Volume 2, Issue 1  2007

Editor’s Note


Bramwell Osula
Regent University


In this issue of JPC, we continue to explore a range of issues that are pertinent to the development of practical consulting. The articles gathered here cast a wide net that will be familiar to regular readers. Our ongoing commitment to a broader definition of consulting is reflected in the range of themes covered and perspectives represented here.

Saroj Upadhyay’s reflections on multinational corporations and effective business strategies for participation in an emerging market economy set a global framework. Increasingly, consultants are having to come to terms with the realities of doing business on the world stage. Understanding some of the dynamics at play and devising strategies for capitalizing on opportunities is part of what Dr. Upadhyay’s article explores. Linking the global or macro to the specific organizational is obviously central to effective practical consulting.

Carrie Ballone’s Consulting Your Clients to Leverage the Multi-Generational Workforce examines the critical subject of consulting within a multi-generational workforce. The article challenges the reader and seeks to raise client’s awareness about members of other generations. Practical suggestions are offered for bridging the perceived or real gap between Builders, Boomers, Busters, and Bridges.

This takes us to Don Brawley’s article on coaching. Over the years, individuals and organizations alike have embraced coaching as an alternative form of training or human resource development. Consultants working in various arenas have been quick to capitalize on the supposed benefits of the coaching approach. However, there is still a lack of clarity regarding the purpose and benefits of coaching. Brawley suggests that coaching offers a better model of employee development largely because clients are able to take ownership of their personal and professional growth. Coaching becomes an important tool for leveraging the untapped employee potential that we are forever hearing about.

Our “Practitioner’s Corner” extends the focus on coaching. The author drills down to offer some basic building blocks for building a personal foundation that works! Kathleen Cashman’s article attempts to answer questions that every employee asks at some point or another: How can I get more time in my day? How can I get more control over my life? And, perhaps most importantly: How can I get a life? If these questions are not currently on your mind, then Cashman’s comments may help prepare you for what are obviously key life concerns. Once again, I hope that this issue of The Journal of Practical Consulting offers a fresh, engaging, and practical perspective on topics that bridge global and organizational concerns with more personal ones.

There has always been more to the practice of consulting than any single article, methodology, practical engagement, or case study can reveal. This underscores the importance of a dynamic interpretation of the consulting task. Once again, we encourage you to share your thoughts with us on any of the articles contained in this or a previous issue.

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Journal of Practical Consulting
An online journal sponsored by
Regent University's School of Business & Leadership
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
©2009 | ISSN: 1930-806X