Volume 3, Issue 1 / 2007

From the Editor

Dail Fields
Regent University



This issue of the International Journal of Leadership Studies begins our third year of publication. The journal’s continued success is in no small part due to our recently expanded editorial board, whose help has been key in providing critical and useful reviews of submitted articles. I want to express special thanks to Chuck Manz for his insightful help as consulting editor.

This issue contains some of the most interesting work we have seen from international authors from North America and Europe. It includes quantitative studies, theoretical perspectives, and case studies. The leadership contexts range from the boardroom to the basketball court. As always, we include some thought provoking work on the concept of leadership. Thanks to all of our contributing authors as we strive to continue to present a professional and interesting research journal in an online format free of charge to readers. 
Authors should take note that the IJLS is now cataloged by Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management. We are interested in receiving new work, so bring it on!


International Journal of Leadership Studies
An online refereed journal sponsored by
Regent University, School of Business & Leadership
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Phone: 757-352-4550; E-mail: ijls@regent.edu
© 2007| ISSN 1554-3145