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A close up of pink flowers on a tree blooming on Regent University's Virginia Beach campus.
Thomas A. Keiser, Ph.D.
Department Chair; Associate Professor, Biblical Studies & Christian Ministry

Thomas A. Keiser, Ph.D.*


Thomas Keiser was born and raised in a godly Christian household and church in Baltimore, Maryland. In his teens, he developed a passion for Bible study and for teaching but did not pursue a career in either field. After working for 25 years in middle and upper level management in the healthcare industry, he was divinely led to return to school. At age 48, he entered Dallas Theological Seminary and obtained a Th.M. with a dual Old Testament-New Testament major and Ph.D. degree in Old Testament.

“Excellence in teaching has a purpose which is consistent with the nature and purpose of God and proceeds with a focus upon clearly defined demonstrable objectives, in dependence upon the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, through an individual who possesses a clear sense of calling to loving service through teaching,” says Keiser.

Keiser loves studying Scripture from the original languages, and then teaching students to better understand Scripture and its call upon our lives. He lives in Chesapeake with his wife; and has three grown children and four grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys exercising and lifting weights; various sports, completing home repair and improvement projects, and working on his 1963 Buick Riviera.


Genesis 1–11: Its Literary Coherence and Theological Message. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2013.

Principles of Hermeneutics. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 2021.

Scholarly Articles
"The Song of Moses: A Basis for Isaiah's Prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 55 (2005): 486-500

"The Divine Plural: A Literary-Contextual Argument for Plurality in the Godhead," Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 34 (2009).131–46

"The 'Sons of God' in Genesis 6:1–4: A Rhetorical Characterization," Westminster Theological Journal 80 (2018)

"Divine Sovereignty vs. Human Responsibility: Nuancing Kaminski's Was Noah Good?" Westminster Theological Journal, forthcoming

Popular Articles
"Lamentations: A Theological Overview," Grace and Truth Magazine 70 (Sep, 2003): 12-16

"The Book of Ruth: The Story of Naomi," Grace and Truth Magazine 71 (Jun, 2004): 13-17

"The Psalms of Lament," Grace and Truth Magazine, 73 (Jun 2006): 9–13

"Haggai: A Matter of Priorities, Part 1" Grace and Truth Magazine 76 (Jul/Aug, 2009): 27–30

"Haggai: A Matter of Priorities, Part 2" Grace and Truth Magazine 76 (Sep, 2009): 29–32

"Haggai: A Matter of Priorities, Part 3" Grace and Truth Magazine 76 (Oct, 2009): 28–32


Institute for Biblical Research, Member, 2015-present
Society of Biblical Literature, Member, 2010-present
Evangelical Theological Society, Member, 2001-present