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A picturesque view of the fountain on Regent University's Virginia Beach campus with spring blooms in the foreground.
Michelle Boone-Thornton, Ed.D., QMHP-C
Assistant ProfessorSchool of Psychology & CounselingCounseling Ministries DepartmentMore about Michelle Boone-Thornton, Ed.D., QMHP-C

Michelle Boone-Thornton, Ed.D., QMHP-C


Dr. Michelle Boone-Thornton is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling Ministries at Regent University. She earned an Ed.D. in Educational Psychology from Regent University, an M.S. Ed in Urban Education Guidance and Counseling from Norfolk State University and a Bachelor’s in Social Work (BSW) from Christopher Newport University. Prior to higher education, Dr. Boone-Thornton’s career in mental health spanned 20 years. She worked in various roles such as direct service provider, supervisor, program manager and Director of Children’s Services for a mental health facility in Florence, Alabama. Her higher education career began in 2015. Dr. Boone-Thornton has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in the Human Services program at Saint Leo University. Dr. Boone-Thornton served as the program’s Associate Chair and was an Associate and Tenured professor. She also served on dissertation committees for Saint Leo University’s Criminal Justice program, and Regent University’s Counseling & Psychological Studies program.

Dr. Boone-Thornton’s published her book series Transforming Your Reality: Removing the Mask (TYRRTM) in May 2022. The series includes a workbook and companion journal. The core book, TYRRTM: A Guide to Discovering Your Authentic Self is scheduled to be released September 2023. The series includes presentations, lectures and workshops that began virtually in 2021 and are now both virtual and in-person. Dr. Boone-Thornton presents an excerpt from her “Removing the Mask” series which airs monthly on YouTube, Facebook and Hulu on the Black Business Olympics Expo Network. Dr. Boone-Thornton has presented the series throughout the U.S. and internationally.

Dr. Boone-Thornton’s other published works include chapters in four books:

Looking for Me and From Death to Renewal in the book, Empowering You: Let Go of The Past & Step into Your Greatness (2023).

Cultural Competency (co-authored) in the e-book, Community Partnering for the Advocacy of Mental Health (2021).

Soul-Care Shifts – Release and Refill in the book, Rhythms of Rest: 40 Devotions for Women on the Move (2021).

Understanding Crimes Against and Amongst LGBTQ through an Intersectionality Lens in the book, Women, Minorities, Criminal Justice: A Multicultural Intersectionality Approach (2020).

Dr. Boone-Thornton published an article in an international magazine Emotional Wellbeing in Kenya and has co-authored two journal articles, Job burnout: Causes and prevention from Human Services perspective and Teaching in a pandemic era: Special considerations.  In the Council for Human Services Education Bulletin, Dr. Boone-Thornton co-authored two instructional articles Web-based Teaching Tools to Enhance the Online Learning Experience and Academic Learning & Professional Development through Simulated Avatar Experiences.

Internationally, Dr. Boone-Thornton co-authored a paper that she presented, and was published in the conference proceeding in Madrid Spain, An Interdisciplinary Approach to Entrepreneurship: A Theoretical Model for Starting a Non-Profit, she was a visiting professor at Kenyatta University-Nairobi Kenya and Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid, Spain.

Dr. Boone-Thornton has presented at over 50 different conferences throughout the U.S. and aboard.