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Fernando Garzon, Psy.D.
CHBS Associate DeanChair, Counseling Ministries DepartmentProfessor, School of Psychology & CounselingPsychology DepartmentMore about Fernando Garzon, Psy.D.

Fernando Garzon, Psy.D.


Dr. Fernando Garzon is a licensed psychologist, ordained minister and clinical outcomes-based researcher. He received his B.A. in Biology at Wake Forest University and his Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Seminary.

Prior to Regent, Dr. Garzon was a professor at Liberty University in their Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Ed.D. in Community Care & Counseling programs. His clinical experience has encompassed outpatient practice, managed care, hospital, pastoral care and church settings.

Dr. Garzon’s research and writings focus on building an empirical base for spiritually-focused protocols in clinical practice, exploring brief cognitive restructuring strategies, multicultural issues, Christian worldview pedagogy, and researching lay Christian counseling approaches in the church environment. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, the Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (APA Division 36), and the Christian Association for Psychological Studies.


Ford, K., & Garzon, F. (2017). A randomized investigation of evangelical Christian accommodative mindfulness. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 4 (2), 92-99.

Garzon, F., Kim, J., Pride, M., & Rice, D. (2017). How to develop an effective multicultural ministry. The Struggle is Real: How to Care for Mental Health and Relational Health Needs in the Church, 151-164. Bloomington, IN: Westbow Press.

Garzon, F., & Ford, K. (2016). Adapting mindfulness for conservative Christians. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 35 (3), 254-259.

Garzon, F. (2016). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Grace and Commitment Therapy? Christian Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 9(2), 16-19.

Yocum, R., Silvey, R., Milacci, F., & Garzon, F. (2015). Spirituality in school counseling practice and implications for school counseling education. Journal of Academic Perspectives, 2015(3), 1-24.

Garzon, F.L., Hall, M., & Ripley, J. (2014). Teaching Christian integration in psychology and counseling courses. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 42, 131-135.

Garzon, F.L. (2014). Ethical considerations in research involving human participants. In A. Rockinson-Sczapkiw & L. Spaulding's Navigating the Doctoral Journey: A Handbook of Strategies for Success, 197-205. Routledge, Taylor, & Francis Group.

Rasar, J., Garzon, F., Moriarty, G., Volk, F., & O'Hare, C. (2013). The Efficacy of a manualized group treatment protocol for changing God image, attachment to God, religious coping, and love of God, others, and self. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 41, 267-280.


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