Minor – American Government & Politics
On Campus, Online
Students choosing the Minor in American Government & Politics must take:
GOVT 240 American Government & Politics I (3)
In addition, students must choose four (4) out of the following seven (7) courses:
GOVT 196 Introduction to the Study of Government (3)
GOVT 211 Introduction to Public Policy (3)
GOVT 300 The Legislative Process (3)
GOVT 301 The American Presidency (3)
GOVT 302 The American Judicial System (3)
GOVT 303 State & Local Government (3)
GOVT 360 Religion & Politics (3)
GOVT 196 | Introduction to the Study of Government | 3 | Explores some of the main fields within the discipline of government (e.g., comparative politics, political theory) as well as some of the main approaches to the study of government (e.g., interpretivism, behavioralism, institutionalism). Various theories of integration for the study and understanding of government are also introduced. |
GOVT 211 | Introduction to Public Policy | 3 | Introduces basic concepts, terms, principles and practices of American public policy within a democratic-constitutional framework, with emphasis on theory development, policy analysis techniques, political, economic, and social organizational and institutional influence in the policymaking process, coverage of select policy areas, and demonstration of faith integration in the policymaking process. |
GOVT 240 | American Government & Politics I | 3 | Provides an analysis of the founding of the United States through an investigation of the important philosophical, constitutional, and political questions surrounding the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, the Constitutional Convention, and the creation and development of the U.S. Constitution. Attention is given to federalism, and the Constitutional institutions of the Presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court. |
GOVT 300 | The Legislative Process | 3 | Evaluates the internal processes of the House and Senate as well as the place of Congress in the American political system. Some of the topics studied include the Congressional functions of representation, law-making, and policy-making as well as Constitutional and historical responsibilities. Prerequisite: GOVT 240. |
GOVT 301 | The American Presidency | 3 | Examines the Constitutional and historical responsibilities of the Presidency. Attention is given to the administrative, domestic, and diplomatic functions of the Presidency as well as to the growth of presidential power over time and the relationship of the Presidency to the other U.S. political institutions. Prerequisite: GOVT 240. |
GOVT 302 | The American Judicial System | 3 | Analyzes the U.S. judicial system with a concentrated emphasis on the internal processes of the federal judiciary and the U.S. Supreme Court as well as the Constitutional and historical responsibilities of the U.S. Supreme Court. Prerequisite: GOVT 240. |
GOVT 303 | State & Local Government | 3 | Analysis and investigation of the operations of U.S. state and local governments within the federal structure of American government with an additional emphasis on becoming active and knowledgeable citizens. |
GOVT 360 | Religion & Politics | 3 | Examines how religion and politics influence each other in the U.S. and globally, including discussion of church-state relations, religious liberty, religious persecution, religiously motivated political behavior, religious terrorism, secularization and how political ideas and policies shape religious belief and practice. |
Course fees
ANIM100 | Fundamentals of Animation | $200 |
ANIM103 | Introduction to Digital Art | $200 |
ANIM112 | Fund/2D Comp. Based Animation | $200 |
ANIM115 | Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics | $200 |
ANIM121 | Fundamentals of Design | $200 |
ANIM203 | Introduction to 3-D Animation | $200 |
ANIM210 | Writing for Animation | $70 |
ANIM213 | CharactDesign/Rigging/Anim | $200 |
ANIM218 | Adv 2-D Comp Anim Tech | $200 |
ANIM222 | The Art of the Storyboard | $200 |
ANIM310 | Business Planning for Media | $70 |
ANIM314 | Adv 3-D Animation Techniques | $200 |
ANIM340 | History of Animation | $70 |
ANIM400 | Portfolio Preparation | $200 |
ANIM413 | Motion Graphics for Film & TV | $200 |
ANIM415 | Animation in 3D | $200 |
ANIM450 | Special Effects Film/Video | $200 |
ANIM480 | Production Practicum | $200 |
ANIM489 | Animation Workshop | $200 |
ANIM495 | Internship | $70 |
ANIM496 | Culminating Project | $200 |
ARTA120 | Introduction to Drawing | $70 |
ARTA121 | Fundamentals of Design | $200 |
ARTA201 | Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing | $200 |
ARTA312 | 3-D Design Methods | $200 |
ARTA320 | Painting 1 | $200 |
ARTA401 | Advanced Drawing | $200 |
BIOL101 | Intro to Bio w/Lab | $70 |
BIOL121 | General Biology I | $70 |
BIOL122 | General Biology II | $70 |
BIOL201 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | $70 |
BIOL202 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | $70 |
BIOL321 | General Microbiology | $200 |
BIOL421 | Immunology | $200 |
BUSN470 | Strategic Management | $50 |
CHEM121 | General Chemistry I | $70 |
CHEM122 | General Chemistry II | $70 |
CHEM221 | Organic Chemistry I | $70 |
CHEM222 | Organic Chemistry II | $70 |
CHEM421 | Biochemistry | $200 |
CRJU460 | Senior Research/CrimJus | $30 |
CTVU129 | Fundamentals of Production | $200 |
CTVU246 | Cinematography | $200 |
CTVU256 | Fundamentals/Post Production | $200 |
CTVU258 | Sound Design | $200 |
CTVU310 | Screenwriting | $200 |
CTVU327 | Film Producing | $200 |
CTVU350 | Fundamentals of TV Production | $200 |
CTVU370 | Editing | $200 |
CTVU427 | Film Producing | $200 |
CTVU480 | Production Practicum | $200 |
CTVU495 | Internship | $70 |
CTVU496 | Senior Project | $200 |
ENGL485 | English Senior Seminar | $40 |
GENE100 | Making of the Christian Mind | $75 |
GENE402 | Making of the Christian Leader | $75 |
GOVT493 | Senior Sem in Government | $30 |
HIST207 | Western Civilization I | $25 |
HIST401 | Historiography & Research Meth | $30 |
MATH440 | History of Mathematics | $25 |
MUSI347 | Sight Reading/Musical Performa | $70 |
MUSI348 | Ensemble Performance | $70 |
MUSI380 | Voice Practicum | $70 |
NSCI270 | Natur/Sci/Ethics w/ Laboratory | $70 |
NSCI499 | Thesis Research and Writing | $70 |
PHYS221 | General Physics I | $70 |
PHYS222 | General Physics II | $70 |
THEU105 | Stagecraft | $200 |
THEU132 | Basic Acting 1 | $200 |
THEU181 | Pract/TheatreProd:Costume | $70 |
THEU221 | Movement for the Stage | $200 |
THEU 227 | Makeup for the Theatre | $200 |
THEU232 | Basic Acting 2 | $200 |
THEU234 | Voice/Diction for Stage 1 | $200 |
THEU251 | Improvisation | $200 |
THEU312 | Stage Combat | $200 |
THEU323 | Principles of Theatre Design | $200 |
THEU324 | Stage & Theatre Management | $70 |
THEU330 | Screen Acting 1 | $200 |
THEU337 | Voice/Diction for Stage 2 | $200 |
THEU375 | SpTp: Playwriting | $60 (fees vary per section) |
THEU380 | Voice Practicum | $70 |
THEU402 | Modern Drama | $70 |
THEU405 | Theatre History 1 | $70 |
THEU406 | Theatre History 2 | $70 |
THEU420 | Performance Studio | $70 |
THEU496 | Portfolio | $70 |
UED480A | Practicum I | $70 |
UED480B | Practicum II | $70 |
UED495 | Field Experience/Student Teach | $200 |
ACCT472 | Advanced Accounting II | $50 |
ANIM115 | Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics | $200 |
ANIM121 | Fundamentals of Design | $70 |
BUSN470 | Strategic Management | $50 |
CRJU460 | Senior Research/CrimJus | $30 |
CTVU480 | Production Practicum | $70 |
CTVU495 | Internship | $70 |
ENGL485 | English Senior Seminar | $40 |
GENE100 | Making of the Christian Mind | $75 |
GENE402 | Making of the Christian Leader | $75 |
GOVT493 | Senior Sem in Government | $30 |
HIST401 | Historiography & Research Meth | $30 |