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Mervyn J. Wighting, Ph.D.
ProfessorCareer Switcher Program ChairMore about Mervyn J. Wighting, Ph.D.

Mervyn J. Wighting, Ph.D.


Dr. Mervyn J. Wighting teaches in Regent University’s M.Ed. degree programs. He chairs the university’s Career Switcher program for alternative teacher licensure and has been the Project Director for a $1.25 million federal Transition to Teaching grant. He currently teaches online sections of Foundations in Education for Transition Professionals, Exploring the Curriculum, Classroom Management for Transitioning Teachers and Professional Projects.

Prior to joining the Regent faculty, Dr. Wighting taught face-to-face and asynchronous television courses at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.

Wighting’s Ph.D. dissertation is in the field of classroom community and how it may be affected by technology, and he continues to explore the dynamics of learning communities. The current focus of his research is to investigate different aspects of school and classroom community in order to assist teachers to develop their instruction in ways that will connect with a diversity of learners. For more details of this research, click here.

Wighting is also pursuing a line of research that measures students’ perceived learning to investigate whether there may be relationships with their actual learning. This research includes studying the effectiveness of teachers in the classroom and their measurement of children’s learning.


B.Ed. University of Sussex; M.S. Ed. Old Dominion University; Ph.D. Old Dominion University


Martinez, R. & Wighting M.J. (In development). Measuring relationships between children and their teachers. To be submitted to The Athens Institute for Education and Research.

Martinez, R. & Wighting, M.J. (2021). Teacher preparation strategies: Do best practices work in the field? International Journal of Education and Social Science, 8(4),63-74.

Wighting, M.J. (2019). Theory to Practice: Researching Best Practices in Preparing Teachers for Secondary Schools. In Papanikos, G.T. (Ed.), Abstracts of 21st Annual International Conference on Education. ISBN: 978-960-598-250-8.  Available online at:

Wighting, J. & Derrick, M. G. (2019). A longitudinal evaluation of an alternative licensure preparation program. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 6(4), 1-7. Available online at:

Derrick, M.G. & Wighting, M.J. (2018). Cultural Awareness Research and Implications for Practice and Professional Development. In Peltz, D. (Ed.), Multicultural Andragogy for Transformative Learning. ISBN-13:978-1522534747. Available online at:

Wighting, M.J. (2017). Teacher preparation delivered online: Alleviating teacher shortages. International Journal of Education and Social Science, 4(7), 29-32. Available online at:

Wighting, J. & Christmann, E.P. (2016). The missing dimension: 3D brings science to life. Science Scope: Journal of the National Science Teachers Association. Available online at:

Wighting,J (Ed.). (2016). We switched careers! Alternative licensure teachers’ journey to the classroom. Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press LLC, ISBN: 978-0-9911046-8-0.

Jordan, , Hunter, E., Lee, I.C., Wighting, M. & Derrick, M.G. (2016). Tablet technology for educators. In Proceedings of Global Learn 2016 (pp. 89-95). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Rockinson-Szapkiw, J., Wendt, J., Wighting, M.J. & Nisbet, D.L. (2016). The predictive relationship among the CoI framework, teacher immediacy, perceived learning and online, graduate students' course grades. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. Available online at:

Jordan H., Hunter, Douglas M., & Wighting M.J. (2015). Tablet technology in teacher preparation: A case study – the Nook initiative. The Teacher Educators’ Journal, 2015 22-36. Available online at:

Wighting, J. & Derrick, G. (2015). Relationships between sense of community and academic achievement: A comparison among teacher preparation candidates in an online program. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 3129-3134). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Derrick, & Wighting, M.J. (2015). Student Achievement in Higher Education. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 1069-1073). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Wighting, J. (2014). Measuring learning among teacher preparation candidates. US-China Education Review A, 4(9) 646-650.

Wighting, J., Nisbet, D.L., & Spaulding, L.S. (2013). Relationships among graduate students’ sense of community, their perceived learning, and actual learning. The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation,20(1), 25-32. Available online at:

Wighting, J. (2013). Promise Partners. Virginia Teacher, March-April 2013, 6-8.

Wighting, J. & Bowers, K. D. (2013). Old school vs. new school: iPads for iWight. Virginia Teacher, January - February 2013, 10-11.

Nisbet, L., Wighting, M.J. & Rockinson-Szapkiw, A.J. (2013). Measuring sense of community and academic learning in graduate education. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies,7(1), 1-8. Available online at

Wighting, J. (2012). Principals we love: Exceeding expectations. Virginia Teacher, May-June 2012, 6-9.

Wighting, J. & Derrick, M. G. (2012). Measuring perceived learning in higher education. In: F. Doyran (Ed.) Research on Teacher Education and Training. Athens Institute for Education and Research. ISBN: 978-960-9549-74-5.

Wighting, J. (2011). Measuring sense of community and perceived learning among alternative licensure candidates. Journal of the National Association for Alternative Certification, 6(1), 4-12.

Wighting, J., Nisbet, D.L., & Spaulding, L.S. (2011). Relationships between sense of community and perceived learning. The International Journal of the Humanities(8)8, 119-126. Available online at

Lucking, A., & Christmann, E.P. & Wighting, M.J. (2010). Hang up and learn: Cell phones in the science classroom. Science Scope, Journal of the National Science Teachers Association, 33(9), 82-85.

Wighting, J. & McKown, S. (2010). Following in the family footsteps. Tidewater Teacher, May- June 2010, 6-9.

Lucking, A., & Christmann, E.P. & Wighting, M.J. (2010). Cell phones for science. Science Scope: Journal of the National Science Teachers Association, 33(5), 58-61.

Tindall, E.R, Wighting, M. J., & Nisbet, D.L. (2010). Beyond the classroom: The summer language camp phenomenon. In: M. Dantas-Whitney & S. Rilling (Eds) Authenticity in the classroom and beyond: Children and adolescent learners. TESOL Classroom Practice Series.


Wighting M.J. & Martinez, R. Measuring relationships between children and their teachers. 24th Annual International Conference on Education. To be held May 16-19, 2022 in Athens.

Wighting, M.J. (2019, April). Theory to practice: Researching best practices in preparing teachers for secondary schools. 21st Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece.

Wighting M.J. & Martinez, R. (2019, March). Alternative licensure teacher preparation strategies: Does theory align with practice? Annual Conference of National Association for Alternative Certification, Washington, DC.

Wighting, M.J. & Derrick, M.G. (2018, April). An update on effectiveness of online preparation of alternative licensure teachers. Annual Conference of National Association for Alternative Certification, Las Vegas, NV.

Wighting M.J. & Derrick, M.G. (2017, April). Teacher preparation delivered online: Measuring alumni effectiveness and retention. 10th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, Athens, Greece.

Derrick, M.G. & Wighting M.J. (2017, March). Cultural Awareness: Research and Implications for Practice and Professional Development with Virginia Career Switchers. Annual Conference of National Association for Alternative Certification, San Antonio, TX.

Jordan, H.M., Hunter, E., Lee, I.C., Wighting, M.J., & Derrick, M.G. (2016, April). Tablet Technology for Educators. Global Learn 2016, Limerick, Ireland.

Wighting M.J., Derrick M.G., & Jordan, H. M. (2016, March). Still teaching…and effectively? An investigation into retention rates and teaching success of Career Switcher alumni. Conference of Virginia Association of Colleges for Teacher Preparation, Roanoke, VA.

Jordan, H. M., Hunter, E., Lee, I, C., Wighting M.J. & Derrick M.G. (2016, March). Increasing intentionality: Tablet technology in teacher preparation. Conference of Virginia Association of Colleges for Teacher Preparation, Roanoke, VA.

Derrick, M.G. & Wighting M.J. (2016, March). Alternative licensure teachers: Impact on children’s learning plus retention rates. Annual Conference of National Association for Alternative Certification, New Orleans, LA.

Derrick, M.G. & Wighting, (2015, March). Student Achievement in Higher Education. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Wighting, M.J. & Derrick, M.G. (2015, March). Relationships between sense of community and academic achievement: A comparison among teacher preparation candidates in an online program. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Derrick, M.G., Wighting, M.J. & Jordan, H. (2014, June). Bridging the Theory to Practice Gap with Adult Learners in the Online Environment. The 2014 Teaching Professor Annual Conference, Boston, MA.

Wighting, M.J. & Derrick, M.G. (2014, March). Switching Successfully? An Investigation into Alumni Career Switchers’ Performance and Retention In The Teaching Profession. 25th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Ponte Vedra Beach, FLA.

Derrick, M.G. & Wighting, M.J. (2013, September). Understanding culture in the development of online programs. NUTN Network 2013 Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Wighting, M. J., Nisbet, D.L., & Spaulding, L.S. (2013, July). Relationships among graduate students’ sense of community, their perceived learning, and actual learning. 20th International Conference on Learning, Rhodes, Greece.

Wighting, M.J., Derrick, M.G., & Spruce, R.S. (2012, October). Measuring sense of community and student motivation in an online teacher preparation program. E-Learn 2012 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Montreal Canada.

Wighting, M.J. & Derrick, M.G. (2012, September). Measuring sense of community and student motivation in a transition to teaching program. NUTN Network 2012 Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Wighting, J. & Derrick, M.G. (2011, May). Measuring perceived learning in higher education.13th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece.

Wighting, J. & Derrick, M.G. (2010, October). Measuring perceived learning and learning assessed by grades. 59th International Conference of the American Association for Adult & Continuing Education, Clearwater, FLA.

Derrick, G. & Wighting, M.J. (2010, October). Development of Autonomous Learners in an Online Ed.D. Program. 59th International Conference of the American Association for Adult & Continuing Education, Clearwater, FLA.

Lucking, A., Wighting, M.J., Perron, N., & Derrick, M.G. (2010, October). Questions of Academic Rigor and Workload Relative to Perceived Learning in Three Learning Venues. E-Learn 2010, Orlando, FLA.

Wighting, J., Lucking, R. A., & Christmann, E. P. (2010, April). Measuring perceived learning: A comparison among students in three institutions of higher education. 21st International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Ponte Vedra Beach, FLA.

Wighting, M.J. & Derrick, G. (2010, January). Switching Away from the 20thCentury. National Association for Alternative Certification 20th Annual Conference, Summerlin, NV.

Derrick, G. & Wighting, M.J. (2010, January). Teacher motivation and orientation for teaching: A comparison between teachers preparing for alternative certification and teachers preparing for traditional licensure. National Association for Alternative Certification 20thAnnual Conference, Summerlin, NV.


  • 2020 Awarded Regent University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence (Professor of the Year, 2019/20).
  • 2020 Awarded Regent University Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Research.
  • 2019 Appointed Academic Member of The Athens Institute for Education and Research.
  • 2017 Appointed Virginia state representative for the National Association for Alternative Certification.
  • 2011-2012 Awarded Professor of The Year – School of Education, Regent
  • 2010 Recipient of 2010 award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology by the International Conference on College Teaching and
  • 2010 Collaborative award for Educational Research by the National Association for Alternative