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Transfer Credits


Whether transferring from a community college, other regionally accredited institution, or military career, Regent University can help you maximize your transfer credits and enjoy a variety of benefits. Here’s why you should transfer to Regent:

  • Generous transfer policy — transfer up to 90 credit hours
  • Transfer up to 75% of a bachelor’s degree or up to 49% of a graduate degree
  • Ranked among Top National Universities, U.S. News & World Report, 2019 - 2020, 2022 - 2025
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s Programs in Virginia for 13 consecutive years, U.S. News & World Report, 2025
  • Up to $2,000 tuition grant for eligible transfer students from the Virginia Community College System
  • Top military-friendly school
  • 12 prestigious credentials
  • 150+ areas of study, both online and on campus, that integrate leadership training in a global context

Easy Steps to Transfer

  1. Apply for admission to Regent: online application
  2. Submit admissions items at or send them to
    • Undergraduate Students
      Submit unofficial or official transcripts for review as part of your admissions items. Upon enrollment, the Admissions Office will attempt to obtain your official transcripts from your previous U.S. degree-granting institution if they are not already on file.
      Graduate Students
      Submit official transcripts from the colleges from which you are looking to transfer credit. Digital official transcripts may be sent to Hardcopy transcripts should be sealed in an envelope and sent to:

      Regent University
      Document Control
      1000 Regent University Drive
      Virginia Beach, VA 23462
    • Complete the Transfer Credit Evaluation Form for grad students. You will receive a link to this form once admitted.
  3. Transfer credit review - The transfer credit team will thoroughly review your academic records and make the results available once processed.

Please note: An official transcript must be on file for each proposed transfer course. Schools may establish other requirements for evaluating credit, such as a copy of course projects or a thesis. Please allow one week for the evaluation process. Our team will notify you when the review is complete.

In addition to transferring credit from another college or university, students may reduce their overall time spent in completing degree requirements, and gain academic credit applicable to their degree program. This is most commonly done through credit by examination. Students may apply credit earned through successful completion of approved credit-by-examination programs. A maximum of 30 semester hours of credit may be applied to the bachelor’s degree; 15 semester hours of credits may be applied to the associate’s degree program.

Prior Learning Assessment
Convert non-classroom learning into college credit, from training programs, seminars, workshops, non-credit courses, military service, licenses, certificates, and community activities to military service.

CLEP (Regent’s Institution code – 8266)
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) enables students to demonstrate proficiency in specific subject areas.

Advanced Placement (Regent’s Institution code – 4452)
Score 3+ on AP exams to earn credits toward a Regent University bachelor’s degree.

Dantes Subject Standardized Tests
The DSST program is an extensive series of 37 examinations in college subject areas that are comparable to the final or end-of-course examinations in undergraduate courses. Students who earn scores equivalent to grades of “C” or better may have credit applied to associate and bachelor degrees at Regent University.

International Baccalaureate (IB)
The International Baccalaureate Program is described as a “demanding pre-university course of study that leads to examinations; it is designed for highly motivated secondary school students and incorporates the best elements of national systems without being based on any one.” The IB exam has received extensive world-wide recognition for the quality of its programs as well as for its rigor. Its influence is growing in the United States and some educators consider the program to provide greater depth and intellectual challenge than the AP. Students who achieve a 5, 6, or 7, on an IB exam may receive transfer credit at Regent. As with all other exams, a maximum of 30 semester hours may be granted for IB exams.

ACE Corporate Credit Opportunities
Regent has also partnered with the American Council on Education (ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service to provide more opportunities for adult learners to earn college credit. Based on ACE credit recommendations, students may receive college-level credit for workforce and military training. By participating in the ACE CREDIT College and University Network, Regent may be able to provide credit for learning experiences that include apprenticeship programs, professional organizations, national examinations, and online education vendors. See if your organization or workplace is listed with ACE.

Academic Credit for Select Industry Certifications

If you hold a valid industry certification through COMPtia or EC Council, you may be eligible to receive up to 9 free academic credits toward certain academic courses through our Cybersecurity program at Regent University. 

In order to be eligible for possible academic credit, you must be enrolled in the relevant B.S. in Cybersecurity program.

Please submit proof of your passing test scores to after being admitted or enrolled within your undergraduate level program. Please review the below certifications and corresponding undergraduate level courses at Regent below.

ISYS 205 (3)CompTIA Linux+3 credits
ISYS 324 (3)CompTIA Network+3 credits
CYBR 381 (1)CompTIA Security+1 credit
CYBR 382 (1)EC Certified Ethical Hacker1 credit
CYBR 383 (1)CompTIA CySA+1 credit

*Please note that credits are only offered for chosen undergraduate level programs. No credit will be offered for graduate level coursework at this time. 


Complete your undergraduate degree at Regent by transferring your college credits. Our generous transfer policy allows you to transfer up to 90 credits toward your bachelor’s degree and 48 credits toward your associate degree.

If you are admitted to Regent with a qualifying regionally accredited A.A., A.S., or A.A.&S degree, you will have general education requirements waived except general education courses specified by your major, or those required as prerequisites for courses in your major.


  • Direct equivalent courses and credits from the Virginia Community College System (VCCS)
  • College-level work completed at colleges and universities holding institutional accreditation status according to our Academic Catalog.
  • Credit earned through approved entrance level examinations (i.e., AP/CLEP/DANTES)
  • Military credit (see Military Partners for more information)
  • Credits from non-regionally accredited institutions or other institutions of higher learning with whom Regent has an articulation agreement (credits will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis)
  • A score of 3 or higher on high school Advanced Placement exams
  • Experiential credit


  • An OFFICIAL paper transcript is printed on special, watermarked paper. Official paper transcripts are sent in a sealed, signature-stamped envelope.
  • An electronic transcript is considered OFFICIAL if the intended party is the direct email recipient. If emailed to the requestor, then forwarded, it is then considered UNOFFICIAL.
  • An electronic transcript which is printed then re-scanned in an email is considered UNOFFICIAL. This includes a photographed or screen captured copy.

Discover how your Virginia community college courses could transfer to Regent University at Transfer Guides: VA Community Colleges.

See how your college credit could transfer to Regent University through our Online Transfer Evaluation Database (Online T.E.D.).

TRHIHistory Elective
TRLILiterature Elective
TRSCNatural Science Elective
TMELMilitary Elective Credit
TMSSMilitary Service School Training
TMVCMilitary Vocational Credit
TRELElective Credit
TRVCVocational Credit

For international applicants, non-U.S. transcripts require evaluation by an NACES-approved company. Check the International Admissions Checklist for specifics and to verify your eligibility.

ABHEAssociation for Biblical Higher Education
ACEAmerican Council on Education
MSAMiddle States Association
NCANorth Central Association
NEASCNew England Association of Schools and Colleges
NWACSNorthwest Association of Colleges and Schools
NWCCNorthwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
SACSSouthern Association of Colleges and Schools
TRACSTransnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools
WASCWestern Association of Schools and Colleges

Explore seamless transfer opportunities from Virginia Community Colleges to Regent University through our Guaranteed Admissions Agreement (GAA). Learn more about eligible degrees and admission requirements by visiting Virginia Community College Common Transfer Equivalencies. For additional details, you can also learn more at

Regent University (RU) and the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), recognizing the need to facilitate the transfer of students from the community college to RU, resolve to adopt a Guaranteed Admissions Agreement (GAA). RU provides special opportunities to help VCCS students experience a smooth transition to RU.

“Transfer-oriented associate degrees” refers to VCCS Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, and Associate of Arts & Sciences degrees and General Studies associate degrees that have been approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) as transfer degrees according to the State Committee on Transfer (see website at RU does not recognize the Associate of Applied Science Degree as an approved transfer-oriented associate degree.

Additional Information

Up to 25% of the degree can be transferred.

  • Up to 25% of the degree can be transferred.
  • 5-year time limit on transfer credit.
  • Maximum credit hours accepted:
    • 9 credits for doctoral programs
    • 6 credits for master’s programs
  • Credit applied to another conferred degree may not be accepted.

Maximum credit hours accepted:

  • 9 credits for all programs
  • Up to 49% of the degree can be transferred.
    • Up to 25% of the degree can be advanced standing.
  • 10-year time limit on transfer credit accepted to most programs.
    • Courses must be less than ten years old at time of degree conferral.
  • Biblical language transfers accepted from ATS-accredited schools only.

Up to 49% of the degree can be transferred.

  • M.A. in Law:
    • Up to 49% of the degree can be transferred.
  • Juris Doctor:
    • A maximum of 32 semester credits (or 45 quarter credits) may be accepted for transfer.
    • Courses must be grades of C- or better.

Criteria Guiding the Acceptability of Credit

  • Currency of qualifications—Units undertaken more than ten years prior to the application are not recognized for transfer.
  • Relevance of the credit/s—When a student can demonstrate that coursework reflects the curriculum, course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in Regent’s own graduate degree programs and assessment criteria of Regent University, the student may be granted credit toward the degree requirements at Regent.
  • Accredited work—Coursework must have been taken from a regionally accredited institution or one approved by the Regent school in which the student is enrolled. When appropriate, Regent will consider awarding credit for military or workforce training that has been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE), in accordance with ACE recommendation.
  • Course grades—Courses with grades of B- and below* will not be considered for advanced standing.

*Students requesting advanced standing from a J.D. program into the M.A. in Law degree may have grades of C- or better considered.

Contact Information

Online undergraduate transfer students: | 800.373.5504

On-campus undergraduate transfer students: | 757.352.4960

Graduate transfer students: 800.373.5504

“We are active-duty military, so finding an accredited, online university was important. With Regent, the transfer process was smooth, the curriculum is engaging, and I get to learn from professors who love God and teach with passion and expertise.”
Allie Bryant, B.S. in Marketing, 2021 Social Media Specialist