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School of Education Programs Resources

Regent University’s School of Education is committed to developing teachers, school principals and administrators who can enrich students’ lives. To this end, we offer valuable program resources designed to help professionals thrive in the field of education.

Today’s schools are looking for general and special education teachers who can address a wide range of student needs. Through the completion of the program, students can earn a Master of Education degree in K-12 Special Education. This accomplishment allows successful completers to be eligible for the K-12 Special Education General Curriculum endorsement offered by the Virginia Department of Education.

This page is designed to help teacher candidates registered in the licensure concentration understand important program milestones and the requirements for transitioning through the program to completion. It also provides access to program documents and other forms.

special education Program handbook

Download the program handbook

special education transition points & levels of progression

The K-12 Special Education – Licensure program in the School of Education utilizes program Transition Points to monitor admission and support student progress and readiness for graduation and licensure in K-12 Special Education General Curriculum.

Transition Points – Please see handbook for details.

Program Transition Point Success Plan

The following are the levels of progression that each candidate must complete, along with the requirements for each level:

Steps in the admissions process include but are not limited to the following:

  • Undergraduate degree competition prior to graduate program enrollment
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Government issues photo ID
  • Completion of application form and admissions questionnaire
  • Minimum score on admissions rubric

Steps to applying for the M.Ed. K-12 Special Education General Curriculum Program can be found on the admissions section of the program licensure page.

Background Check Requirements:
The School of Education requires a background check for all students who participate in internships that includes direct contact with students. Regent University School of Education has entered into an agreement with Castle Branch, a private vendor that conducts background checks for many universities and educational institutions. After you are admitted into the program, you will be provided instructions to set up an online profile with Castle Branch.

During Program Transition Point 2, students must:

  • Achieve a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Complete all program courses except EFND 598-Professional Project, and ETSP 561A and ETSP 561 internship courses.

(Our internship team checks this when students apply for their internships)

Internship Application Process

Apply for the Student Teaching Internship by submitting the online Special Education Program Internship Application

The deadlines for submission are March 1 for those planning a Fall student teaching experience, and October 1 for those planning a Spring student teaching experience.

During Program Transition Point 3, students must complete:

  • Internships (ETSP 561 Internship: Teaching Students with Exceptional Needs and ETSP 561A Internship: Inclusions): Evaluations from Supervisor, Cooperating Teacher, and Administrator
  • EFND 598 Professional Project: Program Culmination Assessment
  • Ensure you have passed the state required assessment: the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) and the Praxis® Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) (the required assessment after September 1, 2022)

For successful completion of this stage of progression, students must finish the internship with overall field evaluation ratings of “effective” or above and earn course grades of a B- or higher.

Graduation Application

  • Apply for Graduation by submitting the online Graduation Application form. The Graduation Application due date is September 15 for Fall graduates, and December 1 for Spring and Summer graduates. Further details on graduation procedures are found at Graduation Policies.
  • Prior to degree conferral, licensure program completers must pass the state required Reading Assessment and the VCLA.
  • Please work with your school district’s licensure specialist for licensure processes. If you are not currently a contracted teacher please contact the Certification/Licensure Official.

For all approved education programs, the Virginia Department of Education and the School of Education’s accrediting body the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation require that every education provider monitors alumni progress and impact in their teaching careers. The data collected is used for continuous program improvement and to meet the reporting requirements for all accrediting bodies. To satisfy these needs, the School of Education asks alumni to participate in our completer surveys for at least 3 years after graduation. Since the School of Education is also required to survey employers, we ask that our graduates provide their employer’s contact information as well.

Program Director – Rachel Copeland

Internship Coordinator – Sonja Maggi

Coordinator of Field Placements for Licensure Programs – Romeo Villanueva

Certification/Licensure Official – Lisa Temple

Accreditation Data

The School of Education publicly displays data pertaining to each of our Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Annual Reporting Measures.

Data for the 2022-23 academic year is found at CAEP Accreditation Data.

Scholarship & Grant Opportunities

  • Teach for America – a national teacher corps of college graduates and professionals who commit to teaching for two years and raising student achievement in public schools.
  • Teach Grant Program – provides federal funds to students enrolled in a TEACH Grant-eligible program of study. Regent participates in the TEACH Grant Program. Interested students should contact Regent University’s financial aid office.
  • Get your federal student loans forgiven or canceled for your service as a teacher.

Additional Scholarship & Grant Opportunities

Regent’s Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Post-master’s degrees in K-12 School Leadership can help advance your career as an influential leader in the field of education. The primary knowledge-base for these programs is the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). The programs are approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education to provide the Administration & Supervision pre-K-12 add-on endorsement for individuals who already hold a professional teaching license.

These programs prepare candidates for positions as School Principals, Assistant Principals, Superintendents, other Central Office placements, Teacher Leaders, university professors, and numerous other Administration positions in education.

On completing the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership or Ed.S./Ed.D/Ph.D. in K-12 School Leadership degree programs, you can be able to:

  • Develop, communicate, implement, monitor, and evaluate a vision of learning as an educational leader.
  • Understand school law, finance, resource management, and technology needs.
  • Complete a principal internship and professional project that provide hands-on experience in daily operations at the leadership level.

Educational Leadership program handbook

Download the program handbook

Educational Leadership/K-12 School Leadership Transition Points and Levels of Progression

The Educational Leadership and K-12 school Leadership programs utilize Transition Points to monitor admission, and support student progress and readiness for graduation and Administration & Supervision endorsement.

Transition Points – Please see handbook for details.

The following are the levels of progression that each candidate must complete, along with the requirements for each level:

Steps in the admissions process include but are not limited to the following:

  • Undergraduate degree competition prior to graduate program enrollment
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Government issues photo ID
  • Completion of application form and admissions questionnaire
  • Minimum score on Admissions Rubric

Steps to applying for the M.Ed. Educational Leadership & Ed.S. in K-12 School Leadership can be found on the admissions section of the program licensure page.

Background Check Requirements:
The School of Education requires a background check for all students who participate in internships that includes direct contact with students. Regent University School of Education has entered into an agreement with Castle Branch, a private vendor that conducts background checks for many universities and educational institutions. After you are admitted into the program, you will be provided instructions to set up an online profile with Castle Branch.

EADM 597/797 Principal Internship

Synthesize and apply content knowledge and develop professional skills through a school-based internship that occurs in an accredited public/nonpublic school, including elementary, middle, high, central office, and agency; and with diverse student populations. Interns complete a minimum of 200 clock hours.

Graduation Application

Apply for Graduation by submitting the online Graduation Application form.

The Graduation Application due date is September 15 for Fall graduates, and December 1 for Spring and Summer graduates. Further details on graduation procedures are found at Graduation Policies


Upon successful completion of all components of the approved program requirements, students are eligible for graduation. Once degree conferral occurs, you will receive a degree-posted transcript confirming your graduation. Work with your school district licensure specialist to add the endorsement to your professional license. If you are not currently a contracted teacher please contact the Certification/Licensure Official.

After Graduation

For all approved education programs, the Virginia Department of Education and the School of Education’s accrediting body the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation require that every education provider monitors alumni progress and impact in their teaching careers. The data collected is used for continuous program improvement and to meet the reporting requirements for all accrediting bodies. To satisfy these needs, the School of Education asks alumni to participate in our completer surveys for at least 3 years after graduation. Since the School of Education is also required to survey employers, we ask that our graduates provide their employer contact information as well.

Internship handbook

Internship Evaluations

School Administrators

Intern Candidate

State regulations

Learn more about the administration and Supervision Pre K-12 regulations.

CAEP Standards

Please review the Advanced Standards document.

Professional Standards for Education Leaders

Please review the Professional Standards for Education Leaders document.

  • Program Director – Glenn Koonce
  • Internship Supervisor – Alan Vaughan
  • Coordinator of Field Placements for Licensure Programs – Romeo Villanueva
  • Certification/Licensure Official – Lisa Temple

Accreditation Data

The School of Education publicly displays data pertaining to each of our Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Annual Reporting Measures.

Data for the 2022-23 academic year is found at CAEP Accreditation Data

Scholarship & Grant Opportunities

  • Teach for America – a national teacher corps of college graduates and professionals who commit to teach for two years and raise student achievement in public schools.
  • Teach Grant Program – provides federal funds to students enrolled in a TEACH Grant-eligible program of study. Regent participates in the TEACH Grant Program. Interested students should contact Regent University’s financial aid office.
  • Get your federal student loans forgiven or canceled for your service as a teacher.

Additional Scholarship and Grant Opportunities

Regent’s CAEP accredited Master of Education & Educational Specialist – Leadership in Mathematics Education programs are designed for the K-8 classroom teacher who wants to improve and expand instructional skills in mathematics as well as prepare to become a school-based or district level K-8 mathematics instructional leader. Grow your teaching career in this high-demand area as you also influence improvement in school mathematics programs. Here’s your chance to help students develop core knowledge of math processes and disciplines as you fulfill the requirements for a Virginia Mathematics Specialist endorsement. The programs are approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education to provide the Virginia Mathematics Specialist add-on endorsement for individuals who already hold a professional teaching license.

On completing the program, the graduate can:

  • Effectively explain number systems and number theory; geometry and measurement; statistics and probability; and functions and algebra.
  • Understand curriculum & technology trends to help students process and retain critical math skills.
  • Develop coaching and leadership skills to assist diverse learners and teachers.

This page is designed to help candidates understand important program milestones and the requirements for transitioning through each milestone to program completion. This page also provides access to program resources.

Leadership in Mathematics Education Program Handbook

Download the program handbook

Leadership in Mathematics Education Transition Points & Levels of Progression

The Leadership in Mathematics Education (M.Ed. and Ed.S.) programs utilize Transition Points to monitor admission and support student progress and readiness for graduation and the Math Specialist endorsement.

Transition Points – Please see handbook for details.

Program Transition Point Success Plan

The following are the levels of progression that each candidate must complete, along with the requirements for each level:

Steps in the admissions process include but are not limited to the following:

  • Undergraduate degree completion prior to graduate program enrollment
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Minimum number of credit hours
  • Government-issued photo ID
  • Applicants to this program must hold a valid Collegiate Professional Teaching License or equivalent from another state and have taught for a minimum of three (3) years in which the teaching of mathematics was an important area of responsibility.

Steps to applying for the M.Ed. & Ed.S. in Leadership in Mathematics Education Program can be found on the admissions section of the program licensure page.

Background Check Requirements:
The School of Education requires a background check for all students who participate in internships that includes direct contact with students. Regent University School of Education has entered into an agreement with Castle Branch, a private vendor that conducts background checks for many universities and educational institutions. After you are admitted into the program, you will be provided instructions to set up an online profile with Castle Branch.

Courses taken in this stage are:

  • EADM 548/648 Educational Leadership in Mathematics II (Internship)
  • MATH 598/698 Mathematics Specialist Final Project

Note: These courses can only be taken in the Fall or Spring Semesters.

To enroll in the Internship and Culminating Experience, students must:

  • Achieve a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Complete all program courses except the EADM 548/648 Educational Leadership in Mathematics II (Internship) and MATH 598/698 Mathematics Specialist Final Project

Graduation Application

  • Apply for Graduation by submitting the online Graduation Application form.
  • The Graduation Application due date is September 15 for Fall graduates, and December 1 for Spring and Summer graduates. Further details on graduation procedures are found at Graduation Policies.

Licensure Endorsement

Upon successful completion of all components of the approved program requirements, students are eligible for graduation. Once degree conferral occurs, you will receive a degree-posted transcript confirming your graduation. Work with your school district licensure specialist to add the endorsement to your professional license. If you are not currently a contracted teacher please contact the Certification/Licensure Official.

After Graduation

For all approved education programs, the Virginia Department of Education and the School of Education’s accrediting body the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation require that every education provider monitors alumni progress and impact in their teaching careers. The data collected is used for continuous program improvement and to meet the reporting requirements for all accrediting bodies. To satisfy these needs, the School of Education asks alumni to participate in our completer surveys for at least 3 years after graduation. Since the School of Education is also required to survey employers, we ask that our graduates provide their employer contact information as well.

Internship handbook

Internship Evaluations

Cooperating Teachers/Mentors

Intern Candidate

State regulations

Learn more about the Mathematics Specialist for Elementary and Middle Education regulations.

CAEP Standards

Please review the Advanced Standards document.

Professional Standards for Education Leaders

Please review the NCTM Standards for Mathematics Specialist document.

  • Program Director – Darwin E. Mills
  • Coordinator of Field Placements for Licensure Programs – Romeo Villanueva
  • Certification/Licensure Official – Lisa Temple

Accreditation Data

The School of Education publicly displays data pertaining to each of our Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Annual Reporting Measures.

Data for the 2022-23 academic year is found at CAEP Accreditation Data

Scholarship & Grant Opportunities

  • Teach for America – a national teacher corps of college graduates and professionals who commit to teach for two years and raise student achievement in public schools.
  • Teach Grant Program – provides federal funds to students enrolled in a TEACH Grant-eligible program of study. Regent participates in the TEACH Grant Program. Interested students should contact Regent University’s financial aid office.
  • Get your federal student loans forgiven or canceled for your service as a teacher.

Additional Scholarship and Grant Opportunities

Regent’s CAEP-accredited Master of Education in Reading Specialist (with endorsement) is designed to meet the growing demand for trained reading specialists. The competency-based courses in this program fulfill the requirements for the Virginia Reading Specialist endorsement.

This page is designed to help candidates registered in the endorsement concentration understand important program milestones and the requirements for transitioning through each milestone to program completion. This page also provides access to program resources.

Reading specialist program handbook

Download the program handbook

Reading Specialist transition points & levels of progression

The Reading Specialist (Endorsement) program in the School of Education utilizes program Transition Points to monitor admission and support student progress and readiness for graduation and the addition of the Reading Specialist endorsement to a professional license.

Transition Points – Please see handbook for details.

The following are the levels of progression that each candidate must complete, along with the requirements for each level:

Steps in the admissions process include but are not limited to the following:

  • Undergraduate degree competition prior to graduate program enrollment
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Government issues photo ID
  • Completion of application form and admissions questionnaire
  • Minimum score on Admissions Rubric

Steps to applying for the M.Ed. Reading Specialist Program can be found on the admissions section of the program licensure page.

Background Check Requirements:
The School of Education requires a background check for all students who participate in internships that includes direct contact with students. Regent University School of Education has entered into an agreement with Castle Branch, a private vendor that conducts background checks for many universities and educational institutions. After you are admitted into the program, you will be provided instructions to set up an online profile with Castle Branch.

During Program Transition Point 2, students must:

  • Achieve a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Complete all program courses except the ETSP 596 Reading Internship and EFND 598 Professional Project.
  • Work toward completing Licensure Assessments

(Our internship team checks this when students apply for their internships)

Internship Application Process

Apply for the Student Teaching Internship by submitting the online Reading Specialist Internship Application

The deadlines for submission are March 1 for those planning a Fall internship, and October 1 for those planning a Spring internship.

During Program Transition Point 3, students must complete:

  • ETSP 596 Reading Internship: Evaluations from Supervisor, Cooperating Teacher, and Administrator
  • EFND 598 Professional Project: Program Culmination Assessment
  • Ensure you have passed the state required assessments: the Praxis® Reading Specialist (5302) (the required assessment after September 1, 2022)

For successful completion of this stage of progression, students must finish the internship with overall field evaluation ratings of “effective” or above and earn course grades of a B- or higher.

Graduation Application

  • Apply for Graduation by submitting the online Graduation Application form. The Graduation Application due date is September 15 for Fall graduates, and December 1 for Spring and Summer graduates. Further details on graduation procedures are found at Graduation Policies.
  • Prior to degree conferral, licensure program completers must pass the state required Praxis exam. Teaching experience will be verified through the successful completion of the internship course. Upon successful completion of all components of the approved program requirements, students are eligible for graduation. Once degree conferral occurs, you will receive a degree-posted transcript confirming your graduation.
  • Work with your school district licensure specialist to add the endorsement to your professional license. If you are not currently a contracted teacher please contact the Certification/Licensure Official.
  • Program Transition Point Success Plan

For all approved education programs, the Virginia Department of Education and the School of Education’s accrediting body the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation require that every education provider monitors alumni progress and impact in their teaching careers. The data collected is used for continuous program improvement and to meet the reporting requirements for all accrediting bodies. To satisfy these needs, the School of Education asks alumni to participate in our completer surveys for at least 3 years after graduation. Since the School of Education is also required to survey employers, we ask that our graduates provide their employer’s contact information as well.

  • Program Director – Rachel Copeland
  • Internship Coordinator – Sonja Maggi
  • Coordinator of Field Placements for Licensure Programs – Romeo Villanueva
  • Certification/Licensure Official – Lisa Temple

Accreditation Data

The School of Education publicly displays data pertaining to each of our Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Annual Reporting Measures.

Data for the 2022-23 academic year is found at CAEP Accreditation Data

Scholarship & Grant Opportunities

  • Teach for America – a national teacher corps of college graduates and professionals who commit to teach for two years and raise student achievement in public schools.
  • Teach Grant Program – provides federal funds to students enrolled in a TEACH Grant-eligible program of study. Regent participates in the TEACH Grant Program. Interested students should contact Regent University’s financial aid office.
  • Get your federal student loans forgiven or canceled for your service as a teacher

Additional Scholarship and Grant Opportunities

Meet the Staff

Glenn Koonce

Glenn Koonce
Program Director for the Educational Leadership, K-12 School Leadership, and Advanced Educational Leadership programs

Rachel Copeland

Rachel Copeland
Program Director for the Special Education and Reading Specialist programs

Darwin E. Mills
Program Director for the Leadership in Mathematics Education program

Romeo Villanueva

Romeo Villanueva
Coordinator of Field Placements for Licensure programs

Alan Vaughan

Alan Vaughan
Internship Supervisor for the Ed Leadership and K-12 School Leadership programs

Lisa Temple

Lisa Temple
Licensure Official

Sonja Maggi
Internship Coordinator