What to Wear on a College Tour
You’re embarking on your college search journey and starting to visit schools that pique your interest. You may be wondering what to wear on a college tour. There are a few factors that will affect this decision.
Here are some guidelines for deciding what on wear to a college tour.
Dress for the Occasion
The type of college tour you will be attending plays a significant factor in what you should wear.
What to Wear on a College Tour for Simple Visits
If it is a typical college visit, a pair of jeans and a T-shirt are fine for a casual college visit.
Most simple college tours are less than a day and can range from two to eight hours of activities. You’ll participate in seminars, building tours, and Q&A sessions with departments like financial aid and admissions.
What to Wear on a College Tour for Special Events
If you’re attending an interview or meeting with a professor, you should wear something business casual.
If you are attending a multi-day event, like Regent’s, you’ll want to bring a few outfits for the various activities you will be doing. College tours can have anything from dance parties to live acting courses, so you’ll want to be prepared.
TIP: Reviewing the itinerary can help you prepare for whatever you participate in. Make sure to check it before packing for the tour!
If you are attending a scholarship event, such as Regent’s Honors Bound Scholarship Competition, you’ll want to consider professional business attire when deciding what to wear on a college tour.
Check the Weather
Unless you are coming for an interview or a professional meeting, you should wear something comfortable. You’ll be outside walking to and from buildings, so you should keep the weather in mind.
A light jacket is a good idea when you are going in and out of buildings all day. Bringing an umbrella can prevent the rain from putting a damper on your tour experience.
Consider Your Shoes
The shoes you wear on any college tour can really make or break your experience. Most tours require a lot of walking—wearing uncomfortable shoes can ruin the whole experience.
Regardless of the type of visit you are having, make sure you wear comfortable shoes that are still appropriate for the occasion. Avoid heels, pointed toes, and brand-new shoes that haven’t been broken in.
Be Presentable
While most college visits do not require you to dress out of the ordinary, you should still look presentable if you seriously plan to attend.
Make sure your clothes are clean, stain-free, and not wrinkled.
Your outfit should still be appropriate even if it’s casual. Avoid graphic or obscene shirts or excessively revealing clothing.
Your outfit should reflect your attitude and interest in learning about the school. Plus, you never know who you’ll meet on the tour. Leave your best impression with a clean and neat outfit.
Other Things to Bring on a College Tour
In addition to the right clothes, there are several other things that will be helpful to bring.
A water bottle is a must. You might be out all day and not have the opportunity to stop at a water fountain.
A small notebook is a great way to remember things that stood out to you about the school. It’s important to note deadlines, contact information, and anything else you would need if you applied to the university.
Make sure you have a camera or phone accessible to take pictures during your tour. The best way to remember how a campus looked or felt is to look back at pictures of things you saw when you were there.
Be You
Regardless of the formality of the event feel free to add your own unique style to your outfits. Colleges want to see how you will add to their school and what makes you unique as a person. Your style, when accommodated with your skills and knowledge, is one way to express that.
Schedule a tour at Regent University today!
Written by Amy Dykhuizen, student writer.