Volume 1, Number 2 | Spring 2013

From the Editor
Rodrigo Zárate

Some authors have written about the differences between leadership and management. Still many people in the organizations do not know the difference between these terms and use them interchangeably. In this second issue of REAL, we have accepted articles that discuss areas of management related to leadership.

One of the basic differences between these two terms is that leadership is about influence based in the values of the leaderwhile management is about putting together the activities and resources to accomplish the goals of the organization. REAL is committed to providing a venue in which academic debate can produce new knowledge about leadership that will help leaders make their organizations more competitive and productive.

Innovation: Now or Never
Francisco Afanador [ About ]

Keywords: Innovation, decision-making, business from a Christian perspective, design thinking

It is no secret that decision-making at the executive level is difficult. Due to the great number of variables and uncertainties, the speed at which decisions need to be made, and the array of risks and opportunities associated with them, today’s business choices are challenging. Therefore, it is vital that leaders make the best decisions, implementing them quickly and consistently. This article studies one of today’s most critical skills: decision-making, as it relates to innovation through new products, ideas or services. The research, framed within a Judeo-Christian worldview, reviews traditional decision-making methods and submits a new paradigm based on design thinking as a tool for innovation.
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Anthropology and Leadership: Why We Like Leaders?
Santiago Aparicio García [ About ]

Keywords: Leadership, myth, knowledge theory, undertaking, followers

Researching leadership without analyzing the volitions of followers is a common mistake. So, why do people like leaders? While society has lost its mythic component, an anthropological analysis allows us to observe that therein lies part of the leader’s charm. In this article, the mythical components of leadership and various mythical leadership models will be analyzed. [ continue ]

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Leadership Styles for Organizational Success: Multiple-Case Studies in Puerto Rican Businesses
Zaida I. Berdecía Cruz [ About ], Joyce R. González-Domínguez [ About ], & Carlos Rubén Carrasquillo Ríos [ About ]

Keywords: Leadership, leadership styles, organizational success, economic crisis, Puerto Rico

This qualitative scientific study identifies the leadership styles of executives and their relationship to organizational success in times of economic crisis. Focusing on executives from three companies recognized as part of Puerto Rico’s 20 Best Employers, this study notes the most common leadership styles and their impact on organizational success.
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The Business-Family Conflict - Humanity or Management?
Gerardo Augusto De La Hoz Pinzón [ About ]

Keywords: Conciliation, company – family time, family-responsible organization, conflict, demotivation

This article analyzes an organization’s conciliation or management of the time dedicated to the family and the company. The study seeks to create awareness into the leaders of the organizations about how time management is inherent to human beings rather than a simple element that looks to achieve the adhesion of the employees to a climate of wellness created in the organization to increase productivity. [ continue ]

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Adaptation to Change and Service: Keys to Leadership in Betterment of Productivity in Organizations
Ricardo Prada Ospina [ About ]

Keywords: Change, Leadership, Productivity, Service Improvement, Organizations

Good discipline is an exercise of leadership and a commitment to support others, which influences a specific group to achieve certain objectives. In business management today, a primary challenge is flexibility and the ability to rapidly adapt to change. This article explores the current managerial situation, leader-follower relationships, the dynamism of the times, and the application of leadership based upon several companies in the service sector and in industry who were surveyed about the most critical issues relating to meeting the real needs of the organization. [ continue ]

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