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Employees at Regent University: Access Handshake at Regent to apply for jobs and internships.

Handshake at Regent University

As a Regent student or an alum, you have access to coaches, premier online career assessments and job listings available through our partnership with Handshake—the number one site for college students to find jobs. Handshake is a free online recruiting platform designed to streamline and simplify the recruiting process. With the click of a button, you can apply for jobs directly through Handshake. You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with hundreds of top employers, get notified of upcoming job and interview deadlines, register for job fairs, and more.



Apply for jobs and internships, schedule coaching appointments, and learn how you can interview with employers visiting campus. All Regent students get a Handshake account automatically within one week after completing an enrollment agreement.

How to Access Your Handshake Student Account:

  • Login with your Regent student email name and password.
  • In Handshake, complete your profile.
    • You can upload your resume, and search and apply for internships and jobs.


Build a stronger team of professionals.

Post jobs, access resumes, hold information sessions, interview students, and participate in career fairs.

How to Access Your Handshake Employer Account:

New to Handshake? Create a User Account

Helpful Tips

  • Select Employer as account type, complete the requested information and click SIGN UP.
  • Select your recruiting areas of interest and read Employer Guidelines.
  • Verify your account via email. (Allow up to 10 minutes to receive email.)
  • Create a company profile, if you don’t have one already.
  • Search for Regent University to add as a core school.
  • Within 48 hours, you’ll receive approval to post jobs and internships.


Connect with employers looking to hire Regent alumni.

Apply for jobs, schedule career support appointments (resumes, mock interviews, etc.), and take advantage of continuous learning opportunities through supportive professional development webinars. Log in using your Handshake credentials. Recent graduates will need to update their email address by contacting the Career Services team at

How to Schedule a CSH Appointment With Handshake