Volume 1, Issue 1

From the Editor

Dail Fields

Regent University


This inaugural issue of the International Journal of Leadership Studies is the start of what we intend to be a respected resource for research and theory in the field of leadership studies. We have been fortunate to receive an invited contribution from Charles Manz and his colleagues, Jose Alves and D. Anthony Butterfield that challenges our thinking about leadership models and theory in Asia. Their integration of Chinese philosophy into leadership presents a perspective that invites application to leadership in other settings, such as Europe and America. Eric Romero next takes us into the rather tricky world of ethnic identity and leader prototypes, examining some of the subtle differences that may be present among Hispanics in the United States. His findings have practical significance for managers in an ethnically diverse workforce. In the third study, Audra Mockaitis explores the relatively little studied, but culturally rich Baltic region, examining similarities and differences in implicit leadership models in Lithuania, Estonia, and Poland. Next M. Shane Wood explores the intriguing concept of shared leadership within management teams. His findings about the role of behaviors experienced by team members increases our understanding of the dynamics that influence the emergence of leadership sharing. Finally, Kristin Straiter explores how trust of subordinates and an organization may affect the well being of supervisors. This study gives us a rare look at the leadership issues found at the middle ground of many organizations and presents useful practical results.

In addition to the studies noted above, we have introduced a Practitioner's Forum which will feature research translations such as the one provided for this issue by Jacque King concerning work and family conflict. In the future, we plan to add case studies in leadership development to this forum and welcome new contributions to this area.

As our team has learned first hand over the past eight months, peer-reviewed journals like this take longer than expected to come together. Julia Mattera, our managing editor, and I owe thanks to our editorial board members, our copy editor, Myra Dingman, and our dynamic web duo, Doris Gomez and Danny Varghese.

Dail Fields, Ph.D.


International Journal of Leadership Studies
An online refereed journal sponsored by
Regent University, School of Business & Leadership
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Phone: 757-352-4550; Email: ijls@regent.edu