Register to Vote
Every Vote Counts!
Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? Do you know how to register? The tools provided on this page will help you determine whether you are registered, and will show you what to do if you aren’t. One in every seven Americans thinks they are registered but aren’t! If you need to check your registration status, just click the “Are you Registered?” button. If you recently changed your address, and need to update your voter registration, click the “Register to Vote” button below.
Not sure you need to take a few minutes to bother with this? Please watch these short videos, and we think you’ll be convinced otherwise.
To register to vote in Virginia, you must be a resident – temporarily living on campus for 9 months probably won’t count, unless you have changed your permanent address. Find out more information on voting in Virginia. Virginia voter registration applications must be postmarked by October 13.
If you need to vote by absentee ballot in your home state, first make sure you are registered, then learn everything you need to know about absentee ballots here.