2022-23 CAEP Accreditation Data
The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has granted full national accreditation at the initial-licensure level and the advanced level to the Regent University School of Education. This accreditation status is effective between Fall 2023 and Fall 2030. The initial licensure level programs included in this accreditation cycle are: Early & Primary Education PreK-3; Elementary Education PreK-6; Secondary English 6-12; Secondary History & Social Science 6-12; Secondary Math 6-12; and K-12 Special Education – Licensure. The advanced level programs included are: Ed.S., Ed.D., and Ph.D. in K-12 School Leadership; M.Ed. in Educational Leadership; M.Ed., and Ed.S. in Leadership in Mathematics Education; M.Ed. in Reading Specialist; and M.A. in School Counseling. The accreditation does not include individual education courses that these programs offer to P-12 educators for professional development, re-licensure, or other purposes. 1140 19th St NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036, (202) 223-0077.
CAEP has defined a set of annual reporting measures which allow Education Preparation Providers (EPPs) to provide information to the public on both program outcome and program impact and to demonstrate continuous improvement. Annually, the School of Education publicly displays data pertaining to each of the Annual Reporting Measures.
In compliance with CAEP accountability requirements, each education provider must share a direct link to the EPPs website where data relevant to each of the 4 Annual Reporting Measures are clearly tagged, explained, and displayed.
CAEP Accountability Measures | |
Initial LicensureRegent University now offers 6 initial licensure programs. K12 Special Education – General Curriculum Licensure resides in the School of Education. The Teacher Education Department in the College of Arts & Sciences houses the undergraduate programs: Early & Primary Education; Elementary Education; Secondary English; Secondary History & Social Science; and Secondary Mathematics. | AdvancedRegent University offers several advanced teacher preparation programs. These are the Ed Leadership Program (M.Ed.), the K12 School Leadership Program (Ed.S., Ed.D., Ph.D.), the Leadership in Mathematics Education or Mathematics Specialist (M.Ed., Ed.S.), the Reading Specialist (M.Ed.) and the School Counselor program (M.A.). |
Measure 1. Completer effectiveness and Impact on P-12 learning and development (Component R4.1)CAEP requires that each education program provider demonstrates the effectiveness of its completer’s instruction on P-12 student learning and development, and completer and employer satisfaction and effectiveness of preparation. For completer effectiveness Regent University asked initial licensure graduates working in P-12 public schools to self-report their summative evaluations. These evaluations assess performance against the Virginia Uniform Performance Standards that among other things measures teacher impact on student academic progress. | Measure 1. Completer effectiveness and Impact on P-12 learning and development Not applicable. |
Measure 2. Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement (Components R4.2|R5.3)Regent University participates in the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative Employer Survey for Initial Licensure programs. The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative utilizes a common survey of program completers and their employers using the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards for teachers. Benchmarking with the other VEAC participants, Regent University can better understand program strengths and areas for improvement. Employer Surveys VEAC Administered Employer Survey 2022-23 | Measure 2. Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement (Components RA.4.1)Regent University undertakes employer and completer satisfaction surveys each year for its Advanced Programs. Since 2020-21 survey items for all programs have been aligned with national standards for the associated discipline. For the Education Leadership and K12 School Leadership programs survey items assess completer preparation against the Professional Standards for Education Leaders (PSEL). For the Math Specialist program, the National Council of Mathematics (NCTM) standards are used; for the Reading Specialist, the International Literacy Association (ILA) standards are used; and for the School Counseling Program, the Virginia state competencies are used.
Measure 3. Candidate competency at program completion (Component R3.3)Candidate competency at completion is determined by a student’s ability to successfully complete all coursework, internships and state required assessments. These standardized assessments are mandated for teacher licensure by the Virginia Department of Education. These assessments demonstrate academic and skill achievement in a variety of content areas for program completers.Coursework Completion
| Measure 3. Candidate competency at program completion (Component RA3.4)Candidate competency at completion is determined by a student’s ability to successfully complete all coursework, internships and state required assessments.Coursework Completion
Measure 4. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have preparedCandidate competency (measure 3) at completion prepares candidates for successful employment in their disciplines. | Measure 4. Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have preparedCandidate competency (measure 3) at completion prepares candidates for successful employment in their disciplines. |