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A closeup of a student praying in the chapel at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA.
Joshua A. Hastey, Ph.D.
Director, M.A. National Security StudiesAssistant Professor

Joshua A. Hastey, Ph.D.


Dr. Joshua Hastey received his Ph.D. from Old Dominion University (ODU). His dissertation examines the relationship between power shifts and China’s willingness to attempt revisions to territorial status quos. He teaches and writes on international relations and security studies, with special interests in Indo-Pacific security, gray zone/hybrid strategies, and just war thought.

Hastey has published book chapters and articles with Bristol University Press, Journal of Strategic Security, Providence, and World Policy Journal and served as a guest speaker/moderator for classes, panels and podcasts related to international politics and U.S. grand strategy. He also serves as an adjunct professor of strategy for the U.S. Naval War College’s Fleet Seminar Program. See Dr. Hastey’s ongoing projects and teaching interests at

Apart from his professional work, he enjoys watching baseball and soccer, trying new restaurants, and most everything he can find time to read/watch in the sci-fi/fantasy genre. He has three children, and his wonderful wife serves as the children’s ministry director at Trinity Presbyterian Church.