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A student practicing her skill: Pursue your BFA in Graphic Arts degree online at Regent University, Virginia Beach.

BFA in Graphic Design

Create. Design. Compel. Earn a Graphic Design Degree.

You’ve got an eye for design and are ready to take your skills to the next level. Regent’s graphic design degree can teach you the technical foundations, industry-leading skills, and design software needed for careers in graphic design, marketing, advertising, and media integration. Study the fundamentals of design, digital photography, illustration, drawing, web design, logo development, corporate branding, and more—all from a Christian worldview.

Online, Blended (On Campus)*
May 12, 2025
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*The BFA in Graphic Design is offered online and on-campus as a blended-campus program in Virginia Beach. Learn more about blended-campus programs.

FUEL YOUR CREATIVITY with a graphic design degree

Explore art history along with the latest in design technologies.


Develop a professional portfolio highlighting your skill mastery and artistic talents.


Be mentored by award-winning faculty in Virginia Beach and online. Meet the faculty.

Explore Scholarships

Explore exciting scholarship opportunities such as academic merit scholarships, honors college scholarships, and more! Learn about the scholarships for on-campus incoming freshmen: the $10,000 Freedom Scholarships, $4,000 Homeschool Scholarships and $4,000 Private School Scholarships.


Regent has been ranked among the Top National Universities by the U.S. News & World Report (2025). It is also one of only 24 universities nationally “A” Rated for comprehensive liberal arts curriculum by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), 2022.

Please complete the Request Information form on this page to learn more about this program.

On completing the BFA in Graphic Design degree, you can:

  • Create compelling visual communication.
  • Develop industry-standard materials for interactive media and multi-platform campaigns.
  • Evaluate visual communication strategies based on data-driven outcomes and popular culture.

Career Opportunities:

  • Graphic designer
  • Web designer
  • Logo designer
  • Layout artist
  • Photoshop artist
  • Creative/art director
Approximate Median Salary for Graphic Designers U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023
Featured Courses
ANIM 115Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics3
Fundamentals of motion graphics including basic motion graphics principles and elements, design and composition, timing and effects, storyboarding and planning, sound and music synchronization. Industry-standard computer applications introduced and applied.
DSGN 100History of Art & Design 13
Provides a critical look at the development of art and design styles, from pre-historic cave paintings through the middle ages.
DSGN 105History of Art & Design 23
Provides a critical look at the development of art and design styles, from the Renaissance through to today’s top artists and designers. Prerequisite: DSGN 100.
DSGN 110Design Applications & Industry3
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the hardware systems, design applications and industry practice for graphic design. The lectures and class demonstrations cover the basic techniques and processes of graphic design. Basic fundamentals of professional practice, including: systems, processes, common documents; OSHA guidelines; legal issues pertinent to the creative professions; budgeting; project management: marketing will be introduced.
ARTA 120Introduction to Drawing3
Students will learn observational skills and drawing techniques to enhance technical abilities and creative responses to materials and subject matter. In-depth investigation of line, perspective, space, atmosphere, erasure, and other key components of animation in a wide range of drawing media will be covered. Weekly group critiques and sketchbook assignments are integrated.
DSGN 121Fundamentals of Design3
Concept and creation of two-dimensional imagery. Practice in basic principles of design, color and visual organization in traditional, digital and lens-based media. Explores the context of imagery in the larger culture and the future of art and design.
DSGN 125Vector Based Art Creation3
Explores the possibilities of computer as an artist tool to create images and illustration in Adobe Illustrator. Students will develop concept and sketches, generate a number of expressive solutions, and explore illustration techniques with various styles or media, with an emphasis on computer art. Prerequisites: DSGN 100, DSGN 110, DSGN 121.
DSGN 130Image Manipulation3
Introduces basic knowledge and skills in Adobe Photoshop. Students learn the terminologies, concepts, methods and techniques in image manipulation. These skills will be used as a tool for analyzing and creating various images for design. Prerequisites: DSGN 110, DSGN 120, DSGN 121.
DSGN 200Digital Photography3
Introduces the techniques for taking digital photography, editing and manipulating photos in Adobe Photoshop and Camera Raw. Focuses on photographic effects and techniques used as tools for analyzing and creating various images to be used in design.
ARTA 201Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing3
Intensive practice in correct rendering of the human and animal forms through skeletal and muscular studies looking at stationary poses as well as figures in motion and basic gesturing. Prerequisite: ARTA 120.
DSGN 210Typography3
Addresses various areas of typography, from the history of typography, font attributes and categories, to the technical and artistic use of type as a means of communication. Skills in digital typography, type hierarchy and figurative typography will be developed. Prerequisite: DSGN 121.
DSGN 220Layout3
Addresses the creative solutions of layout composition and digital layout skills in Adobe InDesign. Grid theory, type and imagery in page layout, hierarchy and multi-page document creation explored. How to utilize principles and creative process to develop a concept from sketches to digital layout composition. Prerequisites: DSGN 110, DSGN 121.
DSGN 300Graphic Symbolism3
Explores the idea of the iconography in graphic design. Logos and other symbolic images are examined in historic and cultural contexts. Various types of logos explored. Emphasis will be on visually representing appropriate forms as graphic symbols. Prerequisite: DSGN 210.
DSGN 305Web Design3
Basic understanding of web design concept, process and techniques. Introduces basic web design using HTML and CSS. Planning and designing effective web pages; implementing web pages by writing HTML and CSS code; enhancing web pages with appropriate design elements; and producing a functional, multi-page website. Prerequisite: DSGN 210.
DSGN 311Print Production3
Introduces basics of print production for graphic designers, including terminology and methods, print cost estimates, font management, color use in print production and current printing technology. Prerequisite: DSGN 220.
DSGN 315Interactive Design3
Investigates the current concepts, methods and technologies in the design of interactive media. The mechanics of 2-D animation with audio and interactivity will be explored. Prerequisite: DSGN 305.
ARTA 405Digital Illustration3
Creation of original hand-drawn art using Digital hardware and software most particularly Photoshop. Prerequisite: ARTA 130.
ARTA 410Advanced Web Design3
Delves deeper into web-related concepts, methods and technologies. Continues to develop planning, usability, content, site management, interactivity, design and production skills for web design. Advanced and dynamic web page design will be covered. Prerequisites: DSGN 305 and DSGN 315.
DSGN 425Publication Design3
Investigates the underlying principles of publication design, a mainstay in the study of graphic design, including hierarchy, grid, page layout, typography, sequence and pagination, and digital publishing. Explore concepts, technologies and practices in various areas of publication designs. Prerequisites: DSGN 210 and DSGN 220.
DSGN 430Corporate Branding3
Involves designing and implementing a corporate logo in a branding package which includes stationery, signage, advertising, packaging, web page and other miscellaneous items. Explores concepts of branding and relating them to corporate marketing. Research of many of the famous brands and their impact on us. Prerequisite: DSGN 300.
DSGN 486Senior Project 13
Directs students to research and plan their own graphic design project through guided examination of some representative graphic design works and class discussion over various topics on art theory and criticism. Research, creative writing and concept development are required at this stage. Prerequisites: DSGN 425 and DSGN 430.
DSGN 496Senior Project 23
Continuation of Senior Project 1. Students must have successfully completed Senior Project 1 before taking this course. The course focuses on the project design process, production and final project delivery and presentation. Prerequisite: DSGN 486.

Step 1: Apply to Regent University

Submit your application using the Regent University Online Application.

Note: If you are unable to complete our application due to a disability, please contact our Admissions Office at 757.352.4990 or and an admissions representative will provide reasonable accommodations to assist you in completing the application.

Step 2: Submit Your Unofficial Transcripts

Submit your unofficial high school or college transcripts to

Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email requesting authorization for Regent University to obtain your official transcripts from your U.S. degree-granting institution. International transcripts must be evaluated by a NACES, AACRAO or NAFSA approved agency.

Step 3: Submit Your Government-Issued ID

To ensure academic integrity, Regent University requires a copy of a government-issued ID. Please submit a scanned copy or photograph of it to

Step 4: Submit Your FAFSA

Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Regent's school code is 030913.

Please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 757.352.4990 or should you have any further questions about the application process.

Note: All items submitted as part of the application process become the property of Regent University and cannot be returned.

DegreeTuition Block Rate Per SemesterCredit Hours Per SemesterTuition Rate Per Year
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$9,97512 - 18$19,950
DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$665Under 12$7,980
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$665Over 18$11,970
Students taking on-campus classes
(summer semester)

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)

Housing Fees » | Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Part-Time Students (3-11 Credit Hours Per Semester)$4506$2,700
Full-Time Students (12+ Credit Hours Per Semester)$39512$4,740

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Block Rate Per SemesterCredit Hours Per SemesterTuition Rate Per Year
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$9,49312 - 18$18,986
DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$630Under 12$7,560
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$630Over 18$11,340
Students taking on-campus classes
(summer semester)

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)

Housing Fees » | Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Part-Time Students (3-11 Credit Hours Per Semester)$4506$2,700
Full-Time Students (12+ Credit Hours Per Semester)$39512$4,740

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

What is a graphic Design degree?

A graphic design degree can teach foundational design through art history and theories while helping you learn industry-standard software needed to pursue a graphic art career. Throughout the program, you can build a portfolio that can be used for applications to internships and jobs.

What can you do with a degree in graphic design?

A degree in graphic design can help you work across industries in marketing, advertising, film, video games, technology, and more. Graphic design is multipurpose and valuable in various professions, including software development, user interface design, and product design.

“Regent prepared me to step into the unknown with confidence and skill.”
Jonathan Holman, B.S. in Business, 2019 Director of Business Intelligence, Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance
“When I came to Regent, life had kind of clipped my wings. In hindsight, I see that Regent wasn’t so much a restoration project, but rather a new-construction project.”
Bruce Long, M.A. in Cinema/ TV Acting & Directing, 2001 Executive Director, CITA Producer, The Repertoire Fund
“Putting that cap on felt so surreal, but I praise God I did it! I'm now preparing for my master's.”
Andria Sinclair, B.S. in Healthcare Management, 2019 Owner, Marie Muah Cosmetics
“Greatness is deposited into the hearts of every student through this university. It's a greatness to serve with excellence, humility, and a commitment to respond both in heart and mind to the work ahead.”
Lauren Dennis, B.S. in Biophysical Sciences, 2020 Student Research Assistant, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
“I received my M.A. in Communication from Regent University. Juggling full-time work, freelancing, family time, as well as 2-3 courses at a time was challenging, but it was worth all the hard work.”
Adam Ericson, M.A. in Communication, 2020 Filmmaker, Seacoast Church