Jeffrey A. Brauch, J.D.
Associate Dean for Faculty Development & Intellectual LifeFounding Director, Center for Global Justice®Professorcontact meJeffrey A. Brauch, J.D.
Professor Jeff Brauch joined the Regent Law faculty in 1994. From 2000 to 2015, he served as the law school’s dean. Brauch helped create Regent’s Center for Global Justice® and serves as the Center’s founding director. He has taught Foundations of Law, International Human Rights, International Religious Freedom, Torts, and other courses.
Prior to teaching, Brauch served as a law clerk for Justice William Callow of the Wisconsin Supreme Court and then worked as an associate with Milwaukee law firm Quarles & Brady, where he specialized in commercial litigation.
Brauch and his wife Becky four adult children and four grandchildren. They attend New Covenant Presbyterian Church, where he is an elder. He loves history, the music of Beethoven, and the Green Bay Packers – not necessarily in that order.
J.D., with honors, University of Chicago Law School
B.A., with distinction, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Books and Monographs:
A Higher Law, Readings on the Influence of Christian Thought in Anglo-American Law, 3d ed. (William S. Hein & Co., August 2019).
Flawed Perfection: What It Means To Be Human & Why It Matters For Culture, Politics, And Law (Lexham Press, 2017).
A Higher Law, Readings on the Influence of Christian Thought in Anglo-American Law, 2d ed. (William S. Hein & Co., August 2008).
Is Higher Law Common Law? A Higher Law, Readings on the Influence of Christian Thought in Anglo-American Law, (William S. Hein & Co., August 1999).
Chapter 10 supplement to The Attorney's Guide to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals (L. Kaster and K. Ripple, eds. 1987 and Supp. 1993).
Journal Articles and Notes:
“In Faith and Practice: How Christian Doctoral Programs Address Religious Diversity Needs,” 20 Christian Higher Education, 1-2, 87-103 (2021) (co-authored with Hannah C. Jones, Anderson Rowan, and Rachel L. Stephens).
"Reflections on Integrating Faith and Law," 3 Religio et Lex 51 (Summer 2020).
“The Human Rights Movement and the Prevention of Evil: The Need to Look Inward as Well as Out,” 68 Catholic University Law Review 425 (2019)
“E.S. v Austria: Europe’s Folly,” (co-authored with Cody Goings) 5 Regent J. L. & Pub. Pol. 83 (2019)
“Is Your Notion of Human Dignity Too Narrow?” Christianity Today (August 17, 2018)
“The Destructive Reach of Human Trafficking – and God’s Call to His People,” 13 The Christian Lawyer 6 (Spring 2017)
“Three Role Models of Leadership for the Law School Dean,” 48 Toledo L. Rev. 205 (2017)
"Human Rights Protections in the Post-9/11 World." 31 Quinnipiac Law Review 339 (2013).
"ERISA at 25--and its Most Persistent Problem." 48 Kansas Law Review 285 (2000).
"John Winthrop: Lawyer as Model of Christian Charity." 11 Regent Law Review 343 (1999).
"The Federal Common Law of ERISA." 21 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 541 (1998).
"From Crisis to Innovation," 22 Education & Practice 1 (Spring 2014)
"Abraham Kuyper's Calvinism and Politics." 1 Journal of Christian Legal Thought 1 (Spring 2011).
"Shaping the Next Generation of Lawyers: A Call to the Christian Legal Community." 7 The Christian Lawyer 36 (Winter 2011).
"Faith-Based Law Schools and an Apprenticeship in Professional Identity." 42 The University of Toledo Law Review 3 (Spring 2011).
"Leroy Hassell the Teacher." 19 Education & Practice 2 (Spring 2011).
'Own Your Career': Career Planning in a Challenging Market." 27 Education & Practice 1 (Spring 2009).
"The Law School Special Event: Lessons Learned in Our 20th Year." 38 Toledo Law Review 101 (2007).
"What Every Lawyer Should Know About International Law." Wisconsin Lawyer 12 (December 2005).
"The Dean and Family Life." 36 Toledo Law Review 11 (2004).
"The Student-Faculty Retreat." 35 Toledo Law Review 23 (2003).
"Why a Journal of International Law at Regent University? 1 Regent Journal of International Law1 (2003).
"Why I Must Teach." 34 Toledo Law Review 23 (2002).
"It Sounded Great in the Glossy Brochure...So Where Is It? Carrying Out the Mission at a Mission Driven School." 33 Toledo Law Review 1 (2001).
"More Than A Summer Vacation." 10 Education & Practice 6 (2001).
"Municipal Activism v Federal Law: Why ERISA preempts San Francisco-Style Domestic Partner Ordinances." 28 Seton Hall Law Review 925 (1998).
"Foreign Summer Programs: More Than A Summer Vacation." 10 Education & Practice 6 (2001).
"ERISA at 25--and its Most Persistent Problem." 48 Kansas Law Review 285 (2000).
"John Winthrop: Lawyer as Model of Christian Charity." 11 Regent Law Review 343 (1999).
"The Federal Common Law of ERISA." 21 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 541 (1998).
"Municipal Activism v Federal Law: Why ERISA preempts San Francisco-Style Domestic Partner Ordinances." 28 Seton Hall Law Review 925 (1998).
"The Danger of Ignoring Plain Meaning: Individual Relief for Breach of Fiduciary Duty Under ERISA." 41 Wayne Law Review 1233 (1995).
"Health Care Providers Meet ERISA: Are Provider Claims for Misrepresentation of Coverage Pre-empted?" 20 Pepperdine Law Review 497 (1993).
- State Bar of Wisconsin
- James Kent American Inn of Court
- American Bar Association
- Norfolk and Portsmouth Bar Association
- Christian Legal Society
- Admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and United States District Courts for the Eastern and Western Districts of Wisconsin
Institutional Review Board
1998-99 Chancellor's Award (Regent University Outstanding Professor of the Year)
1998-99 1L Professor of Year
2014-15 2L/3L Professor of Year
1996-97 Christian Legal Society Law Student Ministries Award
2009 Champion for Justice, Justice Calls
2013 Law Student Ministries Award
2016-2017 1L Professor of the Year