Regent University Chorale 2025 Spring Concert
We lifted our hearts and our voices in musical worship during the 2025 Regent University Spring Choral Concert.
Watch and experience both blessings and rejoicing through sacred songs from various genres brought to you from the beautiful Dede Robertson Theatre.
Regent University Chapel and Chamber Choir Concert
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 | 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.
Dede Robertson Theatre
Join us as we lift our hearts and voices in musical worship during the Regent University’s Spring Choral Concert. You will experience both blessings and rejoicing through sacred music from various genres written by Bach, Brahms, Burleigh, Gjeilo, Paulus, Runestad, Wickham & Johnson, and more. This musical celebration, featuring the Regent University Chapel and Chamber Choir.
Dr. Joan Pi, Director of Choral Activities
Sylvia Chapa, Collaborative Pianist
Performance List
Jesu, der du meine Seele | Johann Sebastian Bach |
Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen from ein deutsches Requiem | Johannes Brahms |
Iam sol recedit | Ola Gjeilo |
Let My Love Be Heard | Jake Runestad |
The Road Home | Stephen Paulus |
For Everyone Born | Brian Mann/ arr. Tom Trenney |
Built on a Rock | Joel Raney |
What Grace Is Mine | Traditional Irish Melody/ arr. Tom Fettke |
Order My Steps (In Your Words) | Glenn Burleigh / arr. Jack Schrader |
We Walk by Faith | Jan Sanborn |
Living Hope | Phil Wickham & Brian Johnson / arr. David Wise |
Regent University Chorale
Aidan Abner, Ezekiel Adams*, Matthew Baker*, Olivia Bishop, Ailidh Buffalo, Bridget Calhoun*, Cristina Cochran*, Naomi Corbin*, Nathan Cormier*, Miguel De La Pena, Aisha Ellis*, Scott Elmore*, Addi Figgers, Elizabeth Fisher*, Anthony Fitch*, Angelina Flores*, Desiree Flores, Grace Greenleaf*, Andrew Harrill*, Sueysen Hernadez, Elle Herson, Emily Hogan*, Kate Hurley*, Jada Jackson, Kali Lambert*, Skylar Laraba*, Elizamarie Levy*, Marcail Makinson, Rebecca McCord*, Lennon Messinger, Jesiah Miller*, Trudy Mucha*, Michale Oldham*, Naomi Palmieri, Caedmon Reams*, Katelyn Reynolds*, Frederick Sammons*, Faith Stillman, Laura Taveras, Raquelle Tua, Elijah Watson*, Shalom Williams*, Gabriella Wilson*, Jahziel Zarate.
Ticket Costs
$15 for general
$5 for Students | Regent & CBN Employee
Contact Information
Regent Box Office
Phone: 757.352.4245
Hours: Monday – Friday 1:00 p.m. – 5 p.m. & 1 hour before performance in the main lobby of the Communication Building
(*denotes Chamber Choir members)
It is our great joy to share this time of reflection and celebration with the entire Regent University community!
Please go to the Box Office website for ticket information.