Kevin Spawn. D.Phil.
Dr. Kevin L. Spawn is associate professor of Old Testament at Regent University School of Divinity (2006-present). He previously taught at Simpson University, Redding, California (1998-2006) and the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Oxford, England (1996-1998).
Spawn is part of the oversight committee of the research group “Pneumatic Hermeneutic” of IBR. He is a researcher in both the “Science in the Seminary” project, sponsored by American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Templeton Foundation, and the Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database. Spawn teaches and preaches in various churches.
- Old Testament Prophets
- The Books of Psalms, Chronicles, Deuteronomy, Job, and Esther
- Old Testament Biblical Theology
- The Babylonian Exile and the Restoration Era
B.A., Gordon College; M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; D.Phil., University of Oxford
Published Books
Editor and author, with Archie T. Wright, Spirit and Scripture: Exploring a Pneumatic Hermeneutic (London: T&T Clark International, 2012), xviii + 225 pp. ISBN: 978-0-567-03406-9.
"As It Is Written" and Other Citation Formulae in the Old Testament: Their Use, Development, Syntax and Significance, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) 311 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co., 2002) xvii + 301 pp. ISBN: 3-11-017161-9.
Published Chapters and Journal Articles
"LXX Psalm 151," in Early Jewish Literature: An Anthology (Archie T. Wright, Ron Herms and Brad Embry, editors; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2018).
"The Intersection of Biblical Testimony and Experience: Toward the Conceptualization of the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Interpretation of the Revival of the Son of the Widow Narrative (1 Kings 17:17–24)" in Holy Spirit: Unfinished Agenda (Johnson T. K. Lim, ed., Singapore: Armour, 2014).
"The Citation and Interpretation of the Law in Chronicles: The Chronicler's Distribution of Exegetical Devices in the Narratives of Solomon and Hezekiah" in Let Us Go Up To Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M. Williamson on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Iain Provan and Mark J. Boda, eds; Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 153; Leiden: Brill, 2012), pp. 317-28.
"The Principle of Analogy and Biblical Interpretation in the Renewal Tradition," in Spirit and Scripture: Exploring a Pneumatic Hermeneutic (Kevin L. Spawn and Archie T. Wright, editors; London: T&T Clark International, 2012), pp. 46–72.
"Analogy and the Scholar's Shared Experience with the Testimony of Scripture," in Spirit and Scripture: Exploring a Pneumatic Hermeneutic (Kevin L. Spawn and Archie T. Wright, editors; London: T&T Clark International, 2012), pp. 173–76.
Lead author, with Archie T. Wright, "The Emergence of Biblical Hermeneutics in the Renewal Tradition," in Spirit and Scripture: Exploring a Pneumatic Hermeneutic (Kevin L. Spawn and Archie T. Wright, editors; London: T&T Clark International, 2012), pp. 3–22.
Lead author, with Archie T. Wright, "Cultivating a Pneumatic Hermeneutic," in Spirit and Scripture: Exploring a Pneumatic Hermeneutic (Kevin L. Spawn and Archie T. Wright, editors; London: T&T Clark International, 2012), pp. 191–98.
"Sacred Song and God's Presence in 2 Chronicles 5, the Renewal Community of Judah and Beyond," Journal of Pentecostal Theology 16.2 (2008), pp. 51–68.
"Sources, References to," in The Dictionary of Old Testament—Historical Books: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, Bill T. Arnold and H. G. M. Williamson, editors (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005), pp. 935–41. ISBN: 0-8308-1782-4.
"Pruning God's Olive Tree: Contrasting Ebionism and Marcionism," Tishrei 1.3 (1993), pp. 24–31.
Institute of Biblical Research; Wesleyan Theological Society.
Charles H. Dale Faculty Scholar Grant, Simpson University (2005–6); Professor-of-the-Year Award (2000–1), Simpson University; Overseas Research Award Scheme (1995-1997) in Theology and Religious Studies, awarded jointly by Oxford University and the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom; Pusey and Ellerton Senior Hebrew Award (1996–97), the Institute of Oriental Studies, Oxford University; Segal Award (1996), the Institute of Oriental Studies, Oxford University; Old Testament Award (1994), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.