Court of Benefactors
The 2021 Regent Court of Benefactors
Scripture tells us in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Members of the Regent Court of Benefactors have chosen to place their treasure in the form of their time, talents and finances with Regent University. As co-laborers who share our heart for equipping Christian leaders to change the world, these individuals and organizations play an active role in shaping both the history and future of Regent University. It is our honor and privilege to recognize the 2021 Regent Court of Benefactors.
$1M+ Lifetime
Individual Donors
Drs. Kenneth A. & Roberta E. Eldred
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Gregory
Dr. Kay P. Khoo
Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Long
Ms. Betsy N. McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Saltsgiver
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Shaw
Anonymous Donors (4)
Donor Organizations
American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel
Anonymous Donors (1)
$100,000+ Lifetime
Individual Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ahmanson
Mr. Arthur L. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bailey Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Baker III
Mr. John Sainsbury & Ms. Susan Boarman-Sainsbury
Mr. Frederick D. Bornman
Mr. Kurt H. Broecker† & Mrs. Mary B. Broecker
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Brown
Ms. Dianne Cash
Admiral & Mrs. Vernon E. Clark
Mr. Richard C. Csaplar Jr.†
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Daugherty
Mr. Brian R. Dinning, Esq.
Mr. Ralph R. Domdey
Ms. Eleanor L. Dooner
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Fick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Flynn, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Fricks
Mr. & Mrs. Foster Friess†
Mr. Winthrop W. Gilman
Mr. & Mrs. G. Royden Goodson III
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gregory
Ms. Joan L. Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. LaFrance
Ms. Ruby C. Lawrence†
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Ledbetter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey E. Loving Jr.
Mr. John H. Martinson Sr.
Mr. William L. Maynard
Ms. Cheryl P. McLeskey
Senator & Mrs. Jeffrey L. McWaters
Mr. & Mrs. David V. Melilli
Ms. Nancy Ann Ranken Moffitt
Mr. B. F. Moomaw Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell W. Morse
Dr. Elizabeth Norman & Mr. Ronald Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Pilcher
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Quinn
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Reese
Mr. Carl R.G. Renoud
The Honorable & Mrs. E. Scott Rigell
Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Robertson
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Rodriguez-Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Snelling Sr.
Captain & Mrs. Luther J. Stallings III
Dr. Joseph B. Stokes Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Nahum and Laura Tate
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Tragos
Mr. & Mrs. R. Peter Vann
Dr. & Mrs. Roger L. Visser
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Waites
Mr. Robert C. Walker
Dr. & Mrs. Don C. Warrington
Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Waugh
Dr. Richard K. White† & Mrs. Lesley White
Mr. Jack B. Burton &
Ms. Jennifer L. Whitelaw
Mr. & Mrs. S. Tucker Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Benny L. Yount
Anonymous Donor
Donor Organizations
Allen Systems Group, Inc.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Beazley Foundation, Inc.
Benny Hinn Ministries
Charles Koch Foundation
Chatlos Foundation, Inc.
Clancy & Theys Construction Company
Clapham Group, LLC
Cox Communications, Inc
Edgar & Elsa Prince Foundation
Fieldstead & Company
High Pressure Equipment Company
Hon Foundation
Inventory Procurement Services, Inc.
Jamaica Broilers Group Foundation
John Templeton Foundation
Kingdom Oil Company
Kingdom School and Ministry
Life Enrichment Foundation
Lilly Endowment Inc
Maclellan Foundation, Inc.
McLeskey & Associates, LLC
Mychal Institute, LLC
Newington Cropsey Foundation
Office of Justice Programs
Warwick Plumbing & Heating Corporation
$25,000 – $99,999*
Individual Donors
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Bloodworth, II
Ms. E. Bernice Perkins
$10,000 – $24,999*
Individual Donors
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Herron
Mr. & Mrs. John Stillion
$1,000 – $9,999*
Individual Donors
Mr. Michael A. Aiello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Atkinson
Dr. & Mrs. George O. Bailey Sr.
Mr. Kurt T. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Balouziyeh Jr.
Ms. Rosalinda L. Baron
Ms. Sarah J. Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Blair A. Bower, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Eugene Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Brauch
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Bringard
Ms. Annigje J. Buwalda, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chalfin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Coughlin
Dr. Mara T. Crabtree & Mr. Thomas Crabtree†
Ms. Carol L. Crymble
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery S. Curtiss
Dr. Edwin C. Daley
Dr. & Mrs. Edward B. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Desandro, Esq.
Dr. & Mrs. Barry A. Doublestein
Mr. & Mrs. T. Taylor Fain Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Fast, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Dale L. Fenwick
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel S. Gaston
Dr. Doris Gomez & Rev. Nile Gomez
Honorable & Mrs. Michael K. Hardin Jr.
Ms. Marie Harrill
Mr. Robert Harvey
Mr. Michael A. Iaconelli
Mr. & Mrs. Louis K. Isakoff
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Jenkins
Rev. Linda A. Jennings & Mr. Thomas M. Jennings
Mr. Alexander T. Julian
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Knox
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Knox Jr.
Pastor & Mrs. William Krause
Ms. Robin C. Kunikis
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lambert
Dr. Dianne Lawrence & Mr. Larry Lawrence
Mr. Willie Lee III
Mr. Thomas C. Leighton
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J Lingo
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Lowe
Mr. Bertram E. MacColl
Chief Justice Mark D. Martin & Mrs. Kym Martin
Mr. Scott D. McGregor
Ms. Kathleen A. McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Miller
Dr. Tyler Miller & Dr. Bridget Miller
Honorable Henry C. Morgan Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George and Susan Moritz
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Mulford Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron I. Mullen
Dr. Ashley Newcomb & Mr. Larry Newcomb II
Mr. Paul Okatahi
Ms. Priscilla J. Oster
Mr. Edward M. Pabalan
Mr. James W. Paine
Mrs. Mary L. Payne
Mrs. Charlotte F. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Pritchard
Vinitha Seevaratnam
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Shafer
Dr. Jeffrey Sim
Mr. Leon K. Smith† & Mrs. Carolyn V. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua S. Smith
Dr. Kevin P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Martha Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Akinbowale Oludare Soluade
Mrs. Jean L. Stone
Dr. & Mrs. Kaare Strom
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel and Farnaz Thompson
Ms. Laura Till, Esq.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Umidi
Mr. Bryce K. Vinson
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Dean Walker
Mr. David A. Walters
Mr. Gary L. Weeks
Hon. & Mrs. Gregory E. Wilhelm
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Winston
Anonymous Donors (2)
Donor Organizations
Prepared for the Journey LLC
Desandro Law Group PLLC
First Presbyterian Church
Hoogendoorn & Talbot, LLP
Anonymous Donors (2)
Thank You
We are humbled by your partnership, prayers and gifts that are truly making an impact in the lives of Regent students, the university and beyond.
*With the exception of the Society of the Crown and Shield and the Chancellor’s Court, membership in the 2021 Regent Court of Benefactors is based on giving during fiscal year 2021 (July 1, 2020 thru June 30, 2021)