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Volume 3, Issue 1 / 2007
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From the Editor
Dail Fields
This issue of the International Journal of Leadership Studies begins our third year of publication and contains some of the most interesting work we have seen from international authors from North America and Europe. The leadership contexts range from the boardroom to the basketball court. As always, we include some thought provoking work on the concept of leadership. Authors should take note that the IJLS is now cataloged by Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management. [more]

Practitioner's Corner
In Search of Organizational Transformation

Diane Norbutus
A favorite line from The King and I is when the King of Siam, faced with something he did not understand, would tell the English woman, Anna, that it was a puzzlement. As the story unfolds, Anna, who the King had retained to educate his many children, contributed to the King’s education, and the King contributed to hers. The differences in their perspectives are striking as they struggled to understand and be understood. Efforts toward organizational transformation easily fit this same dilemma. Some things are puzzlements, and the struggle to understand and be understood was a key insight in a recent research project on transformation. [more]

Leadership Reflection
A Devoted Christian's View on Development of Spiritually Formed Leadership

David J. Gyertson
As faith-oriented leaders, we are called to a challenging and difficult responsibility to model leadership that is both relational and transactional in its formulations and applications. To succeed in this calling, we must embrace a whole person model of leadership learning, living, and serving, which, at its core, is a process of spiritual awakening and formation. [more]

Please note: Views and opinions expressed in the articles published in the International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS) represent each author's research and viewpoint and do not necessarily represent IJLS or its sponsors. IJLS and its sponsors make no representations about the accuracy of the information contained in published manuscripts and disclaims any and all responsibility or liability resulting from the information contained in the IJLS.

How Networks Impact the Search for a Mentor: An Examination of NCAA Basketball Coaches and Their Protégés
Jeff W. Mott, Emily T. Porschitz, Kimberly E. Sherman, & Charles C. Manz

In this paper, we analyze the relationship between an individual’s upward career mobility and the size of his or her mentors’ networks. We introduce the concept of a protégé network and propose that this concept may be important to career self-managers as they evaluate potential professional relationships with leaders and mentors. The mentors of 318 recently active Division I basketball head coaches were analyzed to determine whether the upward career mobility of these coaches was influenced by the protégé networks of their former mentors. The results of this study indicate that the protégé network sizes of the first and longest mentors are related to an individual’s upward career mobility. However, it is the aggregate protégé network size of all mentors that has the strongest relationship with career advancement. [more]
Understanding the Leadership Role of the Board Chairperson Through a Team Production Approach
Jonas Gabrielsson, Morten Huse, & Alessandro Minichilli
Current corporate governance recommendations—rooted in an investor-based shareholder supremacy model—often narrowly discuss the issue of board leadership as whether or not there is a separation of the CEO and chairperson positions. In this article, we employ a team production approach to better understand the leadership role of the board chairperson. We argue that effective board performance is driven by the extent to which corporate directors bring relevant knowledge into the boardroom. An important prerequisite, however, is that the knowledge must be actively used. In line with this argument, we contend that the competencies and behaviors of the board chairperson are critical in order to unleash a board’s value-creating potential. [more]
Shared Leadership: A Postheroic Perspective on Leadership as a Collective Construction
Lucia Crevani, Monica Lindgren, & Johann Packendorff
Within the field of leadership practices, there is an emergent movement towards viewing leadership in terms of collaboration between two or more persons. At the same time, traditional literature on leadership and organization theory has been dominated almost exclusively by the perspective that leadership is something that is exercised by a single person—the idea of unitary command (Pearce & Manz, 2005). This has been challenged by the theoretical perspective of postheroic leadership, of which one practical consequence is to view leadership activities as collective rather than individual. In this paper, we argue that by shifting perspective from viewing leadership as a single-person activity to viewing it as collective construction processes, we will see new patterns in how leadership is exercised in practice. Thematic data from four qualitative case studies of organizations are presented. A discussion towards future research agendas where the articulation and questioning of the foundations of leadership practices and leadership research are central to the development of postheroic leadership ideals concludes the paper. [more]
Authentic Leadership: A Self, Leader, and Spiritual Identity Perspective
Karin Klenke
In this paper, I introduce a model of authentic leadership that rests on a single explanatory concept-identity-which specifies three interrelated identity systems: the self-identity system, the leader-identity system, and the spiritual-identity system, which, in turn, are comprised of multiple subidentities that include cognitive, affective, and conative elements. I offer a construct definition of authentic leadership that is explicated in a theoretical model which draws from humanistic psychology, existential philosophy, and social identity as well as self-categorization theory, leader prototypicality, and spiritual leadership theory. The fundamental premise of this paper is that spirituality and spiritual identity are at the core of authentic leadership. While much work remains to be done in terms of sharpening construct definitions of authentic leadership and operationalizing it, in the opinion of this author, authentic leadership is an important and provocative concept that holds promise for multiparadigmatic and multimethodological theoretical and empirical research. [more]
On Impassioned Leadership: A Comparison Between Leaders from Divergent Walks of Life
Joan F. Marques
This paper discusses team-based findings collected from leadership courses in higher education and pertaining to leaders from various disciplines, time frames, and backgrounds. Biographies of these leaders were reviewed, after which students listed the positive and negative traits of each leader. Subsequently, the author of this paper applied the phenomenological approach in order to find common themes among these remarkable individuals and draw an overall conclusion. Some similar qualities detected were confidence, hard work, risk taking, and communication skills. Yet, the greatest common factor among these leaders was the passion they displayed toward realizing their purpose. This passion was not only the core of their drive but also the overarching quality in achieving their purpose. The greatest difference among these leaders was found in the goals they set out to achieve with their skills. [more]

International Journal of Leadership Studies
An online refereed journal sponsored by
Regent University School of Business & Leadership
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Phone: 757-352-4550; Email: ijls@regent.edu
© 2007| ISSN 1554-3145