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Judge Jerry Tillett, J.D.
Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, First Judicial District North CarolinaSenior Lecturing Fellow

Judge Jerry Tillett, J.D.


Jerry Tillett grew up on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and participated in sports throughout secondary school.

Mr. Tillett was graduated from Wake Forest University with degrees in History and English, and Wake Forest School of Law.  He was the recipient of academic honors and awards.  After a brief period with one of the state’s largest firms in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Jerry Tillett returned to Dare County and became partner in the firm of Merrell, Tillett and Barnes.  He engaged in the general practice of law, involved in criminal, civil, administrative, and governmental matters, including an extensive real estate practice.

Jerry Tillett was elected to the North Carolina House of Representatives and tapped to become Chief of Staff and Chief Legal Counsel for the NC Senate President Pro Tempore shepherding all types of legislation, management of committees, and appointments, etc.

Jerry Tillett was appointed by the Governor as one of two special Superior Court Judges serving the State of North Carolina in 1993.  Thereafter he was appointed Resident Superior Court Judge and has been elected to serve as Superior Court Judge for over twenty-seven years, holding court in eighty of the state’s one hundred counties.  Judge Tillett currently serves as Senior Resident Superior Court Judge with calendaring, management and appointment duties for the state’s largest Judicial District consisting of seven counties.

Judge Tillett previously taught extensively in legal related areas including real estate law, broker and real estate salesmen licensing, legal instruments, legal writing, business law and paralegalism.

Judge Tillett attends Manteo Assembly of God Church and is active in many community and extra-curricular activities having served on numerous committees and commission of the State Legislature, and as President of local Bar Associations, College of the Albemarle Board of Trustees, Dare County Tourism Board, Farm Bureau Board, Dare County Chamber of Commerce.  Judge Tillett was elected 33° Scottish Rite Mason, and the statewide Leader of Masonic and Appendant Organizations in North Carolina 2002, and elected Potentate of North Carolina Shrine, Sudan Temple 2015.

Judge Tillett was instrumental in establishing and now manages the Dare County Recovery Court for Opiod addiction in addition to regular duties.

Mr. Tillett has been married to Tanya Tillett for forty-one years and has two adult children.