Volume 1, Number 3 | Spring 2014

From the Editor
Rodrigo Zárate

The transformation of organizations begins with leadership.

One purpose of REAL is to get people reading and reflecting on the concepts and cases published here. All articles have subjects connected to leadership. We believe that transformed organizations have leaders who are able to break from convention and who dare to live a life based on values. They are brave leaders who seek the benefit of the organization and are always thinking about doing things and treating people with honesty and transparency. Not surprisingly, studies conducted by Kouzes and Posner describe the main feature that reviewers want in their leaders is honesty. [ Read more ]

The Assessment Center: A Methodology for Assessing Officers
Geli Pautt Torres [ About ]

Keywords: Assessment Center, Managers, Techniques, Dimensions, Job Performance

This article is a literature review on the Assessment Center (AC) as a methodology for evaluating managers. We explored the concept considering what is and what is not an assessment center. Also, we analyzed the most commonly used techniques, such as simulation exercises and interviews being the most widely used techniques in various countries and personality tests whose validity is at least equivalent to AC in terms of predicting job performance. It also provided a connection between the exercises and the dimensions or competencies to be evaluated so as not to affect the convergent validity of the same. Finally, we analyzed the importance of taking into account the culture in the design of the AC and to provide feedback to participants upon completion of the process, for the reason that this kind of assessment creates uncertainty and expectations of applicants. The implications this has for management research is related to the identification of competition managers in selection processes for promotion and executives to determine potential future directions for the relay.
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Characterization of the Employee Agreement by Colombian Rainbow Features
Rodrigo Torres Arturo Zarate [ About ] and Absael Antelo [ About ]

Keywords: Followers, Followers Attributes, Leadership

This article is the partial result of scientific research conducted in the city of Bogotá, Colombia that seeks to identify the attributes of employees according to the Rainbow of Attributes developed by Antelo, Philipko, and Sheridan Pereira. The vast majority of leadership theories always talk about two actors, leaders and followers; however the latter have been given little attention. The present study shows the results of the attributes of employees based on the rainbow of attributes of followers developed by Antelo Prilipko, and Sheridan Pereira (2010). The results show that Colombian employees are inflexible when it comes to change and do not know how to use their emotional intelligence in the workplace. On the other hand, the results show that employees have the capacity of easy learning and are consistent in their role as members of a group. [ continue ]

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A Look at the Historical Evolution of Organizational Strategy
José Castellanos Narciso [ About ] and Mauricio A. Cruz Pulido [ About ]

Keywords: Organizational Strategy, Strategic Thinking, Strategic Management, Strategic Foresight

This article is the result of a review on the history and importance of organizational strategy, shaping concepts and models from different schools and thinkers, especially those who in their time have made a difference, such as studies developed by Drucker, Chandler, Ansoff, Andrews, Mintzberg and Porter, among others. In first instance, it is historical,and disclosed the main definitions for the reader to analyze the evolution of the strategy. Later, this article shows the main contributions that the authors have made to organizational strategy. Finally, the authors referenced some strategic management models currently being implemented by organizations and described the importance of foresight in the strategic field. [ continue ]

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About the Business Review Sostenibildad
Manuel Alfonso Garzón Castrillon [ About ] and Alberto Ibarra Mares [ About ]

Keywords: Green Economy, Sustainability Reporting, Sustainable Value Creation

This research report is a journey through the history of sustainability. It addresses the issue of socially responsible investment (SRI) and the green economy approach which is the result of a gradual incorporation of green management guidelines organizations as a form of management that leads to strategic thinking and business friendly sustainability. The authors then review the concepts of sustainability as a complex and multidimensional concept that cannot be solved with a single corporate action and is based on what proposes to be a sustainable business model. Also reviewed is literature on stock indices related to sustainability and sustainability reporting. Preparation finally made an approach to creating sustainable value. [ continue ]

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Common Errors in Making Strategic Decisions, An Approach from the Rationale
Fernando Adolfo Fierro Celis [ About ]

Keywords: Strategy, Power, Decision-Making, Mathematical Models

In this literature revision work, the reader will find out how we can make mistakes in decision-making. First of all, the article addresses the outline of the strategy as a fundamental part in this process and how it is influenced by rationality when making decisions. At the same time, it defines the different factors that influence this process, analyzing in this way the different structures to respond to the situation presented.

All these processes are supported by the individual, which is presented as the core of process and how its beliefs guide the different actions. As decisions are important in any kind of organization, here, the reader analyzes how this permeates all the different groups presented in an institution and how these are, at the same time, a support to the success of strategic decision-making. Summing up, this paper could not finish without analyzing the mathematical models of decision-making, taking the limitations as a way to know which ones best fit the reality of decisions. [ continue ]

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