
From the Editor
Bruce E. Winston, Ph.D.

Welcome to Volume 7, Issue 1 of Emerging Leadership Journeys (ELJ). The journal took a one-year hiatus while the School of Business & Leadership reorganized its journal offerings, and as part of the restart, we offer a short issue of four articles. This issue contains conceptual and qualitative articles produced by students in the School of Business & Leadership’s Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership program. These articles provide excellent examples of the type of work our students produce during their program of study.


Organization Theory and Societal Culture
Marie Shaw

The issue of culture brings us to one of the hot topics in organization studies: do the cultural dynamics adequately explain organization theories (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2013)? This study discusses three organization theories in three societal cultures based on the assumption that some organization theories work better in certain cultural contexts than others. The chosen theories are environmental contingency theory, institutional theory and stakeholder theory; along with those are the three culture clusters of Confucian Asia, Anglo and Nordic Europe. Issues of each theory are identified and studied in the respective culture contexts through the lens of the culture dimensions reported by the GLOBE culture study (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorman, & Gupta, 2004). It is understood that though each individual issue of the theories can find its best place among the three culture clusters, in general, environmental contingency theory and institutional theory are able to find their inroads in Confucian Asia, while the stakeholder theory works best in Anglo and Nordic Europe cultures.
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A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Transcendental Phenomenology Through the Lived Experiences of Biblical Leaders
Stephanie Sheehan

Transcendental phenomenology brings added dimensions to the study of human experiences through qualitative research. Grasping and using its philosophical tenets such as noema, noesis, noeses, noetic, and epoche in a meaningful way can be challenging, given their abstraction and complexity (Moustakas, 1994). This paper provides a conceptual framework for deeper understanding and, therefore, more meaningful practice using parallels that emerge from the lived experiences of two biblical leaders, Pharaoh (of the Exodus) and Saul/Paul. An additional layer of the framework provides integration with theories of decision-making and organizational outcomes.
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Extemporaneous Idea Formulation: Innovating Beyond Vision
Dustin A. Kelley

Globalization has taken traditional organizational leadership theory and altered it in an attempt to accommodate the changing business environment. Competitive advantages typically found in traditional sources are depleting on the basis of enhanced organizational knowledge. Creativity and innovation are the primary suppliers of this trend, developing cause for consistent organizational transformation. For this purpose, organizations are now relying on creativity and innovation as their competitive advantage, requiring greater leadership for applying these new ideas. This essay addresses creativity and innovation, applying a sacred texture analysis of the Book of Jude. To follow, a social, cultural, and psychological textural lens is applied in order to further interpret how creativity and innovation impacted the prosperity of Christianity. Finally, this essay juxtaposes Scripture with contemporary leadership challenges pertaining to creativity and innovation focusing specifically on vision, communication, and empowerment. Findings indicate an importance placed on maintaining ‘true intent’ despite the overwhelming urge for extemporaneous strategy formulation beyond shared organizational vision.
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Love as a Replacement for Fear in the Workplace
Debby Thomas

Fear is routinely used in organizations and interpersonal relationships as a source of motivation. Some research supports the use of fear to motivate employees to work and to change. However, fear has long lasting negative effects that outweigh the motivation that it produces. This paper proposes and supports the notion of love as a central motivator in place of fear. Inner texture exegesis of 1 John 4:18, along with recent research on love in organizations, supports the move from fear to love. Love produces long lasting effects of inspiration and heart level motivation, increased creativity and effectiveness, and a release of energy. It offers holistic health and growth to individuals. Although replacing fear with love requires a paradigm shift, the effort produces an organizational environment that is more productive and more attractive to employees.
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Regent University School of Business & Leadership | © 2014
1000 Regent University Drive | Virginia Beach, VA 23464 | 757.352.4550 | | ISSN 1941-4684