WEATHER ALERT: Regent University will be closed Wednesday, February 19th due to inclement weather.
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A closeup of two Regent University students smiling and looking off at the beautiful Virginia Beach campus.

College of Arts & Sciences Course Schedule

Regent Undergrad course schedules will assist you in planning out your yearly course work. The Fall and Spring semesters each have two 8 week sessions — Fall (Sessions A & B) and Spring (Sessions C & D) and then two 8 week sessions in the Summer (Session E & F). The schedules note the session period on the left and then the courses offered in that period. Please note that some courses are offered multiple times throughout the year while other courses may only be offered one session per year.

Students are encouraged to work in conjunction with their Academic Advisor to construct a course map that will allow the student to register for courses in the proper sequence.

Students who have not attended or logged into a class, will, at the end of the second week of the session/semester — in accordance with university practice — be assumed to have unofficially dropped and will be administratively dropped from that class.