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Dr. Daryl Green Uses His Doctorate of Strategic Leadership to Inspire Students as an Endowed Professor

Before he turned 30, Dr. Daryl Green ’09 (School of Business & Leadership) had managed more than 400 projects involving $100 million with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). His love of engineering changed into a love for business, and Green became a professor, earning a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership (DSL) at Regent University. Last fall, Oklahoma Baptist recognized his excellence in teaching and exemplary scholarship by installing Green into an endowed position in the Paul Dickinson College of Business.

Dr. Daryl Green, an alumnus of Regent University School of Business and Leadership.
Dr. Daryl Green ’09 (School of Business & Leadership).

“I love giving back to others. I have over 25 years of experience in assisting organizations and individuals with making good decisions,” said Green. “I had a great professional career with the Department of Energy. I enjoy working with students and seeing them develop each day in my classes. I get to groom the next leaders in our country. OBU students are bright and energetic. I love being a part of something special.”

Green entered the world of higher education by earning a master’s degree, but when he began pursuing a DSL degree at Regent in 2005, he felt called to take his passion for teaching full-time.

“I was compelled by the university’s mission to change the world through Christian leadership. The educational experience changed my life,” said Green. “I became friends with Dr. Gary Roberts. He suggested that I consider a full-time faculty position. I accepted this recommendation. God brought me to Oklahoma Baptist University.”

In 2016, Green retired from the DOE and answered his calling to become a full-time faculty member. His time as an engineer prepared him to be a great problem solver, and as a professor, he knows how to approach a problem and show the practical application of theories. He assists students with connecting concepts to real-world situations.

After carefully studying various doctoral programs, he chose Regent’s DSL program because it also emphasizes this approach. As a parent, professor and deacon, Green wanted an affordable and flexible education.

“I was drawn to the DSL because of its practical application to world problems. Again, that connection resonated with me as an engineer. The course descriptions were incredible and sparked my interest. I learned how to sharpen my writing skills and critical thinking in the program. I am always promoting Regent as an institution that everyone should attend if they are a change agent,” said Green.

Green’s favorite business courses are leadership, strategy; and marketing, and his research areas include leadership, management, culture and decision-making. He has published more than 15 articles in noted academic journals and serves on editorial boards for several academic journals. He especially enjoys writing for the popular press, and he has published several books, the latest being Marketing for Professionals. He also writes a syndicated online column on contemporary issues and has been featured as a guest writer for Discovery Magazine, the IEEE Technology, and Society Magazine among other publications.

“One of my biggest honors in life was related to my writing,” said Green. “I was recognized as one of the first recipients of the Amber Communications Group, Inc. / Blacks in Government – Greater Orange County Chapter’s Annual Literary Awards.”

Green attributes his success to the support and dedication of his wife, Estraletta. The two met in college where they were both engineering majors. He says he’s been on a great journey as a professor and writer and credits Regent as very instrumental in his development.

Learn more about the School of Business & Leadership.