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Dear Online Student: You’re Not Alone — And You’re Right Where You Belong
There you are — sitting at your desk, staring at a blank screen with the week’s discussion question rolling through your head. It’s due tonight. If that cursor doesn’t stop blinking at…

Dr. Andrew Brunson: Enduring Hardship by Tasting God’s Presence
American pastor Dr. Andrew Brunson served a small, Christian congregation in Turkey for 23 years, until government authorities arrested, imprisoned, and persecuted him over a two-year period between 2016 and 2018. He…

Tariffs Part II: A Policy Analysis
The Basics of the Tariff Tariffs are taxes. That should not be overlooked. Advocates tend to omit this fact. When tariffs are increased, taxes are going up. In addition to that, tariffs…

Tariffs Part I: The American Experience
Tariffs have been in the news quite a bit. No matter when that was written, it would be true. Tariffs, a tax on imported goods, have been integral to many significant events…

To All IVF Parents: The Magic of Three
In light of President Donald Trump’s recent Executive Order Expanding Access to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), parents who dream of having a child through IVF now have greater hope and access to…

Can You Handle “The Truth”?
Count me in among the many JFK conspiracy theorists. I’ve been to Dealey Plaza several times. I’ve read or listened to many books and programs about the assassination of JFK. I’ve watched…
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Great Talks Videos

The Great Talks® series features leading scholars and thinkers – including many of Regent University’s own world-class faculty – on today’s most challenging topics, offering sharp analysis and carefully considered solutions.

Findings with Dr. Mary Manjikian: Health Security
In a time of Health Emergency, it is important for Citizens to work together. Yet we often have impulses to help ourselves first and not worry about the “other guy.” Associate Dean…

Regent’s Anthony Harper Conducts Interview with Sharren Haskel in Israel
Regent University student Dr. Anthony Harper, who has studied in Regent’s political communication program to add to his already earned Ph.D., travelled for the Intermountain Christian News and interviewed Israel Knesset member…