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A person in a server room: Regent University offers an information systems minor online and in Virginia Beach, VA 23464.

Minor – Information Systems

On Campus, Online

Students choosing the Minor in Information Systems must take:

ISYS 204 Introduction to Information Systems (3)
ISYS 214 Introduction to Programming (4)
ISYS 304 Information Systems for eCommerce (3)
ISYS 317 Database Fundamentals (3)
ISYS 321 IT Hardware & Software (3)

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Computer systems, networks, databases, intellectual property, computer security, artificial intelligence, legal and ethical considerations, codes of conduct, privacy, computer crimes, and the future of computing and the Internet and their relationship to the business world.
Introduces programming fundamentals. Use of algorithms and computer logic to translate data into information through structured design, coding, testing, and program debugging, writing programs in high-level, object-oriented language.
Students gain a thorough knowledge of the foundation of eCommerce by studying its role in today’s Internet and the World Wide Web. Course examines web server hardware and software tools utilized in the development of an eCommerce web site as well as criteria for assessing the usability of eCommerce sites. Prerequisite: ISYS 204.
Introduction to relational database management systems through the study of the tools and techniques of database analysis and design. Attention to data modeling, designing relational databases, normalization, and relationships, using modern database applications to create tables, queries, forms and reports. Prerequisite: ISYS 214.
Principles and applications of computer hardware and software, understood through the theoretical underpinnings, with attention to installation, configurations, and operational laboratory experiences. Course also addresses recent advances in computer hardware and architecture and how they affect computer performance. Prerequisite: ISYS 204.

Course fees

ANIM100 Fundamentals of Animation $200
ANIM103 Introduction to Digital Art $200
ANIM112 Fund/2D Comp. Based Animation $200
ANIM115 Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics $200
ANIM121 Fundamentals of Design $200
ANIM203 Introduction to 3-D Animation $200
ANIM210 Writing for Animation $70
ANIM213 CharactDesign/Rigging/Anim $200
ANIM218 Adv 2-D Comp Anim Tech $200
ANIM222 The Art of the Storyboard $200
ANIM310 Business Planning for Media $70
ANIM314 Adv 3-D Animation Techniques $200
ANIM340 History of Animation $70
ANIM400 Portfolio Preparation $200
ANIM413 Motion Graphics for Film & TV $200
ANIM415 Animation in 3D $200
ANIM450 Special Effects Film/Video $200
ANIM480 Production Practicum $200
ANIM489 Animation Workshop $200
ANIM495 Internship $70
ANIM496 Culminating Project $200
ARTA120 Introduction to Drawing $70
ARTA121 Fundamentals of Design $200
ARTA201 Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing $200
ARTA312 3-D Design Methods $200
ARTA320 Painting 1 $200
ARTA401 Advanced Drawing $200
BIOL101 Intro to Bio w/Lab $70
BIOL121 General Biology I $70
BIOL122 General Biology II $70
BIOL201 Human Anatomy & Physiology I $70
BIOL202 Human Anatomy & Physiology II $70
BIOL321 General Microbiology $200
BIOL421 Immunology $200
BUSN470 Strategic Management $50
CHEM121 General Chemistry I $70
CHEM122 General Chemistry II $70
CHEM221 Organic Chemistry I $70
CHEM222 Organic Chemistry II $70
CHEM421 Biochemistry $200
CRJU460 Senior Research/CrimJus $30
CTVU129 Fundamentals of Production $200
CTVU246 Cinematography $200
CTVU256 Fundamentals/Post Production $200
CTVU258 Sound Design $200
CTVU310 Screenwriting $200
CTVU327 Film Producing $200
CTVU350 Fundamentals of TV Production $200
CTVU370 Editing $200
CTVU427 Film Producing $200
CTVU480 Production Practicum $200
CTVU495 Internship $70
CTVU496 Senior Project $200
ENGL485 English Senior Seminar $40
GENE100 Making of the Christian Mind $75
GENE402 Making of the Christian Leader $75
GOVT493 Senior Sem in Government $30
HIST207 Western Civilization I $25
HIST401 Historiography & Research Meth $30
MATH440 History of Mathematics $25
MUSI347 Sight Reading/Musical Performa $70
MUSI348 Ensemble Performance $70
MUSI380 Voice Practicum $70
NSCI270 Natur/Sci/Ethics w/ Laboratory $70
NSCI499 Thesis Research and Writing $70
PHYS221 General Physics I $70
PHYS222 General Physics II $70
THEU105 Stagecraft $200
THEU132 Basic Acting 1 $200
THEU181 Pract/TheatreProd:Costume $70
THEU221 Movement for the Stage $200
THEU 227 Makeup for the Theatre $200
THEU232 Basic Acting 2 $200
THEU234 Voice/Diction for Stage 1 $200
THEU251 Improvisation $200
THEU312 Stage Combat $200
THEU323 Principles of Theatre Design $200
THEU324 Stage & Theatre Management $70
THEU330 Screen Acting 1 $200
THEU337 Voice/Diction for Stage 2 $200
THEU375 SpTp: Playwriting $60 (fees vary per section)
THEU380 Voice Practicum $70
THEU402 Modern Drama $70
THEU405 Theatre History 1 $70
THEU406 Theatre History 2 $70
THEU420 Performance Studio $70
THEU496 Portfolio $70
UED480A Practicum I $70
UED480B Practicum II $70
UED495 Field Experience/Student Teach $200
ACCT472 Advanced Accounting II $50
ANIM115 Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics $200
ANIM121 Fundamentals of Design $70
BUSN470 Strategic Management $50
CRJU460 Senior Research/CrimJus $30
CTVU480 Production Practicum $70
CTVU495 Internship $70
ENGL485 English Senior Seminar $40
GENE100 Making of the Christian Mind $75
GENE402 Making of the Christian Leader $75
GOVT493 Senior Sem in Government $30
HIST401 Historiography & Research Meth $30

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“Making the switch from community college to Regent was a flawless process and the best decision ever. I’m so proud I have ‘Regent graduate’ connected to my story.”

Hanna Bishop, B.A., 2015 Christian Ministry

“If I hadn’t gone to Regent, I’m not sure I would be ready for all of this responsibility right now. ”

Brittany Finch, B.A. in Religious Studies, 2008 Business Owner

“My internship at Regent enabled me to put my book knowledge into a real-world experience that helped me grow professionally. Now, I am more confident that I bring a unique set of skills employers seek. ”

Jessica Stachurski, B.A. in Communication Studies - Strategic Communication, 2020 Marketing Manager, Orphan Network

“Getting a Big Idea/Dreamworks internship and working on VeggieTales in the House was a dream come true. Ultimately I want to write and direct stories, regardless of what form they take. Storytelling is what I love, and I'm so grateful Regent has helped me develop that passion.”

Justin Garcia, B.A., 2014 Animator

“At Regent, I loved the integration of Christian values that were wrapped tightly in a strong academic degree. I felt completely academically prepared to go out and help people, but I also had that very foundational core belief system that was strengthened unbelievably.”

Jada Jackson, B.A. in Communication 2009; MA in Human Services Counseling 2010 President & TV Host, Total Life Counseling; Advisor, Listeners On Call; Author; Licensed Mental Health Counselor