Harry G. Hutchison, J.D., PGCE
Professor Hutchison’s research interests include corporate governance, labor and employment law, religious liberty and the application of economics and postmodernism to a variety of topics. He has produced more than 50 law review articles, review essays, public policy studies, and Civil Rights opinions. Most of his articles apply economics and history to a wide variety of topics. Currently his scholarship and writing are focused on genocide; religious liberty; responding to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, as well as executive overreach and accountability.
Before joining Regent, Hutchison was a professor of law at the George Mason University School of Law and Wayne State University. Previously, he taught at the University of Detroit Mercy where he also served as the faculty director of the London Law Program, and he has taught as a visiting professor of law at the University of San Diego. He serves as a member of the Board of Scholars for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. In addition, he is an active commentator speaker on the effects of the New Deal and Progressive Era on the status of members of disadvantaged communities and the intersection of religious liberty and corporate law.
Diploma, University of Oxford (Theology)
P.G.C.E., University of Bristol (British & European Labour Law)
J.D., Wayne State University
M.B.A., University of Michigan
M.A., Wayne State University
B. A. Wayne State University
Journal Articles, Review Essays & Public Policy Studies
- Hobby Lobby, Corporate Law, and Unsustainable Liberalism: A Reply to Judge Strine Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (Spring, 2016).
- Introduction, Journal of the Oxford Centre for the Study of Law & Public Policy, Vol (2015) (with Andy Ekonomou & Robert Ash).
- Religious Liberty For Employers As Corporations, Natural Persons, or Mythical Beings? A Reply to Gans, Vol. 120, Penn State Law Review (fall, 2015).
- Monopsony Power, Collective Bargaining and College Football, Vol. 5, Mississippi Sports Law Review (2015)
- Metaphysical Univocity and the Immanent Frame: Defending Religious Liberty in a Secular Age? Vol. 45 Southwestern Law Review (2015).
- Globalization and the Pursuit of Decent Work: Can the ILO Deliver? Oxford Centre for the Study of Law and Policy (2014).
- Foreword, in The Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore by Jay Sekulow (2014).
- Affirmative Action: Between the Oikos and the Cosmos, Vol. 66 South Carolina Law Review (2014).
- Ampersand, Tornillo, and Citizens United: The First Amendment, Corporate Speech, and the NLRB, Vol. 8 New York University Journal of Law & Liberty 630 (2014).
- Lochner, Liberty of Contract, and Paternalism: Revising the Revisionists? Vol. 47 Indiana Law Review (2014).
- Achieving our Future in the Age of Obama: Lochner, Progressive Constitutionalism, and African American Progress, Vol. 16 Iowa Journal of Race, Gender and Justice, University of Iowa 483 (2013).
- Protecting, Liberty? State Secret Ballot Initiatives in the Shadow of Preemption and Federalism, Vol. 6 New York University Journal of Law & Liberty 409 (2012).
- Waging War on "Unemployables"? Race, Low-Wage Work, and Minimum Wages: The New Evidence, Vol. 29
Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal 25 (2011). - Book Review: City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era, Vol 52, Journal of Church and State, 128 (2011).
- Employee "Free" Choice in the Mirror of Liberty, Fairness and Social Welfare, Vol. 60 Catholic University Law Review 575 (2011).
- Waging War on the "Unfit"? From Plessy v Ferguson to New Deal Labor Law, Vol. 7 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 1 (2011).
- Choice, Progressive Values, and Corporate Law: A Reply to Greenfield, Vol. 35 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 437 (2010).
- Employee Free Choice or Employee Forged Choice? Race in the Mirror of Exclusionary Hierarchy, Vol. 15 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 369 (2010).
- Book Review: American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile, Vol. 51 Journal of Church and State (2010).
- Racial Exclusion in the Mirror of New Deal Responses to the Great Crash, (Symposium Issue) Vol. 15 Nexus: Chapman's Journal of Law & Public Policy 5 (2010).
- Putting the World Back Together? Recovering Faithful Citizenship in a Postmodern Age, Vol. 29 Mississippi College Law Review 149(2010).
- The High Cost of Shareholder Participation (with R. Sean Alley) Vol. 11 University of Pennsylvania, Journal of Business and Employment Law 941(2009).
- Liberty, Liberalism, and Neutrality: Labor Preemption and First Amendment Values Vol. 39 Seton Hall Law Review 770 (2009).
- Work, the Social Question, Progress and the Common Good? Vol. 48 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 59 (2009).
- Moving Forward? Diversity as a Paradox? A Critical Race View, Vol. 57 Catholic University Law Review (Symposium Issue) 1059 (2008).
- The Market for Union Representation: An Information Deficit or Rational Behavior?, Vol. 94 Virginia Law Review (In Brief), (Spring, 2008).
- Reclaiming The First Amendment Through Union Dues Restrictions?, Vol. 10 University of Pennsylvania, Journal of Business and Employment Law 663 (2008).
- What Workers Want or What Labor Experts Want Them to Want? Vol. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 799 (2008).
- Witters v. Washington, Entry in Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States, (2008).
- Against Shareholder Participation: A Treatment for McConvill's Psychonomicosis (with R. Sean Alley), Vol. 2 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Comm'l Law 41(Fall, 2007).
- Book Review: Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics, Vol. 49 Journal of Church and State (Fall, 2007).
- Shaming Kindergartners? Channeling Dred Scott? Freedom of Religious Expression in Public Schools, Vol. 56 Catholic University Law Review 361 (Spring 2007).
- Review Essay: Compulsory Unionism as a Fraternal Conceit?, Vol. 7 University of California at Davis, Business Law Journal 125 (Fall 2006).
- A Clearing in the Forest: Infusing The Labor Union Dues Dispute with First Amendment Values, Vol. 14 William & Mary, Bill of Rights Journal 1309 (2006).
Michigan Civil Rights Commission Opinions
Jo E. Weth vs. Pretzel Bell, No. 112843-E7RF (1992).
- Affirmative Action for Kindergarteners, The Detroit News, September 26, 2013.
- Bad for Employers and Bad for Employees, New York Times, Room for Debate, NYTimes.com, July 27, 2011, available at http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2011/07/26/the-hiring-bias-against-the-unemploy...
- Unions Must not take Precedence, Detroit Free Press, Online edition, April 25, 2011.
- "International Labor Standards in the Mirror of Culture?" Spring 2001, The Docket (UDM, Law School Publication)
- "Privatization: Archer Must Commit to It," January 18, 1995, p. A9, The Detroit Free Press.
- "A Competitive Strategy to Revive Detroit," December 27, 1992, p.3B, The Detroit News.
- "Empowerment Essential for Civil Rights," May 10, 1992, p.3B, The Detroit News.
- "Private Schools Shine as 'Oases of Excellence', with Larry Reed, September 8, 1991, p.3B, The Detroit News.
- 'Better Schools: Let Competition Heat Up," Review of Politics, Markets and America's Schools, by John Chubb and Terry Moe, August 22, 1990, The Detroit News.
- Admitted: Michigan
- Member of Michigan Bar
- Fall 2012 Best Teacher Award, Belmont University College of Law
- Fall 2011 Best Teacher Award, Belmont University College of Law
- 2007 (October) My Article: What Workers Want or What Labor Experts Want Them to Want? Vol. 26 Quinnipiac Law Review 799 (2008), made the Top Ten List of Labor Law Articles Downloaded from the SSRN.
- 2007 (June) My article: Shaming Kindergartners, Channeling Dred Scott? Freedom of Expression Rights in Public School, Vol. 56 Catholic University Law Review (2007), made the Top Ten List of U.S. Constitutional: Rights and Liberties Articles downloaded from the SSRN.
- 2006 (June) My article: A Clearing in the Forest: Infusing The Labor Union Dues Dispute with First Amendment Values, Vol. 14 William & Mary, Bill of Rights Journal 1309 (2006), made the Top Five List of Labor Law Articles Downloaded from the Social Science Network, in the field of Labor Law.
- 2001 Barnes Award for Faculty Scholarship, University of Detroit Mercy, School of Law
- 2001 My article: Reclaiming the Labor Movement Through Union Dues? A Postmodern Perspective in the Minor of Public Choice Theory. Vol. 33 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 447(2000), made the Top Ten List of Labor Law Articles Downloaded from the SSRN.
- 1993 Barnes Award for Faculty Scholarship. University of Detroit Mercy, School of Law