Homeschool to College Day
Cost: $10 for the first family member (student or parent / lunch included)
Family Discount: $5 for each additional family member
You are invited to attend our upcoming Homeschool to College Day at Regent University. Bring the whole family for an educational experience designed to enhance the wonderful learning already going on at home.
High School Track (9 – 12th grades): Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in hands-on, engaging learning activities. Parents of high school students can attend sessions on homeschooling high school, college admissions and financial aid, and preparing homeschoolers for college.
No Homeschool Day Events Currently Scheduled
High School Students (Grades 9 – 12) will register for one of the following morning tracks:
- Cinema/Television – Get behind and in front of the camera to check out the world of cinematography.
- Animation Simulation – Learn about cartooning and using animation software by developing your own cartoon.
- Robotics and Programming with Scratch
And for one of the following afternoon tracks:
- Cryptography – Math is anything but boring when you learn to use it for coding and decoding!
- Theatre – Learn the art of unarmed stage combat. (without harming yourself or others, of course)
Parents will attend engaging, educational sessions while the students sit in on classes.