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Eric DeGroff, J.D.

Eric DeGroff, J.D.


Professor DeGroff received his B.A. with Honors from the University of Kansas, his MPA from the University of Southern California, and his J.D. from Regent University School of Law. He joined the faculty in 1994 and has served as associate dean for academic and student affairs from 1995 to 1998, associate dean for academic support from 1998 to 2000, and associate dean for academic affairs in 2015. He has taught a variety of courses, including Property Law, Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Education Law, and Negotiation.

Before coming to Regent, Professor DeGroff practiced environmental law at the Richmond office of Hunton & Williams. He currently serves as a member of the Virginia Waste Management Board and was the Managing Editor of the Chemical Waste Litigation Reporter from 2013 to March 2021. His scholarship has focused on environmental regulation, parental rights, public education, and law school pedagogy.


J.D., Regent University School of Law, Valedictorian

M.P.A., University of Southern California

B.A., cum laude and with honors, University of Kansas



Co-editor and co-author, RCRA/CERCLA Enforcement Issues Outline, CHEMICAL WASTE LITIGATION REPORTER (with Ledbetter, et al.) (rev. 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010).

Prayer in the Public Schools (classroom edition for Restoring Civic Virtues Conference, Regent University) (1995).

Federal Environmental Rule Making (classroom edition for Environmental Regulation Course, Executive Enterprises, Inc.) (1992).


DECISION MAKING IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, Chapter 25, Access to Information: International Perspective, Edward Elgar Publishing (Paddock, Glicksman & Bryner, eds.) (2017).

ENVIRONMENTAL LAW PRACTICE GUIDE, Chapter 89, Virginia Environmental Law, Matthew Bender (with Ledbetter, Matchett & Jordanger) (1992, rev. 1996).


The Simultaneous Pursuit of Cost Recovery and Contribution Under CERCLA: Making Sense of CERCLA 's Private Party Remedies in the Wake of Atlantic Research, 46 MITCHELL-HAMLINE L. REV. 43 (2019).

Strict Liability vs. Contribution: Open Issues After Atlantic Research, 78 CHEM.WASTE LITIG. REP. 1 (2019).

Cutting Edge Developments in Regional, State, and Interstate Water Management, VIRGINIA LAWYER, Vol. 65, No. 6 (April 2017).

Was Chevron the Real Target of the Majority Opinion in Michigan v. EPA? Roundtable Discussion on Michigan v. EPA, 70 CHEM. WASTE LITIG. REP. 8 (2015).

Is it Time for the Court to Accept the O.F.F.E.R.? Applying Smith v. Organization of Foster Families for Equality and Reform to Promote Clarity, Consistency, and Federalism in the World of De Facto Parenthood, 24 S. CAL. INTERDISC. L. J. 419 (2015) (co-authored with Stephen S. Fitschen).

The Dynamics of the Contemporary Law School Classroom: Looking at Laptops Through a Learning Style Lens, 38 U. DAYTON L. REV. 201 (2014).

Training Tomorrow's Lawyers: What Empirical Research Can Tell Us About the Effect of Law School Pedagogy on Law Student Learning Styles, 36 S. ILL. L.J. 251 (2012).

Parental Rights and Public School Curricula: Revisiting Mozert After 20 Years, 38 J. LAW & EDUC. 83 (2009).

"Learning" Like Lawyers: Addressing the Differences in Law Student Learning Styles, 2006

B.Y.U. EDUC. & L. J. 499 (co-authored with Kathleen A. McKee).

Sex Education in the Public Schools and the Accommodation of Familial Rights, 26 CHILDREN'S LEGAL RTS. J. 21 (2006).

The Application of Strict Criminal Liability to Maritime Oil Pollution Incidents: Is There OPA for the Accidental Spiller? 50 LOY. L. REV. 827 (2005).

Student Learning Styles: Factors to Consider in Teaching Students to Think Like Lawyers, 12

EDUC. & PRACTICE 1 (Fall 2005) (co-authored with Kathleen A. McKee).

State Regulation of Nonpublic Schools: Does the Tie Still Bind? 2003 B.Y.U. EDUC. & L. J. 363.

Raiders of the Lost ARCO: Resolving the Partial Settlement Credit Issue in Private Cost Recovery and Contribution Claims under CERCLA, 8 N.Y.U. ENVTL. L. J. 332 (2000).

"Environmental Law," in Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 34 U. RICH. L. REV. 799 (2000).


Chair, Board of Governors, Virginia State Bar Section on Environmental Law (2016-2017). (Member, Board of Governors, 2014-2018).

Chair, Section on Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law, Virginia Bar Association (2009 - 2011). (Member, Section Council, 2006-2013).

Member, Virginia Waste Management Board, by Gubernatorial appointment (2013-Present).

Co-Chair, Law School Committee, American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution (2015-2017) (Committee Member, 2012-2018).

Member, Virginia Bar Association, Law School/Administrative Law Committee (2009-2013).

Member of the Virginia and United States Supreme Court Bars, and Member of the American Bar Association.

Chair, Board of Directors, New Covenant Pre-School (2011-2016).

Member, Board of Directors, Institute for Reformation (2008-Present).