WEATHER ALERT: Regent University will be closed Wednesday, February 19th due to inclement weather.
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A closeup of a Regent University graduate in regalia, lined up and ready for the commencement ceremony.

Regent University Celebrates 40 Years of Spiritual Vitality at Annual Founders Chapel

When reflecting on his 40-year journey, one that has led to a university of nearly 11,000 students and 150 disciplines, Regent University Founder, Chancellor, and CEO, Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson has one word of advice:

“Despise not the day of small beginnings.”

Robertson shared the story of Regent’s own “small beginning” at the annual Founders Chapel on Wednesday, August 29. Students, faculty, and staff came together for a special time of worship and reflection just a few days into Fall Semester 2018.

Four decades ago, however, Regent was merely a whisper, a direct order from God spoken to Robertson as he sat down to a simple meal that has become a legend to those who’ve heard the story time and time again – a breakfast of cottage cheese and cantaloupe.

“I heard the Lord say, ‘Build a school for my glory,’” said Robertson.

And he did.

Four decades later, Regent stands with the largest enrollment in history; and it all began with 77 students and seven faculty members.

“Thing big! Don’t think small,” said Robertson. “We have a God who created the Universe, and with Him all things are possible. You are a part of an exciting adventure in education, in leadership and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God.”