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Two students walking on Regent University's campus during the summer in Virginia Beach, VA.
Melissa Davis, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Melissa Davis, Ph.D.


Dr. Melissa Davis holds a Ph.D. in Renewal Theology from Regent University, and a Master of Divinity degree jointly conferred by the Mennonite Brethren Seminary and Trinity Western Seminary in Langley, British Columbia. Dr. Davis has served as an adjunct professor at Regent University and The Bible Seminary in Katy, TX. She has served in church and parachurch ministries for over 15 years in Canada, the United States, and overseas. Since 2017, she has trained pastors and church leaders in rural East African communities, founding Equipping Ministries Global in December 2023 to equip men and women for ministry with biblical, theological, and discipleship training in rural areas of East Africa. The title of her dissertation is “Worship as the Demonstration of Loving Allegiance: A Grounded Theology of Worship.” Dr. Davis lives with her husband Mac in Virginia Beach, VA.