Course Schedule
Clear selection
Spring 2025
Summer 2025
Fall 2025
Clear selection
College of Arts & Sciences
ACCT - UG/SBL | Accounting
ANIM - UG | Animation
ARTA - UG | Art
BIBL - UG/DV | Biblical Studies
BIOL - UG | Biology
BUSN - UG/SBL | Business, General
CHEM - UG | Chemistry
COMM - UG | Communication Studies
CRJU - UG | Criminal Justice
CSCI - UG | Computer Science
CYBR - CAS | Cybersecurity
DSGN - UG | Graphic Design
EASC - UG | Earth Science
ECEN - UG | Computer Engineering
ECON - UG | Economics
ENGL - UG | English
ENGR - UG | Engineering
FINA - UG | Finance
GENE - UG | General Education
GEOG - UG | Geography
GOVT - UG | Government
HIST - UG | History
HRMT - UG/SBL | Human Resource Mgmt
ISYS - UG | Information Systems
JRNU - UG | Journalism
LDST - UG | Leadership Studies
MATH - UG/EDU | Mathematics
MGMT - UG/SBL | Management
MKTG - UG/SBL | Marketing
PARA - UG | Paralegal Studies
PHYS - UG | Physics
PSYC - UG | Psychology
SPMT - UG | Sports Management
UEC - UG | Early Childhood Education
UED - UG | Education
UIS - UG | Interdisciplinary Studies
UNIV - University Orientation/Library
CTVU - UG | Cinema-Television
MUSI - UG | Music
NSCI - UG | Natural Science
THEU - UG | Theatre
Robertson School of Government
GOV - RSG | Government
School of Allied Health
GERO - UG | Gerontology
HCMT - UG | Healthcare Management
School of Business & Leadership
ACCT - UG/SBL | Accounting
BAN - SBL | Business Analytics
ENTR - UG/SBL | Entrepreneurship
FNCE - SBL | Finance
HRMT - UG/SBL | Human Resource Mgmt
INNV - SBL | Innovation Management
LDRC - SBL | Leadership Coaching
LDSL - SBL | Strategic Leadership
LHRD - SBL | Human Resource Develop.
LMOL - SBL | MA/Organizational Ldrshp
LPEN - SBL | Entrepreneurial Ldrship.
LPHD - SBL | Leadership PhD
LPOL - SBL | PhD Org Leadership
MBA - SBL | Master of Business Admin
MKTG - UG/SBL | Marketing
SVNT - SBL | Servant Ldrshp/Mgmt
LPEC - SBL | Ecclesial Leadership
School of Communication & the Arts
ANIM - UG | Animation
ARTA - UG | Art
COM - Comm | Communication Studies
COMM - UG | Communication Studies
CTV - Comm | Cinema-Television
DSGN - UG | Graphic Design
JRN - Comm | Journalism
JRNU - UG | Journalism
SSW - Comm | Script and Screenwriting
THE - Comm | Theatre Arts
THEU - UG | Theatre
School of Divinity
BIBL - UG/DV | Biblical Studies
COSM - CAS | Cosmogony
DGEN - Div | Divinity, General
DIV - Divinity
HCHT - Div|History of Christ. Thought
MISS - Div | Mission
PMIN - Div | Christian Ministry
SFRM - Div | Spiritual Formation
THEO - Div | Theology and Philosophy
School of Education
EADM - Edu | Admin-Leadership
EBIB - Edu | ACSI Requirement
ECEL - Edu | Christian Ed Leadership
EDCO - Edu | Distance Education
EDCS - Edu | Christian School
EDIP - Edu | Individualized Program
EDSL - Edu | Adult Ed/Prof Devel.
EDU - SOE | Graduate Foundations
EELM - Edu | Elementary Education
EFND - Edu | Educational Foundations
EGTL - Edu|Gifted and Talented Learners
EHEA - Edu | Higher Ed Administration
EPSY - Edu | Educational Psychology
ESPC - Edu | Special Education
ETEC - Edu | Instruct. Design and Tech
ETLC - Edu | Alternative Licensure
ETSL - Edu | TESOL Program
ETSP - Edu | Teaching Specialist
MATH - UG/EDU | Mathematics
EADL - Edu | Adult Education
School of Law
LAW - Law | JD/LLM
MLAW - Law | MA in Law
School of Nursing
APRN - SON | Advncd Pract. Reg. Nurs
NURS - UG | Nursing
School of Psychology & Counseling
CES - SPC | Counselor Ed. and Superv.
CHBS - SPC | CHBS Foundations
COUN - SPC | Counseling
GPSY - SPC | Psychology
HSC - SPC | Human Services Coun.
MHPS - SPC|Counseling and Psych Studies
PAC - SPC | Pastoral Counseling
PSY - SPC | Clinical Psychology
Honors College
HONS - UG | Honors
Clear selection
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Hlth&Behavioral Sci
Honors College
Robertson School of Government
School of Allied Health
School of Business & Leadership
School of Communication & the Arts
School of Divinity
School of Education
School of Law
School of Nursing
School of Psychology & Counseling
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