Regent University Students Participate in NATO Press Conference
Regent University’s Virginia Beach campus is mere miles away from NATO’s headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia.
But it was more than location that gave Regent students the advantage earlier this month as Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) General Denis Mercier held the first-ever news conference for students in Hampton Roads.
Read the students’ news article here.
Norfolk State, Hampton University and Regent University students were present during NATO’s annual Chiefs of Transformation Conference (COTC) at the Waterside Marriott in downtown Norfolk; NATO officials invited the students in hopes to spark their interest in the organization.
Regent students, Calli Crowder ’16, Flora Khoo ‘19, Nataly Hurtado ‘16 and Hanisha Besant ’18, attended the event. José Roman, assistant director of Regent’s Office of Military & Veterans Affairs, said the relationship Regent has established and is continuing to build in the Hampton Roads community is what makes the school stand out to the local military community.
“Having access to organizations such as NATO provides our students and faculty a glimpse into the real-world operational and organizational environments that are relevant in today’s classroom and society,” said Roman. “Each day, hundreds of civilian and military experts and officials come to NATO headquarters to exchange information, share ideas and prepare to make decisions.”
Roman explained that opportunities, such as the press conference, are only the beginning when it comes to serving Regent students; especially those who are interested in serving the nation in any capacity.
“From the moment we pick up the phone or you walk on campus, we take pride in providing superior service to all students,” said Roman. “Especially our veterans and military members.”
Learn more about Regent University’s Office of Military & Veterans Affairs.