Mihai Bocarnea, Ph.D.
Originally from Romania, Dr. Mihai C. Bocarnea came to Regent University in 1995 and currently serves as an associate professor in the School of Business & Leadership. He is an expert in the areas of communication, research methods, quantitative analysis and statistics.
Dr. Bocarnea, co-editor of Online instruments, data collection, and electronic measurements: Organizational advancements, has co-authored such book chapters and articles as “Seven Scales to Measure the Seven Beatitudes in Leaders,” ” An Online Measure of Discernment,” “Uncertainty Management’s Impact on Job Satisfaction and Innovation,” “Student-specific Characteristics as Predictors of Retention and Attrition in an Online Doctoral Leadership Program,” “Constructivism in Online Distance Education,” “Teaching and Instruction Online: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Applications,” “Measurement in Organizational Behavior,” “Leadership of Organizational Networks,” and “Servant-leadership as a Predictor of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment with the Moderating Effects of Organizational Support and Role Clarity among the Filipino Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology Workers.”
He has also presented at numerous academic conferences both in the U.S. and overseas in Canada, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, South Korea, the United Kingdom and Romania. Bocarnea’s research interests include organizational communication, cross-cultural leadership, servant leadership, organizational change and pedagogy of online learning.
Prior to his teaching career at Regent University, Bocarnea served as an Internet technology consultant, statistical analyst and consultant, principal researcher, and software engineer. He has also served as research analyst for various organizations in the U.S. and overseas.
Ph.D. Communication, Regent University, 2001
M.A. Communication, Regent University, 1993
M.S. Electronics, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania, 1984
B.S. Mathematics/Physics, Dimitrie Cantemir National College, Bucharest, Romania, 1978
Dean, J. D., Winston E. B., & Bocarnea, M.C. (2024). Biblical Organizational Spirituality, Volume 3; Development of New Testament-Based Culture and Climate Scales. Palgrave McMillan.
Bocarnea, M. C,, Winston, B. E., & Dean, D. (2021). Handbook of Research on Advancements in Organizational Data Collection and Measurements: Strategies for Addressing Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors. Hershey, PA: IGI Business Science Reference.
Bocarnea, M. C., Henson, J., Huizing, R. L., Mahan, M., & Winston, B. E. (2018). Evaluating Employee Performance through Christian Virtues. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bocarnea, M. C., Reynolds, R. A., & Baker J. D. (2012). Online instruments, data collection, and electronic measurements: Organizational advancements. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Book Chapters:
Daniels B. C., Bocarnea M.C. (2023). Entrepreneurial Passion and Perceived Startup Performance: The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation. In Eduardo V, Lopez (Ed.), Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. London, UK: Macro World Publishing. DOI: 10.15340/9798372175624.
Conrad D., Bocarnea M.C. (2022) The Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Relationship Between Servant Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Medical Device Industry. In: Dhiman S., Roberts G.E. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69802-7_34-1.
Brown, W. J., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2021). Leader-Follower Parasocial Interaction Scale. In M. C. Bocarnea, B. E. Winston, & D. Dean (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advancements in Organizational Data Collection and Measurements: Strategies for Addressing Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors (pp. 157-173). Hershey, PA: IGI Business Science Reference
Roof, R., Bocarnea, M.C., & Winston, B.E. (2018) Spiritual Engagement and Positive Leadership: The Promise of Identity-Focused Leader Development. In: S. Dhiman, G. Roberts, & J. Crossman (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Bocarnea, M.C. & Winston, E. B. (2018). Persons, Organizations and Societies: The Effects of Collectivism and Individualism on Cooperation - A Comparison of Romania and the USA. In D. Abrudan (Ed.) People, Idea, Performance – International Experiences (pp. 75-86). Timisoara, Romania: Sollness Publishing House.
Petan, L., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2017). The impact of transformational leadership on team performance and satisfaction: The mediating role of trust. In A. Zbuchea, C. Bratianu, & F. Pinzaru (Eds.), Economic Behaviour: Economy, Business and People, pp. 113-138. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Pacleb, T. G., & Bocarnea M. C. (2016). "The relationship between leadership styles, leader communication style, and impact on leader–member exchange relationship within the banking sector in the United States." In O. Nicolescu & L. Lloyd-Reason (Eds.), Challenges, Performances and Tendencies in Organisation Management (pp. 275-288). World Scientific: Singapore.
Novak, D., & Bocarnea M. C. (2013). "Leadership of organizational networks: An exploration of the relationship between leadership and social networks in organizations." In Jonathan H. Westover (Ed.), Leadership and Organizational Change, pp. 195-214. Champaign, IL: Common Ground.
Kilroy, J., Bekker, C. L., Bocarnea, M. C., & Winston, B. E. (2012). "Seven scales to measure the seven beatitudes in leaders." In M. C. Bocarnea, R.A. Reynolds, & JD Baker (Eds.), Online instruments, data collection, and electronic measurements: Organizational advancements (pp. 164-186). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Traüffer, H. C. V., Bekker, C. L., Bocarnea, M. C., & Winston, B. E. (2012) "An online measure of discernment." In M. C. Bocarnea, R.A. Reynolds, & JD Baker (Eds.), Online instruments, data collection, and electronic measurements: Organizational advancements (pp. 254-270). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Osula, B. & Bocarnea M. C. (2011). "Edifying the New Man: The Creation of Myth under Romanian Communist Leadership." In F. Gandolfi (Ed.) Foundations of Contemporary Leadership (pp. 127-143). LAP Lambert Academic Publishing: Saarbrücken, Germany.
Dennis R. S., Kinzler-Norheim, L., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2010). "Servant leadership theory: Development of the Servant Leadership Assessment Instrument." In D. van Dierendonck & K. Patterson (Eds.) Servant Leadership: Developments in Theory and Research (pp. 169-179). Palgrave Macmillan: London.
Gomez, D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2009). "Student-specific characteristics as predictors of retention and attrition in an online doctoral leadership program." In P. Rogers, G. Berg, J. Boettcher, C. Howard, L. Justice, & K. Schenk (Eds.) Encyclopedia of distance learning (2nd ed.), Volume IV, pp. 1957-1965. Hershey,PA: Information Science Reference.
Reid-Martinez, K., Grooms, L. D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2008). "Constructivism in online distance education." In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of information science and technology (2nd ed.). Volume II, pp. 701-707. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
West, G. R. B., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2008). "An overview of asynchronous online learning." In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of information science and technology (2nd ed.). Volume VI, pp. 2948-2952. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Novak, D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2008). "Leading virtual teams." In M. Pagani (Ed.), Encyclopedia of multimedia technology and networking (2nd ed.). Volume II, pp. 835-841. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.
Natale, P. J., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2008). "Media channel preferences of mobile communities." In M. Pagani (Ed.), Encyclopedia of multimedia technology and networking (2nd ed.). Volume II, pp. 894-900. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.
Bocarnea, M. C., Grooms L. D., & Reid-Martinez, K. (2006). "Technological and pedagogical considerations in online learning." In S. Seltman & A. Schorr (Eds.), Changing media markets in Europe and abroad: New ways of handling information and entertainment content, pp. 379-392. New York / Lengerich (Germany): Pabst Science Publishers.
Bocarnea, M. C., & Brown, W. J. (2006). "Celebrity-persona Parasocial Interaction Scale (CPPI): Instrument profile." In R.A. Reynolds, R. Woods, R., and J. D. Baker (Eds.), Handbook of research on electronic surveys and measurements, pp. 309-312. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.
Brown, W. J., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2006). "Celebrity-persona Identification Scale (CPI): Instrument profile." In R.A. Reynolds, R. Woods, R., and J. D. Baker (Eds.), Handbook of research on electronic surveys and measurements, pp. 348-351. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.
DellaVecchio, D., Winston, B. E., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2006). "Motivational Gifts Survey (MGS): Instrument profile." In R.A. Reynolds, R. Woods, R., and J. D. Baker (Eds.), Handbook of research on electronic surveys and measurements, pp. 379-392 . Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.
Dennis, R., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2006). "Servant Leadership Assessment Instrument (SLAI): Instrument profile." In R.A. Reynolds, R. Woods, R., and J. D. Baker (Eds.), Handbook of research on electronic surveys and measurements, pp. 339-342. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.
Fields, D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2004). "Measurement in organizational behavior." In K. Kempf-Leonard (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social measurement, pp. 951-956. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Brown, W. J., Bocarnea, M. C., & Basil, M. D. (2002). "Fear, grief, and sympathy responses to the attacks." In B. Greenberg (Ed.), Communication and terrorism: Public and media Responses to 9/11, pp. 245-260. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Bocarnea, M. C., Brown, W. J., & Fraser B. P. (1999). "Portrayals of post-communist Romania in United States newspapers and magazines." In M. Prosser & K. S. Sitaram (Eds.), Civic discourse: Intercultural, international, and global media (Vol. 2), pp. 157-168. Stamford, CT: Ablex Publishing.
Brown, W. J., & Bocarnea, M. C. (1998). "AIDS-related attitudes, beliefs, and Communication Behavior Inventory." In C. M. Davis et al. (Eds.), Handbook of sexually-related measures, pp. 310-312. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Bocarnea, M. C., Baciu, D., & Chirculete, G. (1989). Digital integrated circuits. Bucharest, Romania: Electronic Research Institute Press.
Winston, B. W. Bocarnea, M. C., & Dean D. (2024). New Testament-Based Culture and Climate as Antecedents to Employee Engagement and Psychological Safety. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 27(1), 22-36.
Clark, T. S. & Bocarnea, M.C. (2023). The Effect of Moral Development and Moral Identity on Integrity. Revista de Management Comparat International (International Comparative Management Review), 24(4), 513-538.
Winston, B. W. & Bocarnea, M. C. (2022). The Relationship of the Fruits of the Spirit with Person-Supervisor Fit. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 25(1), 43-53. https://cbfa-jbib.org/index.php/jbib/issue/view/53.
Sejera, G. S. & Bocarnea, M.C. (2022). The Nature of Leadership in Artificial Intelligence Environments: Reconceptualizing Human and Machine Collaboration. Revista de Management Comparat International (International Comparative Management Review), 23(2), 256-263.
Artem Kliuchnikov, A. & Bocarnea M. C. (2018). Effective Leadership in Russia and Ukraine: A Phenomenological Inquiry. Studies of Changing Societies Journal, 1(1), 3-39. doi: 10.1517/scs-2018-001.
Roof, R.A., Bocarnea, M.C. & Winston, B.E. (2017). The spiritual engagement instrument. Asian Journal of Business Ethics, (), 1-18. doi:10.1007/s13520-017-0073-y.
Petan, L., Bocarnea, M. (2016). Follower perceptions of authentic leadership: A comparison between respondents from Romania and the United States. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 221(7), 142-150.
Brubaker, T, Bocarnea, M., Patterson, K., & Winston, B. (2015). "Servant leadership and organizational citizenship in Rwanda: A moderated mediation model." Servant Leadership: Theory and Practice, 2(2), p. 27-56.
Coggins, E. D. & Bocarnea, M. C. (2015). "The impact of servant leadership to followers' psychological capital: A comparative study of Evangelical Christian leader-follower relationships in the United States and Cambodia." Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 12(4), 111-144.
Kilroy, J., Bekker, C. J., Bocarnea, M., & Winston, E. W. (2014). "Seven scales to measure the seven beatitudes in leaders." Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 17(1), 5-22.
Greasley, P., & Bocarnea, M. (2014). "The relationship between personality type and the servant leadership characteristic of empowerment." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 124, 11-19.
Wright, M. H., Bocarnea, M.C., & Huntley, J. K. (2012). "Donor OPR and values-fit incongruence: An improved predictor of donations of unrestricted funds for 501(C)(3) publicly-supported, tax-exempt, faith-based, not-for-profit organizations?" International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior, 15(1), 57-87.
Spencer, J. L., Winston, B. W., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2012). "Predicting the Level of Pastors' Risk of Termination/Exit from the Church." Pastoral Psychology, 61(1), 85-98.
Lane, M. & Bocarnea, M. C. (2011). "Uncertainty Management's Impact on Job Satisfaction and Innovation." Review of International Comparative Management 12(1), 97-111.
Trauffer, H., Bekker, C., Bocarnea, M., & Winston B. (2010). "Towards an understanding of discernment: A conceptual paper." Leadership and Organizational Journal 31(2), 176-184.
Trauffer, H., Bekker, C., Bocarnea, M., & Winston B. (2010). "A three-factor measure of discernment." Leadership and Organizational Journal 31(3), 263-284.
Bocarnea, M. C., & Dimitrova, M. (2010). "Testing Servant Leadership Theory with Bulgarian Students." International Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(3), 255-268.
Bocarnea, M.C. (2010). From the Editor/Special Issue. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(3).
West, G. R. B., Bocarnea, M. C., & Dioscoro, M. (2009). "Servant-leadership as a predictor of job satisfaction and organizational commitment with the moderating effects of organizational support and role clarity among the Filipino engineering, manufacturing, and technology workers." International Journal of Servant-Leadership, 5(1), 129-162.
Novak, D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2008). "Leadership of organizational networks: An exploration of the relationship between leadership and social networks in organizations." International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 8(6), 19-31.
Fields, D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2008). "Research of Voters' Perceptions of Leadership Attributes Cite McCain as Honest and Obama as Motivational." Available at http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/newsletter/presidential_leadership_research.htm
Bocarnea, M. C., & Osula, B. (2008). "Edifying the new man: Romanian Communist leadership's mythopoeia." International Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(2), 198-211.
Lucaschi-Decker, S. C., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2007). "Five leadership theories and five practical applications." weLEAD Online Magazine.
Wright, W. H., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2007). "Contributions of unrestricted: The donor organization-public relationship and alumni attitudes and behaviors." Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 18(2), 215-235.
Chandra, R., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2006). "Engineers as managers: Challenges faced by transportation engineers in management." Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal, ITE Journal online.
Dennis, R. S., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2005). "Development of the servant leadership assessment instrument." Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(8), 600-615.
Brown, W. J., Basil, M. D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2003). "Social influence of an international celebrity: Responses to the death of Princess Diana." Journal of Communication, 53(4), 587-605.
Brown, W. J., Basil, M. D., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2003). "The influence of famous athletes on health beliefs and practices: Mark McGwire, child abuse prevention, and androstenedione." Journal of Health Communication, 8(1), 41-58.
Basil, M. D., Brown, W. J., & Bocarnea, M. C. (2002). "Differences in univariate values versus multivariate relationships: Findings from a study of Princess Diana, Princess of Wales." Human Communication Research, 28(4), 501-514.
Wizow, S. S., Reinecke, R. D., Bocarnea, M. C., & Gottlob, I. (2002). "A comparative demographic study of spasmus nutans and infantile nystagmus." American Journal of Ophthalmology, 133(2), 256-262.
2009 and 2004 Distinctive Service Award, Regent University
Certificate of Achievement - Regent University, Center for Teaching and Learning - Blackboard Certification Program 2005
2004 Outstanding Faculty of the Year, Center for Professional Studies, Regent University
1998, 2002 and 2011 President's Award for Excellence, Christian Broadcasting Network
2000 Management Leadership Excellence, Christian Broadcasting Network