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Class Profile for Entering 2023 Class

General Stats

Applications: 548
Entering Class Size: 112
29% Qualified to Enter Our J.D. Honors Program


25th Percentile: 3.40
50th Percentile: 3.68
75th Percentile: 3.88


25th Percentile: 152
50th Percentile: 157
75th Percentile: 160


No. of Academic Institutions Represented: 73
Female Enrollment: 58%
Average Age: 26
No. of States Represented: 31

Success Story

Peter McCoy, Regent Law school alumnus.

I loved my time at Regent and could not imagine getting a better legal education. The professors truly care about their students, and they equipped me to be an outstanding lawyer and exemplary public servant.

— Peter McCoy, Class of 2005, U.S. Attorney, District of South Carolina