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Robertson Hall, which houses the law school of Regent University Virginia Beach.
Kathleen A. Patterson, Ph.D.
Director, Doctor of Strategic LeadershipProfessor

Kathleen A. Patterson, Ph.D.


Dr. Kathleen Patterson currently directs the Doctor of Strategic Leadership program and has been at Regent University since 1999, first with the School of Leadership Studies and now, the School of Business & Leadership.

A noted expert on servant leadership, Patterson coordinates an annual Servant Leadership Research Roundtable in Virginia Beach, Virginia, at Regent University, where scholars and practitioners meet to engage in servant leadership discourse. She has also coordinated a west coast Servant Leadership Roundtable in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS) conference.

Patterson is LPI (Leadership Practices Inventory) certified, based on the The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner, a best-selling leadership book detailing the five exemplary leadership practices, and is involved in numerous consulting projects locally, nationally and abroad. She is involved in the following professional associations: The Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, IALC (International Association of Leadership Consultants), ILA (International Leadership Associates) and ILA (International Leadership Association).


Ph.D., Regent University, School of Leadership Studies, 2003

Organizational Leadership Program M.A., Regent University, School of Leadership Studies, 2000

Organizational Leadership in Business B.A., Lee College, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1991


Professional Publications:

Patterson, K. (October, 2016). Lingering Questions on Trump's Abortion Position. The Christian Post.

Patterson, K. (October, 2016). Babylon Bee Stings Planned Parenthood with all too Real Satire. The Christian Post.

Patterson, K. & Winston, B. (2016). Leading an African Renaissance: Opportunities and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY.

Winston, B. & Patterson, K. (2016). Ethics: The Old Testament, The New Testament, and Contemporary Application. Create Space.

Patterson, K. (2015). "You Can't Take It with You", March 2nd. Keeping the Faith: Christ over All. John Brown University Daily Devotional. Siloam Springs, AR.

Patterson, K. (2015). "Daily Do-Overs", September 3rd. Keeping the Faith: Christ over All. John Brown University Daily Devotional. Siloam Springs, AR.

Patterson, K. (November 6, 2015). How Servant Leaders Do It. CLA (Christian Leadership Alliance).

Patterson, K. (Fall, 2015). Excellent Things: How Servant Leaders Foster Excellence. Outcomes Magazine.

Patterson, K. Guest Contributor. (August 3, 2015). If we Remain Silent about Abortion, We are Choosing Death. The Christian Post.

Freeborough, R. & Patterson, K. (February, 2015). Exploring the Effect of Transformational Leadership on Nonprofit Leader Engagement. Servant Leadership: Theory and Practice. 2(1), 49—70.

Patterson, K. (2015). Both Stranger and Friend Equally. In Slack, James, D. Editor. 2015. Devotions for the Christian Public Servant. Nashville, TN: Emeth Press.

Patterson, K. (2015). Seek to see the Lord at Work. In Slack, James, D. Editor. 2015. Devotions for the Christian Public Servant. Nashville, TN: Emeth Press.

Patterson, K. (2015). Despised Work Neighbor. In Slack, James, D. Editor. 2015. Devotions for the Christian Public Servant. Nashville, TN: Emeth Press.

Van Dierendonck, D. & Patterson, K. (2015). Compassionate Love as a Cornerstone of Servant Leadership: An Integration of Previous Theorizing and Research. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(1):119-131.

Carroll, B. & Patterson, K. (August, 2014). Servant Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Study between India and the United States. Servant Leadership: Theory and Practice. 1(1), 16-45. Inaugural Issue.

Buford, M., Gomez, D., Patterson, K., & Winston, B. (2014). The Controlled Discipline of Servant Leaders: A Qualitative Study. In Selladurai, R. & Carraher, S. Servant Leadership: Research and Practice. IGI Global.

Patterson, K. (December, 2013). Pastors and Suicide: Galatians 6:2. Christian i-Post.

Patterson, K. (December, 2013). 'Oh Holy Night': A poem, a song, promoted by an abolitionist and the first song ever on the radio! Christian i-Post.

Patterson, K. (November, 19, 2013). Adoption: How God Restores. The Christian Post. Feature Article.

Patterson, K. (November, 2013). Staying above Scandal: Billy Graham. Christian i-Post.

Patterson, K. (November, 2013). Happy THANKS-giving. Christian i-Post.

Patterson, K. (November, 2013). The inner life of the leader---Pastor Teddy Parker, Jr. Christian i-Post.

Patterson, K. (Guest Contributor). (2013, July 17). "What the Zimmerman verdict says about race in America." Christian Post.

Patterson, K. (Guest Contributor). (2013, May 27). "Do women lose focus when they have a baby?" Christian Post.

Patterson, K. (2012, September). "The power of servant-leadership." Servant Leadership Solutions.

Patterson, K. (2012, April). "I recall the first time I heard the term servant leadership." Servant Leadership Solutions.

Lane, M., Carr, P., & Patterson, K. (2011). "Soccer tactics and leadership complexities." In Building leadership bridges: Leading in complex worlds. International Leadership Association: College Park, Maryland.

Patterson, K. (2011). "The development of leadership theory: A look into the historical progression." In F. Gandolfi (Ed.), Foundations of contemporary leadership: Contemporary leadership readings. Lambert Academic Publishing: Saarbrucken, Germany.

Patterson, K. (2011). "Servant leadership." In F. Gandolfi (Ed.), Foundations of contemporary leadership: Contemporary leadership readings. Lambert Academic Publishing: Saarbrucken, Germany.

Van Dierendonck, D. & Patterson, K. (2010). Servant leadership: Developments in theory and research. Palgrave Macmillan: London.

Van Dierendonck, D., & Patterson, K. (2010). "Servant leadership: An introduction." In D. Van Dierendonck & K. Patterson (Eds.), Servant leadership: Developments in theory and research. Palgrave Macmillan: London.

Patterson, K. (2010). "Servant Leadership and Love." In Van Dierendonck, D. & Patterson, K. (2010). Servant Leadership: Developments in Theory and Research. Palgrave Macmillan: London.

Patterson, K. A., & Gomez, D. (2010, January). "Tips for success in the workplace: A human resources perspective on leading others with love." Source Magazine, Women's Initiative Network.

Parolini, J, Patterson, K., & Winston, B. (2009). "Distinguishing between transformational and servant leadership." Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 30(3), 274-291.

Oster, G., & Patterson, K. (2009). "Global economic meltdown: The impact on business schools." MBA Review, 8(8), 26-29.

Patterson, K. (2009, October). "Empowerment: A perspective on the women of today and tomorrow." HRM Review. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India.

Patterson, K. (2009, August). "If you want to change the world, serve the world." (German Leadership Blog).

Patterson, K. (2009, March). "Servant leadership - A timeless style." Empowered Lives.Org.

Patterson, K., & Oster, G. (2009, March). "The global economic meltdown: Impact on corporate human resources." HRM Review. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India.

Patterson, K., & Dingman, M. (2009, February). "Women as leaders: Understanding God's call in our lives." Engstrom Institute.

Patterson, K. (2008, December). "Servant leadership: A timeless leadership style." Engstrom Institute.

Patterson, K. (2008). "Leadership and humility: An old notion or a necessity?" Christian Living Today Magazine. South Africa.

Carr, P., & Patterson, K. (2008, October). "Attrition management: Some paramount considerations for strategy and intervention." In A. J. Wagh (Ed.), Attrition Management. VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (UP).

Patterson, K., & Carr, P. (2008, September). "Business intelligence: Some paramount caveats associated with an elusive construct." i-manager's Journal on Management. i-manager Publications, Technopark, Kerala, India.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M., & Robinson-Davis, M. (2008, August). "Women in the workforce: Evidence of the rise of women joining the workforce from around the world and strategies for home and work balance." HRM Review. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.

Patterson, K., Carr, P., & Dingman, M. (2008, July). "Globalization and women executives: Breaking the barriers?" In Jegadeesan (Ed.), Working women: A paradigm shift. ICFAI Business School Press, Chennai, India.

Dingman, M. E., Patterson, K., & Carr, P. (2008). Managing multicultural teams. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Koshal, J., & Patterson, K. (2008). "A Kenyan perspective on servant leadership: Harambee and service." International Journal of Servant Leadership.

Spears, L., & Patterson, K. (2007, August). "Old age: The ultimate test of spirit - An essay on preparation: A look into Robert K. Greenleaf's final essay." Proceedings paper. Servant Leadership Research Roundtable, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Patterson, K., Dannhauser, Z., & Stone, A. G. (2007, August). "From noble to global: The attributes of global leadership." Proceedings paper. Servant Leadership Research Roundtable, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M., & Carr, P. (2007). "Globalization and women executives: Breaking the barriers?" In (Ed) The Gender Divide. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P., Patterson, K., & Dingman, M. (2007, September). "Corporate social responsibility: The role of leadership." Effective Executive. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M., & Carr, P. (2007, July). "Globalization and women executives: Breaking the barriers?" Effective Executive. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Patterson, K. (2007, July). "The new face of leadership: A global emergence in the marketplace." SMGLI Journal. SM Global Leadership Institute, Sookmyung Women's University, South Korea.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M., & Carr P. (2007). "Corporate entrepreneurship: The role of leadership and top management." Effective Executive.

Dingman, M., Patterson, K., & Carr, P. (2007). "Multicultural teams and superior performance: The role of leadership for the effective executive." Effective Executive.

Carr, P., Patterson, K., & Dingman, M. (2007). "The role of leadership in talent management: Avenues for consideration for the effective executive." Effective Executive.

Patterson, K. A. (2006). "Servant leadership: A theoretical model." In K. B. S. Kumar (Ed) Servant leadership - An introduction. India - ICFAI University Press.

Winston, B., & Patterson, K. A. (2006). "An integrated definition of leadership." International Journal of Leadership Studies, 1(2).

Stone, A. G., & Patterson, K. A. (2006). "Presentations with impact." e-NEWS, CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning), Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Patterson, K. A. (2006). "Servant leadership and love." International Journal of Servant Leadership, 2(1), 287-296. Invited article.

Stone, A. G., & Patterson, K. A. (2006, Fall). "The history of leadership: An historical perspective." The Journal Business and Behavioral Sciences, 14(2).

Patterson, K. A. (2005). "The history of leadership focus." Proceedings paper. Servant Leadership Research Roundtable, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Patterson, K. A. (2005). "Servant leadership: As old as time." In S. Allen (Ed.), Cale handbook of applied leadership. Centre for Applied Leadership Excellence, South Africa.

Patterson, K. A. (2005). "Real world servant leadership." In B. Winston (Ed.), Servant leadership: From values to practice. ISBN 0-9771493-0-7.

Stone, A. G., & Patterson, K. A. (2004). "Servant leadership: Examining the virtues of love and humility." Proceedings paper. Servant Leadership Research Roundtable, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Patterson, K. A., Russell, R. F., & Stone, A. G. (2004). "Transformational versus servant leadership - A difference in leader focus." Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 25(4).

Patterson, K. A. (2003). "Servant leadership: A theoretical model." Proceedings paper. Servant Leadership Research Roundtable, School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Patterson, K. A., (2003). "Servant leadership theory: A theoretical model." Dissertations Abstract International. 64, 02, 570. (UMI number 3082719).

Patterson, K. A., & Stone, A. G. (2003, March). "The seven habits of servant leaders." Regent Business Review. Regent University.

Patterson, K. A. (Contributor) (2002). "Ethical work behavior." In D. Fields, Taking the measure of work; A guide to validated scales for organizational research and diagnosis. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Patterson, K. A. (Contributor (2002). "Work values." In D. Fields, Taking the measure of work; A guide to validated scales for organizational research and diagnosis. Thousand Oaks: Sage.



Board Member, one year term, Millennials for Marriage.

Associate Editor, Servant Leadership Theory & Practice. Columbus State University.

Board Member. Appointed to a three-year term on the Board of Directors of CareNet. Named 'Co-Chairman of the Board' to convene January 2016, named for Chairman of the board to convene June 2017.

Editorial Board, Journal of African Leadership.

Title IX committee, Regent University.

SAGE Open Reviewer.

Routledge Press Reviewer.

Palgrave USA Reviewer.

Appointed DSL Program Director effective January 1, 2014.

Board Member. Appointed to a term on the Board of Directors of the Larry C. Spears Center.

Judge: Ahhawiki Contest. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE).

Book Reviewer, Routledge Press. Managing Corporate Metaphors: How Language Choices Can Expand Your Company's Success.

Member, 2009 Conference Planning Committee, ICCB (International Conference of Contemporary Business)

Conference. Chair, Leadership Track, 2009 ICCB (International Conference of Contemporary Business)

Conference. Chair, Leadership Track, ICCB (International Conference of Contemporary Business) Conference, Somerset West, South Africa, October, 2008.

QEP Lead Evaluator, East Texas Baptist University. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Marshall, Texas, September 2008.

Coordinator & Moderator, Servant Leadership Roundtable. Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va., 2004-Present.

Track Chair, Servant Leadership Roundtable, American Society for Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS), Las Vegas, Nev., February 2006.

Session Moderator, "Leadership Complexities," American Society for Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS), Las Vegas, Nev., February 2006.

Session Moderator, "Motivation and Transformation Issues in Leadership," American Society for Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS), Las Vegas, Nev., February 2006.

Session Coordinator & Moderator, Servant Leadership: A Global Perspective and Discussion of the Emergence of this Theoretical Perspective. ILA (International Leadership Association). Chicago, Ill., November 2006.

Track Chair, Servant Leadership Roundtable, American Society for Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS), Las Vegas, Nev., February 2007.

Session Moderator, "Servant Leadership: The Organizational Setting," American Society for Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS), Las Vegas, Nev., February 2007.

Member, Committee for Standards and Guidelines in Leadership Programs. ILA (International Leadership Association). Reviewer, Leadership and Organizational Development Journal.

Reviewer for Wren, D., The History of Management Thought 5th Edition.

Member, Editorial Board of International Journal of Servant Leadership.

Member, Editorial Board of the Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences.

Member, Editorial Board: Asian Women. Sookmyung Women's University (SWU) Research Institute of Asian Women (RIAW). Two-year term.

Graduate, MIP (Master Instructor Program), Regent University. Virginia Beach, Va.

Certified LPI (Leadership Practices Inventory).

ILA (International Leadership Associates).

Certified EQ-I. (Emotional Intelligence).

BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory.

MHS (Multi-Health Systems Inc).

Creative Works:

Patterson, K. CBN News. (2016). The Spirituality of Silicon Valley.

Documentary. Utah State University.

Guest. Millennials for Marriage Podcast.

Guest. (April 4, 2016). "Discover Your Why" Radio Program. WYCB, SPIRIT 1340.

Guest. (March 10, 2016). Servant Leader Today Podcast with Aaron Brown.

Hampton Roads Business Weekly. WVEC. (October 25, 2015). Customer Service 101: Human-Centered Organizations.

Hampton Roads Business Weekly. WVEC. (October 18, 2015). Customer Service 101: Why Customer Service Starts at the Top.

Hampton Roads Business Weekly. WVEC. (October 11, 2015). Customer Service 101: Top Companies at Customer Service.

Hampton Roads Business Weekly, WVEC. (September 27, 2015). Customer Service 101: Millennials and Customer Service.

Hampton Roads Business Weekly, WVEC. (September 20, 2015). Customer Service 101: The Key to Customer Service.

Hampton Roads Business Weekly. WVEC. (September 13, 2015). Customer Service 101: Values and Customer Service.

Patterson, K. (January, 2015). "Servant Leadership". Radio Interview. Discover the Leader in You, Dr. Jason Carthen Radio Show (Live).

Patterson, K. CBN News. (September, 2014). Truett Cathy's Legacy: The Difference Faith Makes.

Patterson, K. (September, 2013). "Racial Reconciliation", TD Jakes interview. Regent University.

Patterson, K. (August 15, 2013). Clanging Cymbals. Christian Public Servant. Robertson School of Government, Regent University.

Patterson, K. (August 14, 2013). Radio Interview. Andy Caldwell Show.

Patterson, K. (February, 20, 2013). Stranger and Friend Equally. Christian Public Servant. Robertson School of Government, Regent University.

Patterson, K. (February, 6, 2013). Kneel in His Classroom. Christian Public Servant. Robertson School of Government, Regent University.

Patterson, K. November, 15, 2012). Who is my Neighbor? Christian Public Servant. Robertson School of Government, Regent University.

Patterson, K. (September, 2012). CBN NEWS. Political Correctness Stifling Christian Business?

Patterson, K. (2011). Leadership to Change the World: Dr. Kathleen Patterson.

Patterson, K.A. (January, 2010). Servant Leadership and the Power of Service. Leadership Talks. School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Regent University. Volume 5, Issue 1.

Patterson, K. (September, 2009). "The Motivations of why Leaders Lead". Leadership Moment Video.

Patterson, K. (September, 2009). "What's Love got to do with it?" Leadership Moment Video.

Spears, L. & Patterson, K.A., Insights on Servant Leadership. Leadership Talks. School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Regent University. Volume 5, Issue 2.


CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning) Faculty Focus Group (2011) - Living Latino Roundtable.

Judge: Ahhawiki Contest. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE).

Planning Committee: Annual Research Roundtables. School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University. Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Planning Committee: Annual Virtual Moral Leadership Conference. School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Regent University. Virginia Beach, Virginia.

FAITH FUND. (Financial Assistance in Times of Hardship). Program to help employees bridge a financial crisis. The F.A.I.T.H Fund operates solely on contributions from Regent Employees and exclusively serves Regent employees. Regent University. Virginia Beach, Virginia.


Awards & Honors:

Chancellor's Award. Regent University. May, 2016.

Faculty of the Year Award, School of Business & Leadership, Regent University. May, 2009

Special Guest Editor, Servant Leadership Edition, International Journal of Leadership Studies. Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va.

Servant Leadership Roundtable Track Chair, ASBBS (American Society for Business & Behavioral Sciences), Las Vegas, NV, 2005

Best Paper Award, American Society for Business and Behavioral Sciences, 10th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2003

Ph.D. Fellowship from Regent University's School of Leadership Studies, 2000-2003

Regent University Volunteer Award for leadership in the Peer Mentoring Program for Ph.D. Cohort students, August, 2001

Founding Member of SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise). Regent University, 2000. SIFE is a not for profit organization that works with students to provide free enterprise education in real working situations. Awards include: Conference spokesperson at Regional and National Competitions, 2000; Regional Rookie of the Year, 2000; Regional Champion, 2000; National Rookie of the Year, 2000

Paper Entitled "The Elderly of our Nation and their Economic Condition" chosen for presentation at Lambuth College Undergraduate Sociological Symposium

Corporate Award: High staff retention awards in 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998

Corporate Award: Highest Net Revenue and Ancillary Award, 1998