in a program is free from risk. In addition to supervised activities, students may be exposed to risks during both supervised and unsupervised time. I wish to participate in activities at Regent University during the 2024-2025 Academic Year as described below (the “Activities”), and I understand the nature of these Activities and the potential risks involved, including risks of personal injury and death and property damage or loss. I assume sole and full responsibility for my safety during participation in these Activities for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.
In consideration of participation in Regent University activities, I agree as follows:
I have read this entire Agreement. I fully understand it, and I agree to be legally bound by it. No oral representations, statements or inducements have been made with regard to this Agreement or the Activities.