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Early College & Homeschool The Early College Tuition Credit Advantage Save on college costs with reduced tuition rate of $75 per credit hour. Learn More
A student at Regent, a Christian university with an early college program.

The Early College Program at Regent University

The Early College Program provides you the opportunity to study at Regent — one of the world’s premier Christian universities — and helps you start college with credits under your belt, which can give you a strong advantage in your educational and professional career. Plus, you can enjoy a reduced tuition rate of $75 per credit hour!

Early College classes taken at Regent may be included on your high school transcript as part of your high school curriculum. When applying to another university or college, you will also need to provide that school with an official transcript from Regent. As an accredited institution, our courses should transfer to other colleges as long as you earned a “B” or above in those classes.


What is Early College?

Early College is a chance for junior and senior high school students to take college courses before receiving a diploma. Ambitious high school students can start earning college credits concurrently with a high school diploma.

  • Experience college classes with current students and nationally recognized professors.
  • Save money by completing part of your degree with reduced pricing and reimbursement through the REP program.
  • Save time by completing courses before enrolling— meaning more time for extracurriculars, internships, or exploring the attractions in Virginia Beach!
  • Take courses built from a Christian perspective and learn how to engage the ever-changing culture of the world.
Students have a picnic on campus at Regent University. Learn more about the Early College program.

Introduction to Psychology

Psychology courses can help provide a better understanding of yourself and others. Developing intrapersonal and interpersonal understanding can help you improve soft skills like leadership, teamwork, and empathy.  

World History

Learning about the past is an enriching experience that can improve your ability to understand the relationships between countries and people. Whether you choose to major in Christian ministry, government or law, history can enhance your understanding of the complex dynamics that shape societies and cultures.

Christian Doctrine

Societies’ evolutions have brought more divisive topics to the forefront of conversations. Expand your understanding of Christianity with a thorough exploration of the core doctrine, which can help you prepare for the challenges of the current culture.

Introduction to Chemistry

Science courses teach not only how to build upon foundational understandings of the natural world, but also how to reason in it. Chemistry can help you learn the principles of scientific thought and put them into practice with laboratory procedures.

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“Regent gave me the skills I needed and prepared me for the work I’m doing now.”
Stryker Watts, B.S. in Business - Marketing, 2013 Senior Manager, Deposit & Regional Marketing, First Republic Bank