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Recent graduate smiling with her parents: resources for parents of college students

Resources for Parents

We Deliver What Matters Most to You as the Parent of a College Student

We know this is a big decision for you as the parent of a college student. You want to choose a college that will equip your child for the future – one that will empower them to be all that they can be. We hear you, because we want the same.

Since 1977, Regent University has been in the business of transforming lives. We were founded with a purpose – to advance Christian leadership that will change the world. And we do this by developing leaders one student at a time. Learn more about your student’s life at Regent.

Prospective Parent Email Communication Opt-In Form

Sign up for our informative emails about the college search process. From important dates and deadlines to choosing a major and understanding the financial aid process, our emails are designed to equip you with the information you need to help your student thrive as they begin their college journey. Don’t miss out on essential details—sign up today!

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A Message from the Deans


What a blessing to be able to work with your Honors College students! Our faculty members are excited to come to campus each semester and share their excitement for God’s Kingdom and their passion for wrestling with the pressing questions of our time. What makes a good person and a great family? How can we ensure a just society that undergirds an exceptional country? How do we, as believers and as the body of Christ, work toward a flourishing world? Whether it’s within the classroom or beyond it, it’s such a joy to explore eternal questions with your student—thank you for letting us spend these formative years with them! Explore the Honors College

Simon Tarr, Dean of The Honors College and Director of the School of Communication and the Art

Simon Tarr, MFA, Ph.D.
Dean, The Honors College
Dean, School of Communication & the Arts


C.S. Lewis argued, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” (Is Theology Poetry). I often reflect on this quote when I think of undergraduate education at Regent University. Not only do we want our students to see the beauty, truthfulness, and goodness of the Christian faith itself, but we also want to challenge and educate them to see how that faith speaks to all aspects of life. We not only want to train students for their professional calling but also help them think and behave as Christian Leaders to Change the WorldExplore our Early College Program

Joshua McMullen, Dean of College of Arts & Sciences

Joshua McMullen, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences

Academic Excellence

Regent University values academic excellence. We are ranked among Top National Universities by U.S. News & World Report, 2022, and are one of only 24 universities nationally “A” Rated for our comprehensive liberal arts curriculum by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, 2022. Regent rankings and accolades.

Your student will receive all the resources and support they need to achieve their academic goal at Regent.

  • Programs & Concentration: offering 150+ areas of study. A number of our programs have multiple concentrations, allowing our students can specialize in their area of interest.
  • Faculty: Almost 80% of our full-time undergraduate faculty hold the highest degree in their field. Our professors are exemplary leaders with a strong commitment to excellence, who mentor and support their students.
  • Academic Advisors: Academic advisors help students navigate their college journey, from degree requirements to financial aid, and academic standing.
  • Writing & Math Labs: Specially trained Writing Lab tutors work with students to improve writing style and technique. Students can schedule free, individual appointments with a tutor (in-person, over the phone, or online) as well as attend interactive online writing workshops.

    Our online Math Lab provides course and chapter-specific resources as well as the ability to scheduling individual online appointments with instructors.
  • Study Abroad: Our study abroad programs equip students with a global perspective so that they can become effective change-makers. Best Semester is the off-campus study program offered exclusively through the Council of Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), which is an association of intentionally Christian colleges and universities. With 12 different programs (four domestic and eight international locations), you’re sure to find a location or emphasis that fits with God’s calling for your life.

Contact Student Services

Parents, please feel free to use this form to reach our Dean of Student Services.

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Campus Safety

Regent University police cars parked on campus: resources for parents of college students

Ranked among the Top 5 Safest College Campuses in Virginia (Niche, 2023), Regent is known for its high level of safety. Regent provides ease and peace of mind through our security resources and the work of our campus police.

  • Security escorts are available
  • 24/7 police presence and video surveillance throughout the year
  • All officers are sworn law enforcement officers under the Code of Virginia
  • 8 emergency call boxes on campus

Campus Police:
 757.226.2911 (Emergencies)
757.226.2075 (Non-emergencies)

Frequently Asked Questions by Parents

A nurse practitioner is available to all on-campus students, including those residing in campus housing and commuters (both undergraduate and graduate) who require minor healthcare services on campus. The nurse practitioner can provide a higher level of care than a nurse and has the authority to write prescriptions. A portion of the University Services Fees for on-campus students grants students the ability to visit the Health Center as often as necessary.

If additional care is needed after hours or on the weekends, students can access physician partners nearby on Providence Road at Sentara Family Medicine Physicians and Patient First on Indian River Road.

Learn more about Regent University’s health center and urgent care facilities nearby.

There are multiple local mechanics just minutes away from campus. Don’t forget to ask for student deals and discounts.

We understand that a student may determine that Regent University is a better fit academically, financially, socially, and/or spiritually after attending another school. Transferring is an option. Information on how to complete that process can be found at the following links:

RegentAlert is an Emergency Notification System (ENS). We employ the Blackboard Connect system to send mass emergency notifications. Its primary purpose is to notify Regent faculty, staff, and enrolled students in the event of an emergency on campus, such as a man-made or natural disaster. Regent also utilizes this system to notify our constituents of weather-related delays or closings.

If your student expects to receive mail, they will have a mailbox assigned to their housing. If they are expecting a package, Student Housing will contact them via student email and the package can be picked up at the Housing Office.

Here are the contact details for any further questions:

Student Housing:

Phone: 757.352.4890 | 800.373.5504

With full-sized kitchens and major appliances available in student housing, cooking and learning to meal prep are wonderful ways to socialize with roommates and hallmates and learn important life skills. For on-campus dining options, The Ordinary provides reloadable gift cards, “Ordinero”, that are now available and can be used for any purchase made through the Ordinary Food Court.

Contact Information

Regent Ordinary: 757.352.4931 |
Location: First Floor, Dede Robertson Student Center
Hours: Check the ordinary website for current hours

In colonial days, an “ordinary” was an establishment that served good food at reasonable prices. Likewise, Regent Ordinary is a quaint dining establishment providing good food at great prices in a delightful setting.

Gift Cards

Reloadable gift cards “Ordinero” can be used for any purchase made through the Ordinary. The cards can be purchased using the online form or at the Regent Ordinary cashier station during business hours.

Gift cards can be loaded with any amount. There is a nonrefundable $1.50 service fee for the purchase of new cards. Gift card payments
are nonrefundable.

Summer orientation, SOAR, is a great opportunity for students to meet their future classmates and potential roommates. We also have “class of” accounts for each freshman year on Instagram where students are encouraged to share a picture and bio to start meeting new friends.



To make the process easier, we compiled a list of what to bring and what not to bring on campus for the big move.

We have multiple student organizations for commuters to get plugged into student life. We also have Connect Groups for commuters as well to ensure that they are included and that their spiritual life at Regent is flourishing.

View the full list of student organizations and learn more about Connect Groups to discover different ways to be directly involved in student life on campus!

There are multiple local churches for our students to get plugged into just minutes away from Regent. Virginia Beach has a multitude of churches with a wide variety of denominations represented. Churches in Virginia Beach often offer community service opportunities and young adults’ programs. At the beginning of each semester, Regent hosts a church fair for local churches to come out and speak to our students so that they can find or begin searching for their church home.

Although we do not have an exclusive parent weekend we encourage parents and family to build their own! Consider planning to visit your student for a weekend based around on-campus events, theater productions, and campus tours! We would love to see you around campus!

Get plugged in and start facilitating conversations with our Regent University parents by joining our Facebook group today!


Regent University’s Behavioral Intervention Team safeguards the campus by providing immediate response and professional support in the event of a crisis or if disruptive or concerning behavior is observed.

Our Career Services team assists students with advising and identifying resources for jobs, internships, and other experiential opportunities that foster learning, skill-building, and networking with employers and alumni.