Psy.D. Clinical Training Sequence
All students complete a sequential and structured clinical training sequence as part of the program that combines clinical lab, practica and internship experiences.
Preparatory Labs
Year 1: During the first year of the program, foundational skills in clinical interviewing and assessment are obtained through graded lab experiences tied to various courses.
Intensive Practica Sequence
Year 2: The second year of the program marks the beginning of the intensive practica experience. Students are assigned to work a minimum of 600 hours over three semesters (fall through summer) at the campus training clinic, the Psychological Services Center. Students engage in a variety of clinical activities under the supervision of a faculty member.
Year 3: The intensive practica sequence continues during the third year with a three-semester placement in a community setting. Students will amass another minimum of 600 hours of work in this setting over the course of the academic year. Community placements may be in any of the many different types of practice contexts available in the Hampton Roads area. For instance, students are typically placed in group practice, medical hospital, military clinic, psychiatric hospital, corrections and residential youth treatment settings.
Advanced Practica Sequence
Year 4: The fourth year clinical training experience focuses on supervisory, consultation and other more advanced practice skills. In the fall, all students receive structured training in clinical supervising that incorporates their supervising other clinicians. The spring advanced practica experience allows the students to design and implement a clinical activity under faculty supervision. The goal of this latter experience is to promote practice building and program planning skill development.
Year 5: The Psy.D. clinical training sequence culminates in a 2,000-hour predoctoral internship. Psychology internships typically require one year of full-time placement. Internships must be approved by our program but are run independently from Regent. Students must competitively apply for a desired internship site. Students are expected to pursue placements at APA-accredited internships. This is a challenging process for which our director of clinical training will help you to prepare. Students may complete internships anywhere in the nation at approved sites.