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A Picture Worth MORE Than a Thousand Words

Regent University online student Prudence Nakaweesa smiles next to classwork on a chalkboard.

You’ve heard the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but you might agree that the photograph below says even more. Prudence Nakaweesa is a new student in Regent University’s School of Divinity. She’s connecting to her classes—in the rain—from the best Wi-Fi spot available outside her village in Uganda. She wants to use her education to reach the unreached.

“God has called me to teach others to follow Him,” Prudence says. “I hope to use my Regent education to disciple others better and to be able to guide others to be faithful in handling the word of God.”

Her hunger, determination, and desire to learn more about Jesus are an inspiration to the university’s faculty, staff, and her fellow students. New to distance education, Prudence’s “Regent” journey—literally from the heart of Africa—requires hard work, discipline, and sacrifice.

Regent University online student Prudence Nakaweesa on her laptop in the rain outside her village.

“Studying online while living in Uganda is a challenge I appreciate because of the opportunity to get beyond my comfort zone,” she insists. “What I enjoy most about my studies so far is the free interactions in the class. I also love that the professors are so accessible and helpful—prayerful, too.”

The biggest challenge, Prudence says, is the seven-hour time difference between Uganda and the United States: “Some of my classes, like the one I had this morning, are at 2:00 a.m.! I had to wake up earlier so I could find the security guard and a stable network spot. There is no network in any of the buildings out here in the village where I minister. If it rains, that’s something else.”

A headshot of Regent University online student Prudence Nakaweesa smiling at home Uganda.

Prudence is pursuing a master’s degree in theology and ministry with an intended concentration on Christian discipleship. She’s grateful to be blessed with scholarship support that makes it possible for her to attend the School of Divinity.

“To the donors for Regent University,” Prudence shares, “it’s because of you that I—and others like me—have this awesome opportunity of a lifetime to access an education that I believe will impact many lives, not just in this village where I live, but in our countries and other places all over the world.”

When asked how the Regent community can further support her and other international students, Prudence replied, “Pray that the seeds sown in our lives at Regent shall bring forth a great worldwide harvest for the Kingdom of God. Also, pray that our hearts shall be stirred up to be people who impact others and not just store up our light in ourselves to the glory of Jesus’ name.”

So much is at stake in preparing the next generation of Christian leaders to meet and overcome the challenges of today’s world. Empowering deserving students, like Prudence, to answer God’s call to attend Regent University will create brighter tomorrows and a better world.

“This is a good recipe for a testimony of His faithfulness,” she explains. “Regent will help me fulfill God’s plan for my life by helping me study to be a workman ‘rightly dividing the word of truth’ (2 Timothy 2:15).”

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